Saturday 25 December 2021

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in Islam

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in Islam

[Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allāh. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet." - Qur'an (19: 30)

Sunday 12 December 2021

OUR PREPARATION? - Dec. 13th, 2021




-      Dec. 13th, 2021


In an earlier post by me, there was a question about OUR PREPARATION in relation to End times as in Islam. Firstly, I got interested in the topic when I discovered the website by Turkish Scholar Harun Yahya in early 2005. Later on, the same year I bought two Urdu Books also which had references from both Qur’an (though the topic is not directly covered in Qur’an) and Ahadith. The image above is about both these books published by Jamia-e-Ashrafia Lahore. After that, more research followed through many other sources. This is the link of my blog-post which tells us what we need to prepare and all that has been shared with others before also as reminder.


Apart from the instructions (as in Ahadith) in the blog-post, we are good if we essentially strive to pray 5 times a day and recite Qur’an (even if on and off basis). It needs to be stressed that the concept of ABSOLUTE TAQWA (total abstinence) is a myth though we still need to strive in this regard as well. Even senior religious scholars can make serious blunders and every son of Adam (pbuh) other than the Prophets (peace be upon them all) is a wrong-doer one way or the other. ‘Some’ of the Elderly religious men who pray in mosque show such attitude at times that one is left wondering how could that be possible, though thankfully there are still only few like that everywhere.


If we are careful about Haqooq-ul-ibaad of others and if we are not violating the rights of others, then that is great Al-hamdulillah even if we fall short at times. There is always the chance to make compensation for our misdeeds towards others and even after someone we have wronged has passed away.


Is something big coming in the world soon pertaining to End times in Islam? We need to prepare in any case as the preparation for End times is almost what is required for what we need to prepare for our afterlife (though few things are additional).


ALLAHu Akbar!


-      S Roman Ahsan.

EVOLUTION - 13th December, 2021


It happened all of a sudden. Life is unpredictable, so is Divinity. The red skies can be deceptive. They can either hurl storms at Mother Earth or produce friendly winds. We wait in silence for the ultimate decree!

- S Roman Ahsan (24th Nov, 2021).