Monday 30 September 2019

Need For Almighty's Support


Enemies of Pak & Muslim world are many many times more powerful economically & military-wise. We cannot compete with them on worldly grounds & our only hope is ALLAH'S support for which we as a nation should please Him foremost.

Hence we should not blindly follow the head of the State in every matter especially if he makes blunders on basic beliefs of Islam.

Supporting any politician is one's choice but - - -


Sunday 29 September 2019

The final battle and true leaders

The final battle and true leaders

The final battle has begun since long and will end only until we see Prophet Jesus or Isa (as) descending from heavens on a minaret in Syria resting his hands on the wings of two angels and with drops of water sprinkling from his head just like as if they were pearls. At that time, Imam Mahdi (ra) and other Muslims will be surrounded by forces of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) and it will be time of dawn after a rough night. Prepare well and ready your shields. There are tough times ahead and our little faith is going to be challenged.

The only true leaders of Muslims as well as all righteous people in whole world will be now Imam Mahdi (ra) and Prophet Isa (as) with his second-coming to establish Islam as the reigning religion in the world and to rule the world for 40 years according to true moral values of Qur'an and Sunnah!

Read the detailed article "The Days Ahead" on the topic.

– S Roman Ahsan

[Account taken from the theme of “return of Jesus (pbuh) in End times” as per valid Ahadith and narrated by bona fide scholars of Islam]

The West And Us

The West And Us

'Children of a lesser god' is the title of an American play which was later made into an Oscar-awarded movie. This is the origin of this phrase which basically means how some groups or sections of human beings are treated as inferior!

Imran Khan's overall speech at UN on 27th Sep was good 
and there is surely some good which will come out of it but he shouldn't have said "Are we (Muslims) children of a lesser god?" as this phrase is in violation of belief of Oneness of God (Almighty Allah). 

- Read translation of Surah Al-Ikhlas in Qur'an.

" Say, "He is Allah, (who is) One,

Allah, the Eternal Refuge.

He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent."


Enemies of Pak & Muslim world are many many times more powerful economically & military-wise. We cannot compete with them on worldly grounds & our only hope is ALLAH'S support for which we as a nation need to please Him foremost.

Hence we should not blindly follow the head of the State in every matter especially if he makes blunders on basic beliefs of Islam. 

Supporting any politician is one's choice but - - -


Friday 27 September 2019

Imran Khan's speech in UN tonight (27th Sep, '19)

Imran Khan's speech in UN tonight (27th Sep, '19)

Imran Khan's speech in UN on Kashmir is around 9 pm tonight. Ok, let's see what he says. It's been more than 50 days of curfew in Srinagar. We never had hope that this speech will help the plight of Kashmiris in Srinagar. It's just an eyewash.

Imran made a blunder or was it a highly irresponsible comment two days back in USA that Pak Army and ISI supported "Al-Qaeeda" in Afghanistan in the 1980s in the war against USSR.

First of all, there was no need to say all that in front of the world and secondly Al-Qaeeda was not there in the 1980s at all. US and allies came up with the term "Al-Qaeeda" after 9/11 to falsely describe the presence of Radical Islamic Militants around the world and especially in Afghanistan. It would be interesting to note here that Canadian Economist and Analyst Michel Chossudovsky pointed out or exposed in 2007 (and perhaps earlier also) that "Al-Qaeeda" simply does not exist.

The governments of USA and its allies have basically used the term "Al-Qaeeda" to defame Islam and the Muslims around the world and to justify the military invasions of US and NATO alliance against Muslim countries like Afghanistan, Iraq etc. The corrupt Western think-tanks created many false videos in this context to show the presence of "Al-Qaeeda" around the world. Masked men with swords or knives etc. were shown in many of those videos killing Westerners.

Going back a little further, when Afghan Taliban had formed a government in Afghanistan before 9/11, the West created some false videos even then which showed Taliban beating women. This helped the US build the narrative that Afghan Taliban are oppressors. They were not that sophisticated but were never the oppressors.

Sadly, our PM Imran Khan has little moral character because he has continuously been referring to participation of Pakistan in the war against USSR in the 1980s as only due to interest of USA. At that time, in the 1980s, USSR wanted to conquer Afghanistan and then Pakistan was its next target. Late General Zia and his other military associates realized this and decided to help the Afghans in that war.

We would like to ask PM that you not only condemn Pakistan's military action in the 1980s but have also not sent our forces to aid the Kashmiris in Srinagar when they are going immense suffering since more than 50 days. You are also making irresponsible statements in USA about the presence of "Al-Qaeeda" in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Does all that make you a worthy and dignified leader in the eyes of Pakistanis? How are you going to defend the image of Islam with your new international English TV channel if your basics are not correct?

A few years back a friend of mine who was himself a fan of Imran Khan said to me "Imran Khan is a lollipop for everyone (for his fans)." Yes, a new kind of blind followers in Pakistan even if the Opposition of current Pak government is also without merit and without character!

