Saturday 30 August 2014

Folded Umbrella NOT Gun

regime's disinformation: folded umbrella shown as a gun. All anti- protesters are peaceful 

Imran on Container

تحریک انصاف کے چیرمین عمران خان
 ماسک پہنے اپنے کنٹینر پر موجود ہیں

An Incident To Occur - by Orya Maqbool Jan


Orya Maqbool Jan says that everyone is waiting for an Incident. But no one knows that when Incident occurs then nation has to face rivers of blood.

Admin Note: We have also posted many times that when specific Incident occurs then the situation of the country will become more worse.


Democracy - rule of the ignorant

"Democracy - the rule of the ignorant"

(check attached image for actual transcript from book)

       “Democracy means government by the majority. But majority of people in the world are ignorant. People of the truth are in minority. Democracy is therefore a government of the ignorant. They believe in the sovereignty of man. But Islam prescribes the concept of sovereignty of God, which implies that the government, authority and sovereignty are all with God. Since God is an irreducible minority, it is minority that must rule. But in democracy, the ignorant and vulgar rule.”

       “Democracy is basically a satanic concept. Since nonbelievers are in majority in the world, Satan has coined the concept of rule by majority, so that nonbelievers remain in power. What does majority rule mean? It simply means the rule of the ignorant over men of the Truth. If such a concept is not satanic, what else is it?”

Political Model for Pakistan

(click images to enlarge & read)

We support Imran Khan in his protests but there are some other things involved also which we should know...

جب عمران پہلی اسلامی ریاست مدینہ کی بات کرتے ہیں خلفا راشدین کی بات کرتے ہیں تو ظاہر ہے یہ خلافت کے نظام سے عوامی محبت کا منہ بولتا ثبوت ہے. دوسری طرف عمران مسلمانوں کی اس عظیم و شان حکومت کو جمہوریت سے منسوب کرتے ہیں تو دراصل عمران خلافت کے ڈبےمیں جمہوریت بیچ رہے ہیں. اگر خلافت ہی جمہوریت اور جمہوریت ہی خلافت ہے تو اوباما کا یہ کہنا کہ خلافت قائم نہیں ہونے دینگے اور کیمرون کا یہ کہنا کہ جمہوریت اسلام سے متصادم نہیں کچھ تو معنی رکھتا ہے.

عمران خان خلافت کے ڈبے میں حقیقی جمہوریت بیچنے نکلے ہیں. حقیقی تبدیلی حقیقی جمہوریت نہیں صرف خلافت ہے

Thursday 28 August 2014

Me and IK & TuQ

Me and IK & TuQ

This is a reply given to someone who was speaking against Imran Khan & the Islamabad protests...

I have always supported Imran Khan, never had any doubts about him. However, I have certain religious inclinations (including the political model for Pakistan) where I am not with him. I know him since his cricket days in the 1970 and 1980s. He was always very honest but yes, he is a liberal person. Still, he made worthy contributions to Pakistan. Others got jealous of him and always trying to badmouth against him. You are following those kind of people. I never was a follower of Dr. TuQ. Have some reservations against his spiritual claims and some other things. However, he has been seriously wronged due to attack on his Islamic institute in Model Town. He is demanding justice. You have not faced injustice yourself like that. So you damn care for what happened in Model Town. Anyhow, both these men are doing a good job. TuQ doesn't want to be a leader in Pakistan. He is demanding overall change of system in Pakistan so the poor people get justice. I don't see he is lying there and I am inspired by how he has exposed the government. I am a free soul but I always like to support and promote good people in our country and the world. Anyhow, I see here a big opportunity for whole Pakistan in the shape of change of entire system. All those corrupt in the government are opposing these two because they will be held accountable for their numerous crimes if these two movements are successful In sha Allah.

- S Roman Ahsan.

Protests - Concluding Moments - Thursday, Aug28, 2014

Concluding Moments - Thursday, Aug28, 2014



Anyone who is calling the protests in Islamabad "A drama" has got no heart inside him/her AND is not sincere to Pakistan. Many valid points against the government have been revealed but the minds of some people are still closed. We need to come out of our loyalties towards political parties, media groups or Islamic institutions. And we should appreciate the efforts of Imran Khan and Dr. TuQ against the current government even if we don't fully agree with their visions. Please remember also that neither PTI or PML (N) is an Islamic party but Imran Khan is more sincere and patriotic towards Pakistan than Nawaz group. And he is definitely much more honest also.

Some of valid points are: 1- Zardari government had increased the rate of cost of electricity bills by double over period of 5 years. Nawaz Government has doubled the rate of electricity cost of bills in just one year. And loadshedding has also NOT been reduced.

