Monday 30 April 2018

One-Liners for Facebook (April 30, 2018)


- Never follow any political leader, media analyst or an Islamic scholar blindly - Research from other sources also

حضور صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا نام ادب سے لینا چاہیئے - پہلے ان کیلئے محبت و ادب کے تقاضے سیکھیں، پھر اسلام پر پوسٹس بنائیں -

- For professional guidance, youth must follow good and successful individuals but don't trust their opinions on Islam

جلسےمیں نعرہِ تکبیر اورنعرہ رسالت کی پکارلیکن پھرفوراََ ہی میوزک گروپ کےساتھ بینڈ باجا اورگانا بجانا- اللہ کودھوکہ نہیں دے سکتےتُم 

- کل مئی کی پہلی تاریخ ہے “ لیبر ڈے “ اور مغرب کے بعد پندرہ شعبان شروع ہے جو “ شبِ برات “ ہے - یہ عبادت کی رات ہے، گناہ بخشوائیے

- S Roman Ahsan

Saturday 28 April 2018

Assessing Imran Khan's Campaign


NOTE: The views given below should be pondered with a serious and sincere concern by all readers instead of blind support for political leaders

- by S Roman Ahsan

The permanent disqualification of Nawaz Shareef is a boon for Pakistan. Just the fact that the former Prime Minister had appointed many of his close family members in important government positions around him could have been the reason enough for his elimination from his position. What is the next choice for Pakistanis? For many educated Pakistanis, the opposition leader Imran Khan who has been leading a campaign against the former Prime Minister since 2014 is the ideal future leader of Pakistan. Is he really ideal from the perspective of Islam? Do we really care about standing in front of our Lord on Judgement Day? If we do, then let's assess Mr. Khan's campaign from the lens of Islam. 

We used to like Imran Khan before but truthfully speaking there is nothing great in building a hospital out of non-permissible (haraam) sources of earning in Islam like concerts and others. Just because he is hailed by many educated Pakistanis does not make him number one in our eyes. Though he has taken some good stands for Pakistan but many of his efforts amount to little if considered from the true perspective of Islamic teachings. That includes his jalsaas till midnight on regular basis since 4 years with females participating also. All that is forbidden in Islam!

His latest blunder of accepting Amir Liaquat in his party is also highly revolting especially since "Imran Khan (Official)" page on Facebook has referred to a pest like Amir Liaquat as "Maaroof Mazhabi Scholar (Distinguished Religious Scholar)". Anyone who joins PTI becomes "Distinguished" as per the standards of the party but we know better. If a young Pakistani Muslim makes the mistake of calling Amir Liaquat as "Distinguished Religious Leader" then we can very well excuse him. But here is a political party whose Leader uses the names and quotations of Caliphs of Islam also (paying tribute is good but are you trying to fool Muslims?) in his addresses but then with giving such a title to  Amir Liaquat he brings down the whole merit of high morals and ethics in Islam. He portrays himself as a person who has very shallow values. It seems Amir Liaquat is included in the party because of his 'joker antics' to grab more audience for high rating but watch out if God forbid you end up with very low rating on Judgment Day. This world is just a delusion and real life starts after death!

We should know that apparent success or high number of followers is NOT the benchmark for nobility or greatness as far as the standards of Islam are concerned. Most followers of Mr. Khan are not really striving Muslims or have poor understanding of Islam thus liable to be sold on celebrity image and slogans of Nationalism. Yes, the campaign of Imran Khan at best heavily subscribes to 'Nationalism' which is not an acceptable entity in Islam. We should love our country only within the prescribed limits of Islam. It means whatever we are doing for our country should be according to the true Islamic spirit (at least we should strive in that direction).

Though Imran Khan has supported some Madrassahs but personally he believes more in Nationalism, liberalism and pluralism than the true golden principles of Islam (needless to say that all Madrassahs are also not promoting true Islam  - the true spirit of Islam is scattered). Actually, it is due to his more 'foreign background' and absence of clinging to true Eastern heritage which revolves around high moral ethics. Hence, the kind of crowd which follows him also include Pakistanis abroad with huge ego problems and arrogance who sometimes also make fun of Islam (Naooz Billah).

