Saturday 25 December 2021

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in Islam

Prophet Jesus (pbuh) in Islam

[Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allāh. He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet." - Qur'an (19: 30)

Sunday 12 December 2021

OUR PREPARATION? - Dec. 13th, 2021




-      Dec. 13th, 2021


In an earlier post by me, there was a question about OUR PREPARATION in relation to End times as in Islam. Firstly, I got interested in the topic when I discovered the website by Turkish Scholar Harun Yahya in early 2005. Later on, the same year I bought two Urdu Books also which had references from both Qur’an (though the topic is not directly covered in Qur’an) and Ahadith. The image above is about both these books published by Jamia-e-Ashrafia Lahore. After that, more research followed through many other sources. This is the link of my blog-post which tells us what we need to prepare and all that has been shared with others before also as reminder.


Apart from the instructions (as in Ahadith) in the blog-post, we are good if we essentially strive to pray 5 times a day and recite Qur’an (even if on and off basis). It needs to be stressed that the concept of ABSOLUTE TAQWA (total abstinence) is a myth though we still need to strive in this regard as well. Even senior religious scholars can make serious blunders and every son of Adam (pbuh) other than the Prophets (peace be upon them all) is a wrong-doer one way or the other. ‘Some’ of the Elderly religious men who pray in mosque show such attitude at times that one is left wondering how could that be possible, though thankfully there are still only few like that everywhere.


If we are careful about Haqooq-ul-ibaad of others and if we are not violating the rights of others, then that is great Al-hamdulillah even if we fall short at times. There is always the chance to make compensation for our misdeeds towards others and even after someone we have wronged has passed away.


Is something big coming in the world soon pertaining to End times in Islam? We need to prepare in any case as the preparation for End times is almost what is required for what we need to prepare for our afterlife (though few things are additional).


ALLAHu Akbar!


-      S Roman Ahsan.

EVOLUTION - 13th December, 2021


It happened all of a sudden. Life is unpredictable, so is Divinity. The red skies can be deceptive. They can either hurl storms at Mother Earth or produce friendly winds. We wait in silence for the ultimate decree!

- S Roman Ahsan (24th Nov, 2021).

Thursday 11 November 2021

THE INSIDE OF MOSQUE - 10th October, 2021

 THE INSIDE OF MOSQUE - 10th October, 2021

The attached picture is of the mosque in our area and picture taken on Sunday, 10th October, 2021, after Asr prayer. The experience of offering Salah in mosque is really very peaceful apart from spiritual benefits. We have to enter the mosque barefoot which defines our humble submission to the One and Only Creator of time and universe, Almighty Allah. Salah in mosque is actually easier than offering it alone at home because in case of latter the environment fails to impart the desired motivation apart from many distractions. We can still try to create some environment at home but even then it can be no match for mosque.

We can at least succeed in offering some of our prayers at mosque with congregation if not all on daily basis. During weekdays. office workers could find it almost impossible to visit mosque for prayers. That's why offices have prayer rooms where Salah can be offered in congregation (jamaat).

After prayers in mosque, some people sit and read some portion of Qur'an or indulge in Zikr, all of which is spiritually uplifting. It is an overall soothing experience!

The man from second-right in the above picture, who is reading Qur'an, is a retired banker with 30 years of experience in National Bank of Pakistan. All sorts of men offer prayers regularly in this mosque, general folk, students and old men.


- S Roman Ahsan (11th November, 2021).

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Wednesday 6 October 2021

FITNA-E-DAJJAL - Measures of Protection - Oct 2021


فتنہ دجال سے بچاؤ کے اقدام :




ہر جمعتہ المبارک (جمعرات کی شام مغرب کے بعد سے لے کر جمعہ کی شام مغرب تک) کو پوری سورہ الکہف کی ایک بار تلاوت کرنا ۔

Reciting Surah Al-Kahf  once every Jumm'ah (After Maghrib Prayer on Thursday and before Maghrib Prayer on Friday)


سورہ الکہف کی پہلی دس آیات حفظ کرنا ۔ 

Memorizing first 10 verses of Surah Al-Kahf


 ہر نماز میں تشہد کی حالت میں "رب اجعلنی - - -" سے پہلے اور درود ابراہیمی پڑھنے کے بعد، فتنہ دجال سے بچنے کی مسنون دعا پڑھیں ۔  دعا نیچے دی گئی ہے :

In every Salah (namaaz), in Tashhud position (sitting position), recite dua of protection from Fitna-e-Dajjal after Darood-e-Ibrahimi and before "Rabbijalni - - - " - Dua is given below:

Sunday 19 September 2021

Dismantling Hindutva - Global Conference (10-12 Sept)

 Dismantling Hindutva - Global Conference (10-12 Sept) 


Dr Farah Naz (12 Sept, 2021)



Note: During the last three days, a conference on Dismantling Hindutva was organised globally. Some 48 Universities of North America and Europe sponsored this conference. Universities like Stanford, Chicago, Harvard, Princeton etc. were the sponsors.  Dr. Farah Naz attended the Conference online. She has summarized the conference in this article.