2- The estimated cost of Metro bus project in Rawalpindi has been given by the government as Rs. 44-50 Billion. Imran Khan says that 3 years back Asian Development Bank had given the estimated cost of same project as Rs. 4 Billion. What does the government intend to do with the other Rs. 40 Billion? It is public money and public should not close their eyes on what is happening. Imran Khan just said that the present government has appointed Haneef Haq in-charge of Metro project in Pindi. And it has just been proved that Haneef Haq has been found guilty in drug-dealing case. Just imagine, a drug-dealer has been made in-charge of a Rs. 44-50 Billion project in Pakistan by Nawaz Government, and the actual estimated cost was just Rs. 4 Billion.

- Rigging in elections by PML (N) has been proved, so what is their alibi now?

- The most common concern against the current govt. is that why an FIR was not registered in Model Town case?

- Stamina of both Dr. TuQ and Imran Khan is worth praising as well as of those participating in the protests. And this is good for Pakistan. Their call is spreading and this will create more enthusiastic leaders for Pakistan. A new dawn for Pakistan awaits soon in Sha ALLAH even if we don't totally agree with the vision of the two concerned personalities who are heading these movements or protests. But they should avoid any serious confrontation with the government as human lives are precious.

- PM Nawaz Sharif tries to challenge the vision of our Quaid also, do you know? Please check attached image.

- Mubashir Luqman is showing the True faces of corrupt leaders..Brave Man - Respect !

- by S Roman Ahsan

Monday 25 August 2014

Individual and Collective Repentance

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Pakistani nation is forgetting about Individual and Collective Repentance - And then to re-align our lives according to the principles and teachings of "True Islam"...


A verse from Qur’an carries a valuable insight:

“Say: ‘O My servants who wronged against their souls, do not despair of Allah’s mercy! For Allah forgives all sins; for He is indeed Forgiving, Compassionate.’” (Az-Zumar: 53)

It is never too late for a true Muslim to repent to Allah, and to shed tears for the wrong doing he has committed, keeping in mind that if one manages to escape the punishment of this mortal world, he will not for sure escape the punishment of Allah in the Hereafter. So, it is better to turn over a new leaf and let bygones be bygones. As long as you are sincere in your repentance, Allah Almighty will accept your repentance and forgive you your sins.

Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, cites in this regard:

“If you committed evil but have repented sincerely, and changed your life around for better, then Allah has certainly promised to grant you mercy and forgiveness. It is one of the basic principles of belief in Islam that Allah is All-Relenting, All-Forgiving and All-Merciful.

So do not put off repentance; take the necessary steps immediately, for no one can tell when death will overtake us. The door of repentance is open so long as we are not in the throes of death, for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Allah accepts the repentance of His servant so long as death has not reached his collar bone.” But since we have no way of knowing when death will overtake us, we must never be complacent or slack in hastening to taking steps towards repentance.

While speaking of repentance, I must rush to add, that it cannot be considered as valid unless one takes the following steps:

Firstly, one must feel deep remorse for the sins one has committed.

Secondly, one must refrain from it totally while also abstaining from all those leads or circumstances that led him to such a sin in the first place.

Thirdly, he must firmly resolve never to sin again, and immediately becoming occupied in whatever good deeds that he can in order to wipe out his past sins.

Fourthly, all of the above involve sins involving the rights of Allah; if, however, your sins involve the rights of human beings, then you must also do whatever it takes to return or compensate or redress the grievances of the person you have wronged. Paying him his dues or compensating him in whatever ways possible becomes an essential condition of valid repentance.

Repentance, as stated above once accomplished, will undoubtedly wipe out one’s sins, and guarantee him a clean record. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “One who has repented of a sin (sincerely) is like one who has never sinned at all.”"

Excerpted, with slight modifications, from:

In conclusion, after sinning, one should not feel despair. Rather one should forward sincere repentance to Allah and rest assured that Allah Almighty will forgive his sin, as long as his repentance meets the abovementioned conditions of sincerity. Moreover, you must learn how to forget, for the more you look back to your old days of sinful habit, the wider the door is open for Satan to draw you back. Scholars used to resemble this case to that of gazelle being chased by hound. Despite that gazelle is naturally faster in speed, but its frequent looking back weakens its morale and makes it an easy prey for hounds.

Pakistani Ruler’s conflicting National and Business interests

Report from LONDON POST

Pakistani Ruler’s conflicting National and Business interests 

By Sabena Siddiqi

The Sharif’s business interests in India have resulted in extra-ordinary negative repercussions for Pakistan’s security. Businessmen close to them are also pursuing Indian businesses with gusto not caring about fair or foul. There are various business ventures being initiated by PML-N, the business-friendly party currently in government and its friends, which break security norms and are most definitely not in Pakistan’s interest

Mian Muhammad Mansha being one of them, declared Pakistan’s richest man by Forbes World 2013, his worth is $2.6 billion. Nishat Group, a subsidiary of Mian Muhammad Mansha,s business conglomerate is currently trying to bring in Indian investment for Pakistan’s controversial media industry .