This whole electoral-political system of democracy is itself faulty and needs to be done away with but that is another topic. In democracy, majority is authority but we are told in Islam that the majority is not on the right path.

To understand this point, please read this verse from Qur'an:
"If you obey most of those on earth, they will lead you astray from the path of Allah. They follow nothing but conjecture: they do nothing but lie." - Qur'an (6: 116)


اسلام میں خاص راتیں اور عبادت

اسلام میں خاص راتیں اور عبادت

معراج شریف کی رات کیا ہمارے لیئے عبادت کی رات ہے؟ یہ ہمارے بیچ میں ایک اختلاف ہے لیکن صحیح بات یہی لگتی ہے کہ اس رات کی خاصیت اسی واقعہ سے منصوب ہے جب نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم آسمانوں پر تشریف لے گئے تھے اور یہ ہمارے لیئے عبادت کی رات نہیں- اگر کسی نے اس رات انجانے میں عبادت کرلی تو ٹھیک لیکن آئندہ اس کو خاص رات سمجھ کر عبادت کرنا موزوں نہیں -

پندرہ شعبان اور رمضان کی طاق راتیں بحرحال ضرور عبادت کی راتیں ہیں مسلمانوں کیلئے - لیکن پندرہ شعبان کی رات عبادت کے حوالے سے بھی کئی ضعیف احادیث منصوب ہیں - ایک ایسی ضعیف حدیث ہمارے علاقے کی مسجد میں بھی کسی نے لگادی جس میں عبادت کرنے کے ایسے وضائف لکھے ہوئے تھے جن سے ہزار سال کی عبادت کا ثواب ملتا -

مسجد کے موزن سے پوچھا کہ کیا مفتی صاحب نے یہ دیکھا ہے؟ کیونکہ اسلام میں عبادت کے لحاظ سے سب سے زیادہ افضل رات شبِ قدر ہے جو رمضان کے آخری عشرے کی طاق راتوں میں سے ایک ہوتی ہے - اور شبِ قدر کی عبادت کا ثواب ہزار مہینے ہے جبکہ مسجد کے دروازے پر لگے وضیفے کے مطابق پندرہ شعبان کو وہ عمل کرنے سے ہزار سال کی عبادت کا ثواب ملتا ہے- یعنی انھوں نے پندرہ شعبان کے اجر کو شبِ قدر سے بھی زیادہ بڑھا دیا - پھر وہ وضیفہ مسجد کے درازے سے اتارا گیا-

لہٰذا پندرہ شعبان کو نفلی عبادت ضرور کریں اگر کرسکتے ہیں لیکن دن کی فرض نمازیں نہ چھوڑیں - نفلی عبادت اکیلے میں ہوتی ہے - رمضان میں تراویح اسلئے باجماعت ہوتی ہے کیونکہ قرآن ختم ہوتا ہے - شب قدر کو پانے کیلئے رمضان کے آخری عشرے کی طاق راتوں میں عبادت کرنی ہوتی ہے اور افضل عمل یہ بھی ہے کہ غریبوں کا بھی خیال رکھیں-

تحریر: سید رُومان اِحسان

Thursday 26 April 2018

A main lesson from the event of Mi'raj

A main lesson from the event of Mi'raj

One of the main lessons that we should take from the story of the Mi'raj.

The Prophet ﷺ had called people to Allah for over 10 years in Makkah. He was once the one that they called the truthful and the trustworthy, but suddenly all those who were once close to him turned their backs on him and betrayed him. He was stoned and pelted. He was called names and mocked. His family were starved. His companions were tortured and killed. All those who he once trusted now plotted against him and it was the hardest ten years of his blessed life. He saw hardship and he saw pain, but none of it compared to the pain he experienced just before this journey. He lost his uncle Abu Talib who looked after him as a child, the one who protected him when people attacked him. The one who took care of him when his father and grandfather passed away. His death caused the Prophet ﷺ indescribable pain. Then He lost his wife, Sayyidah Khadijah. She was the one he loved, she gave him ease, she honoured him and she remained with him when everyone left. When she passed away, it broke his blessed heart.