- S Roman Ahsan.

Wednesday 25 September 2019

Imran Khan in USA - Disappointments & war drums - 25th September, 2019


Last night, Imran Trump one on one meeting ended and followed without any press declaration.

This indicates stringent exchange of words amongst both during the discussion.

IK has flatly refused to support any US action against Iran which may have burning effect for Pakistan.

IK has also showed no cooperation in case of annihilation of Afghan Taliban by US before leaving the area.

Now coming to Present Kashmir situation. Trump has shown no support for these aggravated Kashmir circumstances. IK, therefore, was not comfortable with Trump last night who very boldly conveyed his insatisfaction and said that if US does not help and support Pakistan regarding Kashmir then Pakistan shall not play any role towards Afghanistan and Iran and neither be party to US.

Now the relation between Pakistan and US are again going to be very difficult. And the world shall see use of harsh words by Trump for Pakistan but IK will take firm stand to counter register his dissidents.

However, IK has still not been so smart all along. Prior to elections in India, IK said i
n April 2019 to journalists that if Modi comes to power then some settlement in Kashmir could be reached. And when Modi did come to power, he extended message of congratulations to his Indian counterpart.

Did IK not know then how dangerous was the Butcher of Gujarat and his RSS ideology? It took India to annex Indian Occupied Kashmir on August 05, 2019 before IK started calling Modi as Hitler and then he also started using the term 'Fascist'. These are too disappointing facts about IK and his stance towards India.

The war between Pakistan and India seems unavoidable. IK will now be changing his speech for 27th Sep UN Session and going to warn the whole world about the huge impacts of war between Pakistan and India spreading over the entire world.

The coming time is going to be very tough for the nation. We must keep praying from Allah Subhan Wa Tallah for His Help and Ghaibaana Support....

Unfortunately most Pakistanis are far from the true spirit of Islam and that includes the religious segments except for few groups who are truly striving with clean hearts. Allah is oft forgiving but the whole nation should repent and Collective repentance should be announced at state level which is what scholars of Islam also say. But will the rulers of Pakistan pay heed? Are the various systems operating in the country, whether governmental or private, based on Islamic principles? Is there time to fix all that instead of just focusing on the financial corruption of politicians?

Financial corruption of politicians is just one portion of many other giant ills which are common in the Pakistani society and here we mean not just those issues which are being raised by foreign-funded NGOs as well as our "enlightened media" but from the angle of true Islam. Our "enlightened media" with its 60-70 TV channels itself needs to be regulated but for that we need to abide by some strict policies formed in accordance with true Islamic social system.

If war happens between Pakistan and India (God forbid) then initially huge losses of life and property could be incurred by Pakistan. That could be because we failed to listen to the commandments of Allah and His Prophet (pbuh) and were too busy emulating the ways of the foreign nations without considering true Islam. However, this would be the final war between Pakistan and India, Ghazwa-e-Hind and ultimate victory would be ours in sha Allah.

There is still time and maybe individuals if not government can understand what is required from us in the way of Allah!

May ALLAH bless Pakistan..

Tuesday 24 September 2019

The truth about 9/11


It is impossible for these steel framed buildings to have collapsed as they did from plane impacts, jet fuel and office fires. The only way these Buildings could collapse the way they did is by strategically placed, well sequenced explosive charges. Hence, the official government narrative is total fabrication.

Start your research by investigating Building 7 @Architects and Engineers for 9/11truth -

Sunday 22 September 2019

Saturday 21 September 2019

VIDEO - Khadim Hussain Rizvi Bayan On Kashmir

VIDEO - Khadim Hussain Rizvi Bayan On Kashmir | Puri Qaum ko Tum Ne Buzdil Bana Kar Rakh Diya Hai | Latest Bayan HD



جهاد اور حج

جهاد  اور حج
امام شامل روس کے ساتھ جنگ میں اتنے مشغول تھے کہ کبھی حج یا عمرہ نا کرسکے، جب روس کی قید میں آئے تو تب جاکر ان کو وقت ملا کہ اللہ کا گھر دیکھ لیں.

صلاح الدین ایوبی crusaders کے مقابلے میں اتنا مشغول رہے کہ کبھی کعبہ نہ دیکھ سکے، ایوبی رح نے حاجیوں پر حملہ کرنے والے صلیبیوں کو ختم کرنے کا وقت تو نکال لیا لیکن اپنی خواہش کے باوجود کبھی جنگ اور کبھی فتنوں کی وجہ سے حاجی نہ بن سکے۔

یہ کوئی انوکھی بات نہیں تھی، کیونکہ مسلم حکمرانوں کو معلوم تھا کہ مسلمانوں کے اجتماعی معاملات کا دفاع اپنی انفرادی عبادات سے پہلے آتا ہے. اسی لیے حکمران کو پرکھنے کا معیار یہ نہیں ہوتا کہ وہ تہجد کتنی پڑھتا ہے یا کعبے کے دروازے اس کے لیے کتنی بار کھولے گئے بلکہ معیار تو یہ ہے کہ حکمران کو جہاں اقتدار ملا ہے وہاں اللہ کا دین غالب ہے یا نہیں؟ مظلوم کو protection حاصل ہے یا نہیں؟

آج بیت اللہ میں دنیا کے بدترین لوگ ،۔۔۔ اور دین کے سوداگر باآسانی داخل ہوسکتے ہیں !!