As if Mir Shakilur Rehman’s Geo and Aman ki Asha stint et al weren’t enough for Pakistanis, Mian Mansha’s Nishat group is making efforts to establish Indian holdings in Pakistani media. The game is being started with collaboration with M/S Krian Media Ltd owned by a certain Mr Yezdi Dhanjishan Daruwala. Nowadays engineers from M/S Krian Media intend to get multiple entry visas for discussions with Nishat Group.

Shahid Malik former High Commissioner of Pakistan to India is now Director of Mansha Group, it is rumoured these days that he is trying to get the current Pakistani High Commissioner in India to grant the required visas immediately sans interviews. Another rumour is doing the rounds that the Prime Minister’s son Hasan Nawaz has also backed this visa deal. The visa in question is the EPR, a multiple entry visa and totally inadvisable. We all know how difficult it is to get an Indian visa for Pakistanis, then only certain cities are within limits, why should Pakistan make any visas easy for Indians and that also without even an interview?

Any new business coming in from India should be in Pakistan’s interests and not a ploy to destroy our cultural foundations and identity. Sonia Gandhi once talked about Pakistan’s ‘cultural invasion‘ which actually meant secularising us and decreasing Islam’s importance here so that Pakistan can ‘blend back’ into India. It was a ridiculous idea but the whole Geo modus operandi underlined this theory, the Aman ki Asha spin only benefited Indians and Pakistanis were thought to be stupid enough to be lured in with song and dance.
Anyway, why does the PML-N want to provide Indians so much space to influence young minds in Pakistan? If Indian movies and drama are anything to go by, their media can only promote loose morals and nudity plus a lot of Hinduism / Hindutva ideology. 

Pakistanis do not need Indian media houses forced on them by the Nawaz government and friends. India is our neighbour and business with it should not clash with our culture and societal norms. Where will our ideology, two nation theory, Jinnah and Pakistan’s existence as an Islamic republic stand if interpreted by Indian media backed up by India’s Research & Analysis Wing?
Sultan Lakhani is again one of Pakistan’s richest men, he has vast business interests in India, mainly he is the partner of most Indian Brands, from Titan to Tetley Tea. Tetley Tea and Titan watches are both Indian companies sold in Pakistan by Sultan Lakhani. Not a co-incidence that Lakhani owns Century Publications which owns the newspaper Express Tribune, there are various Express channels as well which must have helped to further Indian interests. Be it print media or news media, Indians want a foothold in Pakistan by hook or by crook.

Recently, the controversial Arsalan Iftikhar, son of ex-CJ Iftikhar Choudhry has been provided the chance to lure in foreign and local investors to the huge gold and copper mines in Rekodiq Balochistan. He was hardly an epitome of honesty, nor did he have the credentials to be made Director, Bureau of Investment for Baluchistan , a province rich in mineral resources. It is a known fact that Pakistan’s enemies want to deny us Baluchistan as it can greatly improve Pakistan’s economy and Arsalan Iftikhar definitely did not deserve such an important post as has been provided for him by the current government.

It is very disappointing that this government is following in the footsteps of Rehman Malik, the erstwhile Interior Minister for the PPP government. He had facilitated the Americans to an unusual extent, eventually he was suspected of having brought in scores of CIA and maybe ‘Blackwater ‘ agents, he had also very graciously issued arms permits for lethal weapons foreigners should not be allowed to carry in Pakistan. Now it seems that the Sharif government is too eager to please India etc for the sake of business interests and soon Pakistan could be flooded with RAW operatives in disguise. An army operation is underway in North Waziristan which is imperative for peace in Pakistan, in war-time bringing in flocks of Indians to further destabilise the situation is sheer lunacy.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Videos - Exposing General Zia (Late)


1- Can any leader in Pakistan even speak like this, about these subjects ?? President Zia ul Haq in Chakwal by (RHA)?

2- Zia Ul Haq On Palestine Issue In Islamic Conference - Listen to the great man speak and see how Zionist media does propaganda against him to defame him....he was killed by the Zionists because he promoted the Islamic ideology very boldly.... 


اس تقریر کے بعد انہیں شہید کیا گیا


Urdu posts - Saving Pakistan - Aug23,2014:

Urdu posts - Saving Pakistan - Aug23,2014:
AoA. Attached are some crucial Urdu messages by Zaid Hamid Sahab about current Pakistan situation. Read them and spread them to your circles, also post on social media. May ALLAH keep us on the right path - Aameen.

Friday 22 August 2014



Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid [Official] shared a video.