When all of these trials and tribulations came his way, he remained steadfast and content with the destiny of Allah. He never gave up and he never despaired. He carried on calling to Allah. It was in this time that Allah took him upon the night journey and He saw His Lord. In those moments, He gazed upon Allah. He was rewarded for His patience, and he was honoured with the ultimate prize. Dear Ummah, you may be going through turmoil, pain and real confusion, but Allah has promised us that ease shall come after hardship. An ease which shall make us forget all that which we faced. Remain patient and keep steadfast with prayer, supplication and gratitude. A day shall come when Allah will reward you beyond measure. He only tested you as a sign that He loves you.

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam

FROM FACEBOOK PAGE: Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy


Path of courage and honesty

Path of courage and honesty

"Anyone" cannot adopt the path of courage and honesty for it involves huge sacrifices which "everyone" is not willing to undertake. Most people just have worldly goals and do not have the capacity to look beyond them. In Islam, we say that men of ALLAH are those who prefer the life of the hereafter over the gains of this temporary life. They do draw permissible benefits from this world but NEVER become slave of this world.

- S Roman Ahsan

Sunday 22 April 2018

Data Darbar - Old picture - داتا دربار کی پرانی تصویر

Data Darbar - Old picture - داتا دربار کی پرانی تصویر

Friday 20 April 2018

Women Who Reveal


The Explanation of the Narration: ❝Dressed but (Practically) Naked.❞
Ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah said: ❝It is like when a woman wears a thin material dress which exposes the color of her skin or wearing a tight dress which shapes her body.❞
‎﴾‬Al-Fataawa 146/22‎﴿‬

Thursday 19 April 2018

سنہرا دور - THE GOLDEN AGE


دجال کے قتل کے بعد حضرت امام مہدی علیہ السلام طبعی طور پر وفات پا جائیں گے - پھر حضرت عیسٰی علیہ السلام دنیا پر قرآن و سنت کے صحیح اصولوں کے مطابق چالیس سال تک حکومت کریں گے جو ایک سنہرا دور ہو گا اور ساری دُنیا پر اسلام غالب ہو گا- اللہ کی نعمتیں اور فراوانی ہر طرف ہوں گی اور قدرت کے سرچشمے زمین پر جلوہ گر ہوں گے- حضرت عیسٰی علیہ السلام اس دور میں شادی بھی کریں گے اور ان کے بچے بھی ہوں گے- اس کے بعد وہ وفات پا جائیں گے اور ان کو ہمارے پیارے نبی صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم کے پہلو میں دفن کیا جائے گا- حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کی وفات پر اس سنہرے دور کا خاتمہ ہو جائے گا اور شیطان کا پھر راج ہو جائے گا- اور پھر قیامت دنیا کے بدترین لوگوں پر آئے گی

فتنہءِ دجال سے بچنے کیلئے سورہ الکہف کی کیا اہمیت ہے؟ جمعرات کے بعد مغرب سے لے کر جمعہ کو مغرب تک کسی بھی وقت سورہ الکہف کی تلاوت کریں اور اس سورہ کی پہلی دس آیات بھی یاد کریں - لیکن ہر ھفتے تلاوت کرنی ہو گی- اس کے علاوہ دین کے فرائض نہ چھوڑیں اور حقوق العباد بھی ادا کریں جو آپ کے ذمے ہیں - نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ حضرت آدم علیہ السلام سے لے کر قیامت تک اس سے بڑا فتنہ نہیں ہے