امت مسلمہ کے یہ بت آج بھی بیت اللہ میں دیکھے جاسکتے ہیں !!

Thursday 19 September 2019

بھارت اورمقبوضہ کشمیر

بھارت اورمقبوضہ کشمیر

بھارت کو مقبوضہ کشمیر میں اب بس وقت درکار ہے اور وہ ہم اسے بغیر کسی رکاوٹ کے دے رہے ہیں. مودی اب ریپ، نسل کشی، آبادی کے اعداد و شمار میں رد و بدل کرکے اور ہندوؤں کیلئے نئی بستیاں آباد کرکے کشمیریوں کا حوصلہ اور انکی تحریک آزادی کو مکمل طور پر ختم کرنے جا رہا ہے.

اب جبکہ پاکستانی حکومت مقبوضہ کشمیر میں طاقت کا استعمال نہیں کرنا چاہتی، تو شاہ محمود قریشی کی نام نہاد کامیاب سفارتکاری کے باوجود مودی پر مقبوضہ کشمیر میں کرفیو ختم کرنے اور کشمیریوں کی نسل کشی سے باز رہنے کیلئے کوئی بین الاقوامی دباؤ قطعاً نہیں ہے. اب ہمارے پاس کیا راستہ ہے؟ کشمیریوں کو تحریک آزادی کیلئے ہر طرح مدد فراہم کرنا.

اگر پاکستان کشمیر کی جائز تحریک آزادی کیلئے مسلح جدوجہد کی حمایت اور محصور کشمیریوں کی زندگیوں کو آر-آر-ایس کے غنڈوں سے بچانے کیلئے مجاہدین اور ہتھیار بھیجنے کا اعلان کرتا ہے تو یہ کسی بین الاقوامی قانون کی خلاف ورزی نہیں ہو گی. یہاں قانون اور اخلاقیات ہمارے ساتھ ہیں.

مقبوضہ کشمیر کو ضم کرکے بھارت پہلے سے ہی جنگ کا آغاز کر چکا ہے. اب بھارت آزاد کشمیر میں اپنی مرضی کے وقت جنگ کا دوسرا مرحلہ شروع کرنے جا رہا ہے. بھارتیوں سے نمٹنے کے دو ہی طریقے تھے. پہلے حملہ کرنا یا انکنے حملے کا انتظار کرنا. جنگ سے تو اب کسی صورت نہیں بچا جا سکتا.

فروری میں ہم نے دشمن سے نرمی کی. نتیجہ کیا نکلا؟ چھ مہینے بعد ایک اور جنگ. اب دشمن پہلے سے زیادہ تیار اور مسلح ہے. اور مقبوضہ کشمیر کو ضم بھی کر چکا ہے. جنگ سے بچنے کیلئے کب تک ہم دشمن کو خیر سگالی کے پیغامات دیتے رہیں گے؟

میں جنگ کو نہیں بھڑکا رہا. میں صرف ایک سادہ سا سوال پوچھ رہا ہوں جسکے جواب پر ہماری خودمختاری کا انحصار ہے.

"جب جنگ ناگزیر ہے تو کونسا طریقہ بہتر ہے؟
جنگ دشمن ملک کے اندر جا کر لڑنا؟
یا جنگ اپنے شہروں میں لڑنا؟"

بہرحال اب تو جنگ سے قطعی نہیں بچا جا سکتا!

( زید زمان حامد)

Wednesday 18 September 2019

VIDEO - PM Azad Kashmir cries on Kashmir issue




آزاد کشمیر کے وزیر اعظم لوگوں سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے آبدیدہ ہو گئے - انھوں نے کہا کہ کشمیر کی عورتیں روز صبح دروازہ کھول کر دیکھتی ہیں کہ کیا پاک فوج آ گئی ؟ وڈیو ضرور دیکھیں

 انھوں نے جو کہا ہے وہ صحیح کہا ہے - کیا سری نگر کے کشمیری ہمارے نہیں ہیں ؟ مردوں پر ظلم ہو رہا ہے، مریض دوائیوں کے بغیر مر رہے ہیں - اگر کسی کی کوئی بیٹی ہو اور اس کی عزت پر حملہ ہو تو کیا وہ آرام سے بیٹھا دیکھتا رہے گا ؟ نہیں وہ جان دے دے گا لیکن اس کی مدد کرے گا - تو کیا سری نگر کی خواتین ہماری بہنیں بیٹیاں نہیں ؟ اور پاکستان حکومت کہتی ہے کہ ہم اقوام متحدہ جائیں گے