While, there is total anarchy in Islamabad, this mindset has taken over India and is now preparing for total annihilation of Muslims and Pak Sarzmameen ! DON'T tell me that this is just a movie clip ! This is the mentality of the RSS, Modi and his Bajrang Dal gangs ! Remember Gujarat ? Remember Kashmir ?? remember Samjhota express ?? Those were NOT movie scripts but real life dramas enacted by this sick mentality. ...


In the name of ALLAH, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

"And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah." - Qur'an - Verse No. 54, Surah Al-e-Imran (Translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali)


1- "THE ONLY WINDOW" - by Roman Ahsan - Some spiritual insights relevant for Pakistani nation as also conveyed by senior persons in Pakistan..



Wednesday 20 August 2014

آنکھوں کی ٹھنڈک [Urdu Post]

آنکھوں کی ٹھنڈک

یہ اُس دور کی بات ہے جب بغداد ہلاکو خان کی تباہیوں سے اُجڑ گیا تھا۔مسلم دنیا میں علم و ادب کا مرکز سمجھا جانے والا بغداد اپنی قسمت پر رو رہا تھا۔لیکن کوئی نہیں تھا جو اُسے بچانے آتا اور آتا بھی کیوں ؟اس لئے کہ امیر بغداد کا حال یہ تھا کہ ہیرے اور جواہرات کو دیکھ کر اُس کی آنکھوں کو ٹھنڈک ملتی تھی۔
جب ہلاکو خان نے امیر بغداد کو اُس کے محل سے گرفتار کر لیا تو اپنی فوج کو حکم دیا کہ اس کے محل سے جمع کئے جانے والے سارے ہیرے جواہرات اس کے سامنے لا کر ڈھیر کردو۔چناچہ ایسا ہی کیا گیا۔

ہلاکو خان امیر بغداد سے مخاطب ہوا۔" سُنا ہے کہ تم اکثر کہا کرتے تھے کہ ہیرے جواہرات دیکھنے سے تمہاری آنکھوں کو ٹھنڈک ملتی ہے ؟ اگر ایسا ہے تو آج تم ان سے اپنا پیٹ بھی ٹھنڈا کرو۔“

اُس نے امیر بغداد کو حکم دیا کہ وہ ہیرے کھائے ،تاکہ وہ دیکھے کہ دولت کے لالچیو ں کا انجام کیا ہوتا ہے ۔؟

امیر بغداد کی آنکھوں کو آج یہ ہیرے جواہرات ٹھنڈا نہیں کر پارہے تھے ،بلکہ ان میں موت کا خوف رقص کر رہا تھا۔ایک ایسا خوف جو اُس نے اپنی زندگی میں کبھی محسوس نہیں کیا تھا۔ہلاکو خان کی چنگھاڑتی ہوئی آواز بلند ہوئی ۔میں کہہ رہا ہوں انہیں کھاؤ۔

ساتھ ہی اُس نے اپنے وحشی اور جنگلی سپہ سالاروں کو حکم دیا کہ تلوار اُس کے سر پر تان لو۔امیر بغداد ایک نظر ہیروں کے ڈھیر پر ڈالتا اور ایک نظر ان وحشی جنگجوؤں پر جنھوں نے بغداد میں مسلمانوں کے سروں کے مینار قائم کئے تھے۔امیر بغداد کے وجود پر کپکپی طاری تھی اور چند ماہ پہلے مسلمانوں کے شاہ خوارزم کے لکھے ہوئے خط کے الفاظ اُس کی آنکھوں کے سامنے گردش کر رہے تھے۔شاہ نے امیر بغداد کو ہلاکو خان کا مقابلہ کرنے کے لئے ایک ساتھ لڑنے کی تجویز دی تھی،اُس سے اپیل کی تھی کہ ہم اُسے وسطی ریاستوں ہی میں روک دیں ،اگر ایسا کر لیا گیا تو نہ صرف مسلمانوں کی ریاستیں بچ جائیں گی بلکہ علم و ادب کا مرکز بغداد بھی بچ جائے گا لیکن امیر بغداد نے جواب میں لکھا تھا ،تم اُس سے اکیلے نمٹو ،مجھ تک آنے میں اُسے صدیاں لگیں گی اور اُس وقت تک ہلاکو خان کی ہڈیاں بھی گل چکی ہوں گی لیکن ایسا نہیں ہوا تھا،ہلاکو خان کی وحشی اور درندہ صفت فوجوں نے چند ماہ میں مسلمانوں کے سارے علاقوں کو ایک ایک کرکے روندھ ڈالا تھا۔امیر بغداد سوچ رہا تھا ،کہ اگر شاہ خوارزم کی بات مان لی ہوتی تو آج یہ دن دیکھنا نہ پڑتے،لیکن اب پانی سر سے گزر چکا تھا۔