Friday 13 April 2018

١٣ اپریل - معراج کی رات - ستائیس رجب

١٣ اپریل - آج رات معراج کی رات ہے - ستائیس رجب

اس رات عبادت کریں - قرآن شریف پڑھیں، زیادہ سے زیادہ درود شریف پڑھیں ( ١٠٠ بار درود ابراہیمی یا کوئی درود بھی اور بے شک اس سے کم ہی پڑھ لیں) - سورہ یٰسین پڑھیں - استغفار کی دعا پڑھیں - اپنے گناہوں کی معافی مانگیں چاہے وہ جانتے ہوئے یا انجانے میں ہوئے - صلٰوہ التسبیح بھی پڑھ سکتے ہیں - اگلے دن کا روزہ بھی رکھ سکتے ہیں - جتنی عبادت ہو سکتی ہے آسانی سے وہ ہم کریں - اللہ ہی ہے جو منظور کرنے والا ہے - آمین

Saturday 7 April 2018

فتنوں کا دور

یہ فتنوں کا دور ہے - اس دور میں اللہ کی طرف ہمارا رجوع زیادہ ہونا چاہیئے، کیونکہ موت کا کوئی پتہ نہیں - ہمیں پانچ وقت نماز کے علاوہ روزانہ کوئی زکر اور قرآن شریف کے کم از کم ایک یا دو رکوع کی تلاوت باترجمہ کرنے کی کوشش کرنی چاہیئے

Thursday 5 April 2018

Urdu Message for Linkedin


Wednesday 4 April 2018

The night of Mi’raaj (Excerpts)

The night of Mi’raaj (Excerpts)

On the night of Mi’raaj, Sayyiduna Jibraeel Ameen عليه السلام opened the blessed chest of Rasūlillah صلى الله عليه وسلم his heart was taken out and washed by placing it in a gold tray filled with sacred Zam Zam water. Faith and the luminosity of Prophethood was poured and filled into his blessed heart then placed back into his صلى الله عليه وسلم blessed chest.
The opening of blessed chest occurred four times in the sacred life of Rasūlillah صلى الله عليه وسلم. The night of Mi’raaj, the time of his birth, when he was 10 years old playing, and on the occasion of divine revelation in the Cave of Hira.
Seerah Sayyid-ul-Anbiya

Rasūlillah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "A Buraaq, whose name was Jaarood, a tall and extremely white quadruped steed, bigger than the donkey but smaller than a mule, with magnificent wings, was brought to me. It would step as far as it could see.
I mounted the steed and reached Bayt-ul-Muqaddas, the place where the Prophets عليه السلام would tether their animals, I also tethered my Buraaq. I then entered Masjid-ul-Aqsa and offered two Rak’aat Salah.
Sahih Muslim.

After meeting the Prophets عليه السلام the Beloved صلى الله عليه وسلم then began to set out on his miraculous journey, through the skies and heavens to meet his Lord.
Rasūlillah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Jibraeel Ameen عليه السلام brought, in two separate cups of wine and milk. I drank the milk, upon this, Jibraeel Ameen عليه السلام said, “All praises due to Allāh who has guided you to that which is natural [al-fitrah], for had you selected the wine, your nation would have been led astray.”
I was then taken towards the sky. Jibraeel Ameen عليه السلام knocked on the portal of the sky.
It asked, "Who are you?"
Jibraeel replied, "I am Jibraeel."
It asked, "Who is with you?"
Jibraeel replied, "He is Mūhammad."
It asked, "Has he been called?"
Jibraeel replied, "Yes, he has been called."
Then the portal was opened for us. I met Sayyiduna Adam عليه السلام who welcomed me and made Du’ā for me.
Sayyiduna Adam عليه السلام would look to his right side, then smile, then look to his left side, then weep.
Sayyiduna Jibraeel Ameen عليه السلام humbly said, “The faces on the right and left are his offspring; the offspring on the right side are dwelling in Heaven, and the left, in Hell.”
Sahih al Bukhari.