ایک بار پھر ہلاکو خان کی چنگھاڑتی ہوئی آواز آئی اور اگلے ہی لمحے امیر بغداد نے اپنے سامنے رکھے ہیروں کے ڈھیر سے مُٹّھی بھر لی حالانکہ اُس کی موت کے لئے صرف ایک ہیرا ہی کافی تھا۔

امیر بغداد نے ہلاکو خان کی آگ برساتی آنکھوں کی طرف دیکھا ،وہ جانتا تھا کہ اس شخص میں رحم نام کا کوئی مادہ نہیں ،اس سے زندگی کی بھیک مانگنا بیکار ہے۔ایک ایسا شخص جو انسانی لاشوں پر دسترخوان بچھاتا ہو ،اُس کے نزدیک بھلا ایک شخص کی موت کیا معنی رکھتی ہے ،لیکن اُس کے باوجود امیر بغداد نے زندگی کی بھیک مانگ لی ۔
مجھے معاف کردو ،میری زندگی بخش دو،آخر ایک زندگی بخش دینے میں تمھارا کیا جائے گا؟؟؟؟

امیر بغداد نے گڑگڑانا شروع کردیا۔
ہلاکو خان کے چہرے کا تناؤ کم ہونے کی بجائے کچھ اور بڑھ گیا۔وہ بولا،کیا تمہیں پتہ ہے کہ آج تمہیں کس چیز کی سزا دی جارہی ہے؟؟؟امیر بغداد نے انکار میں سر ہلایا۔ہیرے ابھی تک اُس کی مُٹّھی میں تھے۔
میں تمہیں بتاتا ہوں۔ہلاکو خان نے کہا،تم وہ مجرم ہو جس نے ہزاروں ،لاکھوں لوگوں کو دھوکے میں رکھا ہے،تم وہ شخص ہو جو محض اپنے لئے زندہ رہتے ہو،تمہیں اس بات سے کوئی غرض نہیں کہ تمہارے قبیلے اور تمہاری قوم کو کن مسائل اور مشکلات کا سامنا ہے؟تم وہ شخص ہو جو صرف دولت کو اپنا سب کچھ سمجھتے ہو،تم حریص،لالچی اور غافل انسان ہو اور حد تو یہ ہے کہ تم ایسے شخص ہو جو اپنی غفلت سے بھی لاعلم ہے۔مجھے حیرت ہے اُن لوگوں پر جو تم جیسے لوگوں کو اپنا امیر بناتے ہیں۔

ہلاکو خان نے اتنا کہا اور اپنے فوجی کو تلوار کھینچ لینے کا اشارہ کرتے ہوئے امیر بغداد سے کہا کہ " ہیروں کا ذائقہ چکھو اور مجھے بتاؤ کہ دیکھنے میں خوشنما یہ سوغات کھانے میں کیسی ہے؟؟؟؟“

کہتے ہیں کہ اگلے ہی لمحے امیر بغداد نے ہیرے اپنے پیٹ میں‌اُتار لئے ۔ہلاکو خان اُس کے مرنے کا تماشا دیکھ کر محظوظ ہوتا رہا۔پھر امیر بغداد کی لاش کو ٹھوکر مار کر کہنے لگا۔

" عیش و آرام کے دلدادہ اور غافل لوگوں کا انجام یہی ہونا چاہیئے ،میرے انصاف کا یہی تقاضا ہے ۔“

نوٹ :۔ حوالہ نہیں پتہ مجھے نہ کتاب کا نام ،کافی پہلے پڑھا تھا شائد کوئی اداریہ تھا۔

Time for world to be divided into camps - Orya Maqbool Jan

Time for world to be divided into camps - Dunya kay dau khaimon may batnay ka waqt 
- by Orya Maqbool Jan

Reality of Dr. TuQ - Support him


Listen Carefully to Peer Dewal Shareef. What is he saying about Dr Tahir ul Qadri:

Thought(s) for Wednesday - Aug20, 2014

Thought(s) for Wednesday - Aug20, 2014


- Bhutto was also a highly educated person. But when he used to address the nation in open air, he used to get passionate and at times used to throw fists in the air. So please don't pass childish remarks by saying that Imran Khan should act like an educated person. I did not vote in the last year elections and don't support any single party just to clarify. But Imran Khan took a bold step also by blocking NATO supplies for many months on his own when the federal government (Nawaz's government) which is slave to US and imperial powers was opposed to it. Blocking of NATO supplies was challenged in the court by the government (Nawaz's government) and finally the supplies were reopened by PTI. So please don't forget all this.

- The protests by both processions are peaceful to-date. Nawaz Government lost merit by blocking public roads and routes in Punjab before August 14. This showed insecurity and guilt on the part of Nawaz government to suppress the truth. The protestors should not engage in violence though and avoid confrontation with any oppressive measures of government. Human lives are very precious and we don't want bloodshed of innocent people and thus more resulting revenge campaigns by those affected.

- And well, both male and female members of PTI should behave well in the protests. Shameless behavior by females like dancing while men are observing is condemnable. They should make it a sober protest and stay within the limits. This is not their drawing room or family wedding function. On the other hand, some saboteurs uploading fake pictures of dancing girls and labeling them as from PTI. Some other people countered that with posts clarifying that those were from Indian movie clips. What cheap maneuvers by opponents of the protests !!

Monday 18 August 2014

Dr. TuQ Rises !! - Aug18, 2014

Dr. TuQ Rises !! - Aug18, 2014

We may not like some of the inclinations of Dr. TuQ, but he has a very strong and clear vision, and is a powerful speaker MashaAllah! We should support the truth, it's not about supporting PTI or PAT. Amongst one of his demands is that the expenses of government should be cut down by 50% which will bring income in value of Billions of Rupees to the treasury. Thus no need for loans from IMF or USA and this means our country can be free of external influence and pressure, and we can make our own policies without being dictated by them.

Also, he is right when he says that the gold mines in Rekko Dik are not being explored. He said that gold mines from Rekko Dik can bring us Rs. 30 Billion on annual basis. If this is not the exact or accurate figure, even then we can question the motives of Zardari and Nawaz Government for not utilizing these gold mines for the country's income.
Increase in the utility bills, tax on mobile phone connections and general rate of inflation are also too high. Dr. TuQ has rightly questioned all that.

The electoral political system in Pakistan with democracy as its offering is fraudulent and cannot promise prosperity and independence for the country. We need to replicate the model of Khilafat-e-Rashida with laws of ALLAH to prevail (so as to bring in ALLAH's support) rather than this democracy which is sugar-coated dictatorship slave to imperial powers. Khilafat is form of "benevolent" dictatorship which strictly works for the welfare of people without external influence. ALLAH will also one day send a man who can be rightly suitable to serve as the righteous Khalifa in Sha Allah. Before that we have to believe in ALLAH and His power besides promoting system of Khilafat. The only real Inqilaab for Pakistan will be if we implement Khilafat in Pakistan. As for TTP or ISIS, if any group is talking about Khilafat while killing innocent people or groups, then they are killers who have nothing to do with Islam and are rather agents of Satan!!

Khilafah is the only real change, the real 'Inqilaab' and the final destiny for whole Muslim world, not just Pakistan. That is according to the prophecies of Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa-Alahi Wassallam) for the RISE OF ISLAM in the End times with the zahoor of Imam Mahdi (ra) and return of Nabi Isa (as).

- S Roman Ahsan.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Video: Which system is best for Pakistan?

زبردست ویڈیو!اچھا یہ وجہ ہے کہ ہر کوئی جمہوریت کو کیوں بچا رہا ہے؟تو یہ وجہ ہے اصل کہ جمہوریت کو اصل خطرہ کس سے ہے؟ظاہر ہے خلافت کے نظام سے کون انکار کر سکتا ہے؟


Monday 11 August 2014

AUDIO - Inqilaab Needed for Pakistan


MUST LISTEN AUDIO LECTURE - What kind of Inqilaab is destined for Pakistan? Spiritual Insights - by Syed Zaid Hamid

AUDIO LECTURE - Syed Zaid Hamid: The Debate Ep 109 - ME, Palestine & Indian preparations for a war  - (19-07-14)

Sunday 10 August 2014

Sunday Updates - Aug10, 2014

Sunday Updates - Aug10, 2014

Some up-dates, video and instructions. Pls first read the main headings from top to bottom, and then explore the links and content.




PREPARATIONS - MESSAGE FROM MR. SYED ZAID HAMID (even though I don't agree with all that he says):

Dear Members, it is time that you prepare for the tests ahead!

While you fight the information war, start preparing for the physical trials and tests also. We are living in the age of urban wars as you are seeing in Iraq and Syria. Battles are fought in streets and homes between regular armies and lightly armed civilians, supporting their own army to defend the country.

Ghazwa e Hind will be a war to be fought by the entire nation, not just by Pak army.

Look for opportunities to learn survival skills, read about them. ask any army officers for help and guidance. Join adventure clubs.Remain physically fit. start fitness training, jogging, exercises, running, cycling... swimming. riding..Learn survival skills, hunting, fishing, lighting fires, living in tents and with minimum equipment. learn to survive without electricity. Learn about basic medical first aid.. managing wounds and stopping blood.

Get your gear ready -- boots, backpacks, rain coats, torches, fire lighting systems, binoculars, warm jackets, knives... ground digging tools, night vision goggles,

Get licence from the government and buy weapons and learn rifle firing skills. In combat situations, long range weapons are needed. Pistols and Shotguns are personal self defense guns but rifles of all types -- from AK47 to bolt action snipers are all extremely useful. Snipers with telescopes would be the game changers in the urban war. Learn this skill. Make an outline of a Indian Hindu Mushrik soldier or a Kharji terrorist and target his head from 300 yards.. This is minimum range you should master.