ﺯﻧﺪﮔﯽ ﮐﯽ ﺣﻘﯿﻘﺖ

ﺯﻧﺪﮔﯽ ﮐﯽ ﺣﻘﯿﻘﺖ

ﺍﮔﺮ ﺗﻤﮩﯿﮟ ﺯﻧﺪﮔﯽ ﮐﯽ ﺣﻘﯿﻘﺖ ﻣﻌﻠﻮﻡ ﮨﻮ ﺟﺎﺋﮯ، ﺗﻮ ﺑﮯ
ﺷﮏ ﺗﻢ ﮐﻮﺋﯽ ﺍﻭﺭ ﺳﺎﺗﮭﯽ ﻧﮧ ﭼﻨﻮ ﮔﮯ ﺳﻮﺍﺋﮯ
 ﻋﺸﻖ ( ﺣﻘﯿﻘﯽ ) ﮐﮯ ...

Children in Afghanistan martyred on April03,'18 - SHAME

These children in Kunduz (Afghanistan) were supposed to be graduating yesterday (April 03, 2018) for memorizing the Qur'an & receive their gifts. Instead, they received a bomb from a military helicopter. More than 100 students/scholars/parents were martyred!
This is NOT #WarOnTerror, it's #WarOfTerror!

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Visit to Data Darbar on 13th Rajab, Yaum-e-Wiladat Hadhrat Ali (ra)

- 13th RAJAB - AFTER MAGHRIB ON 30th MARCH, 2018

١٣ رجب، یومِ ولادت حضرت علی رضی اللہ تعالٰی عنہ کو داتا دربار پر حاضری

Monday 2 April 2018

Quest for Spirituality

بِسمِ اللہِ الرَحمٰنِ الرَحِیم


[DISCLAIMER: This article has not been written by a scholar of Islam but someone who has learned Islam from many scholars/books and through different sources apart from physical efforts over the years.]

Written by: S Roman Ahsan (April 02, 2018)

What is critical for Pakistan and Pakistanis? Is it only the issue of good leadership which matters for us or is there more to it? Most Pakistanis consider that having a good and sincere leader in Pakistan will solve all of our problems.

Good and benevolent leadership is no doubt important for us. But as Muslims what should matter most to us is our beautiful religion Islam and the associated beliefs which can lead us to salvation in afterlife. Good leader or no good leader, we have to strive to be good Muslims all through our lives.

We cannot ignore that after 9/11, Islam and the Muslim world are being targetted by enemies of Islam. That is the only reason senior scholars of Islam worldwide increased their efforts to defend the image of Islam Al-hamdulillah.

Those of us with English Medium Schooling background and the experience of working in progressive business environments, could be much further away from the true spirit of Islam, even if we don't like to acknowledge the fact. Though there could be much good attached with English Medium Schools also but most of us are not aware that True Islam means 'conservatism' and not 'liberalism'. Liberalism is all about appreciation of 'visible kind of beauty' or the 'outer beauty' or the 'apparent success in the world'. And being 'conservative' or 'liberal' for a Muslim has a different meaning than the Western interpretations of the same terms. If we understand all this, then we could be more successful in forming true Islamic ideals on long-term basis!

The above argument does not imply that we shun all liberal environments where we are required to go as part of seeking academic degrees or for work. After all, we live in a very liberal world today and the environments everywhere tend to be increasingly liberal. It only means we 'try' our best to reap worldly benefits that are not in clash with the conservative spirit of Islam. Our Creator, Allah Almighty did not invent liberalism, it is us who have done so with the aid of Satan especially with the advent of media since the past 100 years or so.

We as Muslims need to sacrifice our special affinity for liberalism and liberal environments when things go 'too far away' from the true spirit of Islam. After all, we do know this life is just temporary and an everlasting afterlife awaits us, don't we? The Almighty has asked us to 'strive' only. 

Our dear Prophet's (pbuh) wife Hadhrat Khadija (ra) was not being liberal as a businesswoman, sorry to disappoint some of my friends who like to stress on this. She was a widow who just carried on the business of her first husband behind curtains at home. At least we should not mix fact with fiction, otherwise we understand Muslim women today can go out for work within limits for the sake of earning in noble professions. Proper scholars of Islam have to be consulted to understand what are those 'limits' and what is 'noble' in Islam!