Be mentally prepared that tests and trials that are coming on the Muslims of Palestine, Iraq and Shaam can also come to us. Losses of family, friends and loved ones are bound to come. Mental and spiritual strength would be more critical and decisive than physical strength. Be ready for very difficult times...

Pl do NOT ask me the places from where you can take this training. do some effort yourself, use common sense and search. If you search for it seriously and feel this is important, you will find ways and means to do it. You can educate yourself on net, ask army officers, join clubs and self learn. There are many gun clubs in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. Else, you can go to villages and practice. DO NOt ask me to start a militia army. I cannot.

If you are not ready now, you will never be ready when the real times comes. DO NOT waste your time now. You have been advised.

Khair inshAllah!

Saturday 9 August 2014

Model Town Crisis - Aug09, 2014

Model Town Crisis - Who is right?

- Aug09, 2014

Model Town incident in which a serious clash and loss of lives occurred in June this year is shrouded by many mysteries. However, Shahbaz Sharif is not that kind of a person who would order the killings of innocent people though police was sent to remove illegal encroachments in Model Town. It is speculated that some 'sinister elements' got inside police operation and fired shots at the innocent people whereby two women also lost their lives. The motive of those elements could be to have the CM Punjab blamed for all those killings in order to create overall chaos in Pakistan. The question also arises about the illegal encroachments and barriers near the private residences of Sharif brothers in H-block, Model Town which have been there since ages. However, blaming the Sharif brothers for killings is a serious issue and it needs to be looked into!

If we talk about Mr. Tahir-ul-Qadri, he tried to please the global media over the issue of drawing of caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) in Denmark. Is he the kind of person we can trust due to his overall inclinations and beliefs? In any case, PML (N) needs a lot of improvement and more sincere efforts towards Pakistan especially about increasing rate of inflation but we should still acknowledge their contributions in development measures like building of roads, bridges and other infrastructure. The present government has started some power generation projects which cannot be completed overnight and will take some time. And at least, this government is doing a better job than Zardari's regime which only looted the nation and contributed nothing!

In a nutshell, nobody or no political party is carrying the right stance in these times. The electoral political system is fraudulent and will only continue to reinstate corrupt people at the top of government. Imran Khan himself is patriotic and sincere, but he is perhaps over-reacting in these times. Rest, Allah knows best about everything!

Those who trust this system of democracy have their eyes closed that about 60-70% of Pakistanis are illiterate (even doing Matric is not considered as being educated). How can they have the sense to elect the right people for the government? The right system will be that in which elections will be done in the manner of 'selection'. In which a special panel comprising of learned and dignified people should select the right leaders and not the whole nation. Where the sovereignty lies with Allah and not with the people who have the power to make laws as per their wishes and not care for the laws of Allah!

Hence, only Allah can help us in this current crisis the country is facing!

- S Roman Ahsan

Dunya kay 2 khemon main batnay ka waqt - by Orya Maqbool Jan


Friday 8 August 2014

Shahsawwaar Ka Zahoor Aur Gahra Raaz

شہسوار کا ظہور اور گہرا راز، واصف علی واصف رح

FROM Facebook Page: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"

BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"


Mard-e-Kaamil (Shahsawwaar) Ka Zahir Hona

مرد کامل (شہسوار) کا ظاہر ہونا پوشیدہ رازوں میں سے ایک راز ہے.
علامہ اقبال، ارمغان حجاز فارسی

FROM Facebook Page: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)

BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"


Has The 'Awaited' Man Come? (Future of Pakistan)

Sahib-e-Nazar Wasif Ali Wasif (Rehmatullah Alaihe) foretold many times about

'A Leader who will be very strict and he will change the destiny of this country. Soon this glad news will come that awaited 'Man' has come and he will implement
whatever he will say. When that Commander will come, all the corruption and evils will be wiped out.'

This spiritual intelligence is a guideline for patriotic & honest Pakistanis.

Read complete here >>

FROM Facebook Page: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"

BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"


Is Time Near? - 3 (Future of Pakistan)

This democracy has failed, In Sha Allah Caretaker / Interim Setup of True Patriots is coming. Aulia Allah foretold this many times.

FROM Facebook Page: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"

BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"

CLICK TO ENLARGE AND THEN READ - Check this link also for full post:

Is Time Near? - 2 (Future of Pakistan)

Pls read these lines in context of previous post. Details of that war from another article about Syed Sarfraz Shah. Connect some dots yourself. In Sha Allah...

FROM Facebook Page: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"

BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"


Is Time Near? (Future of Pakistan)

Time is very near. Caretaker setup for 2.5 years & War with India on water issue.

FROM Facebook Page: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)" 

BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)"


Shah Faisal's Stance on US & Israel

اللهم احفظ الاسلام والمسلمين في فلسطين

May Allah help them & save all Muslims & their families
YA ALLAH Please help Gaza Aameen

Thursday 7 August 2014

Surah Al-Kahf every Jumm'ah

Surah Al-Kahf every Jumm'ah

Recite Surah Al-Kahf (No. 18) every Jumm'ah (after Thursday Maghrib Salah and before Friday Maghrib Salah) to protect yourself from Fithnah-e-Dajjal. One who recites it is granted 'noor' which lasts from one Jumm'ah till another according to hadith. But it is important to know recitation of Surah with Tajweed.

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Crises Disaster Management Cell (CDMC)

Crises Disaster Management Cell (CDMC)

Written by: Mr. Aquil Siddiqui (Work-experience / history given at the end)2014


Pakistan is facing crises after crises more than any other country in the world. Yet we are nowhere near to establish Crises Disaster Management Cell. We just keep listening this name in the media, but do we exactly know what is the composition of the CDMC and how does it work? I have little experience in this regards outside Pakistan at a company level. Crises Disaster Management Cells takes care of all kinds of disaster emergencies in an organization, locality, city, Province and the country itself and meets the emergencies in a well planned and disciplined manner. CDMC prepares in true sense for all kinds of Disaster emergencies by simulating false disaster scenarios. The practice creates confidence and discipline within CDMC teams. Through these practices they also discover their weaknesses and next time they improve their performance. In the event of actual disaster emergency, they act like a real professional with full confidence and utilize the resources in the best of their abilities.


The composition of CDMC consists of several integrated teams. The responsibilities and functions of each team are different. The teams are guided from the control room of CDMC. The teams which are working on the disaster locations are called Task Force lead by one person called Group Leader (GL). All the GL’s communicate with the central command of CDMC. GL assesses the situation from the location, communicates with CDMC control room and takes orders from the CDMC and his group works accordingly.


This team sits in a central control room with all the communication and recording gears in the control room. This team is lead by a commander and a deputy commander. All the Task Force representatives are also sitting in the control room. All the communications, instructions and results are recorded with the event timings by a separate team in the same control room.

Task Force Teams: 

These team members are experienced professionals from different departments. They are called Pilot Task Force, Fire Fighting Team, Rescue Team, Evacuation Team, Building debris clean up Team, Electricity and Water supply control Team, Flood control Team, Road Traffic control Team, Police and Law enforcing control Team, Civil Administration Team, Logistic control Team, Environmental control Team and Medical and Hospital Team etc. These Teams should have a single point of contact (SPOC). The SPOC’s are called Group Leaders. They are pre-assigned numbers like GL1, GL2 etc. The GL takes orders from CDMC and supervises his Task Team and communicates with CDMC until he is ordered to terminate his team task.


The information of an event of emergency is communicated to the CDMC Team as fast as possible by Authorized Authorities. The CDMC team takes no time to assemble in the Control room Cell. Commander declares the nature of emergency to its team and opens the prescribed procedure blue book. The written procedures are laid down in the blue book as per their exercises of the scenarios. He passes orders to all the Task Force Representatives. A Pilot Task Force Team is ordered to assess the first hand situation of the location. After getting the information through the Representative, the commander passes on the next order. The respective representatives mobilize their Task Forces as per the orders of the commander.

All the Task Team GL’s are communicated to be alerted even if their services are not required. All the information, communications, orders of the events are recorded in chronological time based order.

As soon as the Emergency is over, the Total CDMC and Task Force are assembled in one place and go through the debriefing of the recorded events and brain storming on the mistakes and failures and update the procedures if required.


Clear, loud and precise communication between the team members is one key factor in meeting the goal of this whole exercise. The names of the team members should be avoided, it is better to call them by their Team title. Radio communication on a fixed frequency is a better means of communication. The Radio sets should be well equipped with its batteries charged.


I was a Sr. Control Maintainer (Associate Engineer) in Karachi Nuclear Power Plant. I was responsible to Maintain the Main Computer System to control the Atomic Reactor and the Turbine Generator systems from 1969 to 1977.

In Dubai I worked as Industrial Control System Foreman in Dubai Petroleum Company since 1977 to 2008. I was leading a group of Electricians and Instrument Technicians and general fitters and later I became the Business Analyst to help the company in switching the company manual operation to automation using the software application of SAP and in the end switch the same system from SAP to MAXIMO.

I was a team member of this kind of team in my Oil field Company in Dubai. This is all based upon my experiences. I am basically from Interior Sindh and educated in Karachi and served in KANUPP (Nuclear Power Plant) for 8 years and then in DPC Oil field in Dubai for 31 years.