An average educated Pakistani Muslim is confused about which Islamic school of thought or which sect to follow. To proceed on the path of Islam is a long road with trials and errors. A Pakistani scholar said with regards to Islamic practices in Pakistan that whether one is Deobandi or Barailvi, if one is able to avoid 'Shirk' and follows the main teachings of Allah and His Prophet (pbuh), then one could hope for salvation in afterlife. However, it should be remembered that occasionally visiting a shrine (like Data Darbar, Lahore) and performing acts of worship for Allah there is not 'Shirk'. Even Allama Iqbal (ra) and the renowned Saint Khawaja Moeen-ud-Din Chishti (ra) used to visit Data Darbar and worship Allah there.

When we go to Data Darbar today, we do see few illiterate Muslims engaged in acts which are far from spirit of Islam. However it is perfectly fine to recite a portion of Qur'an like Surah Yaseen as a gift for the soul of the saint, Hazrat Data Gunj Buksh Ali Hajveri (ra). Or to sit there and recite Durood Shareef. There is water being served just adjacent to the net section where people are reciting Qur'an or some Surah. Or sometimes a man going on a round near the net wall serving water in metal containers with Surah Yaseen  or other kinds of Holy text engraved inside. It is fine Al-hamdulilah to taste that water!

The main thing which we should not neglect is striving to pursue regular Salah prayers in mosque (not just Jumm'ah) regularly. During the day when one is at work, one can offer prayers in congregation at office. After returning from office, one can at least offer Maghrib and Isha Salah in the area mosque. The experience in mosque could seem very dry to newcomers compared to the liberal environments all around but this is our test. When we are persistent in our visits to mosque, then we will develop liking for it also naturally. Offering regular prayers in mosque combined with visits to a shrine like Data Darbar (occasionally) 'can' impart spirituality (roohaniat) to Muslims provided if they are not neglecting their duties towards fellow-beings and of course if Allah wills. Other worthy acts are reciting Qur'an with meaning on regular basis (even if short portions), 'Dhikr' (reciting some verses on daily basis granted by someone who has superior knowledge of Islam) and helping the poor or needy. Abstinence from bad company and bad habits could also be a plus. We cannot ignore that pain can also bring us close to Allah. The kind of pain which is related to emotions!

Again, the concept of spirituality in Islam differs greatly from the Western interpretation of spirituality which has no basis in religion. If we love Allah then we know that the true spirituality is that which emanates from Islamic practices!

Hence, in ultimate analysis, we need to continuously develop a bond with Almighty Allah and His Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wa-Alaihi Wassallam. This we can do beside carrying on our worldly duties as Almighty Allah (swt) has not forbidden us to pursue all that which is permissible or 'halaal' on Earth. It is alarming that in these times when there is widespread Godlessness, we have not many choices of seeking permissible means of earning livelihood. Consulting proper scholars of Islam can help us decide what is best for us or how we can survive in this era!

Pharaoh of Egypt (Firaun) had a great kingdom and he had never experienced even a headache in his long life. Compared to him, Prophet Musa (pbuh) had apparently just a staff though also Almighty Allah behind him. Finally, Pharaoh and his forces were given a most humiliating defeat with the spiritual help of Allah after a long struggle!

All Prophets (peace be upon them all) did not succeed in their missions in their worldly lives. The Children of Israel (Bani-Israel or descendants of Prophet Yaqoob pbuh) martyred many Prophets (peace be upon them all) after the time of Prophet Musa (pbuh) for reasons known to Almighty Allah only. Hence, this shows closeness with Allah does not always bring victory in this world but success in the hereafter is guaranteed. True believers today can thus face tough resistance in this world without little apparent success.

The quest for spirituality revolves around striving to lead the Islamic way of life in all spheres. Our Creator has chosen Islam for the believers as His final message till the Judgment Day!

May Almighty Allah, the Most High guide us and protect us - Aameen!