The unprecedented conference ‘Dismantling Global Hindutva’ held from 10-12 September 2021 is a game-changer. The purpose of the conference was to bring together leading scholars in South Asian Studies and public commentators on Indian society and politics around the world to discuss the global phenomenon of Hindutva. It aimed to protect the rights of minorities, dissidents, and ordinary people whose very existence is under attack by Hindutva’s proponents. The conference promoted the ideology that universities are designed to foster and protect the principle of academic freedom. The massive campaign of intimidation carried out by Hindutva affiliates was not allowed by the conference organizers to take root in the academia in the US, Europe, or around the world.


The conference was backed by 45 plus departments and centers from 41 universities including Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, University of Chicago, Berkeley, North-Western, etc. They had more than 70 co-sponsoring entities from 53 universities and received a letter of support from over 900 academics across the world. Most of the panelists were Indian academics serving in the elite universities and think tanks in the western world. The organizers received life threats to themselves and their families therefore they decided to remain anonymous. The harassment and intimidation against speakers by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) were reported by all top-notch newspapers. The presenters shared how they received life threats, suspension of their passports and other serious threats to their families by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and RSS supports across the globe to suppress their voice and stay away from the conference. While listening to the speakers’ experiences of revealing threats it was shocking and surprising that India that claims to be a democratic country does not care about academic freedom and basic fundamental rights for its citizens.


Despite a massive campaign of disinformation, threats, torture and attacks the conference was held online. According to the organizers, when the attack began, the conference media department prepared to counter the Hindutva attack. Hence, Vinay Lal (UCLA), Martha Nussbaum (Uni of Chicago) and David Ludden (NYU) came to the front and extended support to address the media concerns regarding the event.


The question is what is Hindutva and where it emerged from? The term Hindutva came in the 19th century. Its narrative is deeply rooted in Brahmanism and is the offspring of Hindusim. Its strategy is based on violence, hatred, terrorism and is an enemy to democracy. Existing Hindutva is resistant to castism. The supporters of Hindutva ideology use different means to achieve the objectives.


Hindutva has emerged from the RSS that is an Indian right-wing Hindu nationalist, paramilitary volunteer organization founded in 1925 by K.B Hedgewar. In 2020, RSS had almost 585,000 members and over 57,000 branches, including a trade union wing (Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh), women’s wing (Rashtriya Sevika Samiti), student wing (Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad), and economic wing (Swadeshi Jagaran Manch). The Print, which is a well reputed Indian news outlet estimates that 3 out of the 4 ministers in the ruling BJP are members of the RSS, including the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi.


Here the issue is why is India under Modi scared from such an academic venture like DGH? Also, what were the biggest fears of BJP and RSS from the DGH conference? The conference was comprised of scholars, journalists, and activists from around the world who examined the historical development of Hindutva, the fascist dimensions of its ideology, its alignment with other supremacist movements and defined all that is at stake across a range of political, socio-cultural, and economic issues. The presenters unveiled the atrocities and pain caused by RSS both within and outside India.


At the DGH conference, the speaker Gyan Prakash, Christophe Jaffrelot, Meena Kandasamy, Anand Patwardhan talked about what is global Hindutva and how it poses threats to minorities, women and Muslims. The political economy of Hindutva was uncovered by Jens Lerche, Pritam Singh and Vamsi Vakulbharnaman. How Hindutva exploits castism was discussed by Gajendran Ayyathurani, Meena Dhanda and Bhanwar Megawanshi. The way Hindutva use rape as a weapon to exploit politics was examined by Leena Manimekalai, Akansha and P. Sivakami. The contours of the nation were explored by Mohammad Junaid, Arkotong Longkumer, Yasmin Saika and Nandini Sundar. How Hindutva under Modi mishandled the COVID-19 pandemic and posed a serious threat to Indian people, science and healthcare were discussed by Meera Nanda, Kavita Sivaramakrishnan and Banu Subramanian. The infamous Hindutva fake news propaganda campaign was unveiled by Cyril Sam and Salil Tripathi. The difference between Hindusim and violent Hindutva were explored by Raja Bhattar, Brij Maharaj and Sunita Vishwanath. Last but not the least Islamophobia, White supremacy and Hindutva were brought to light by Anjali Arondekar, Demetrius Eudell and Deepa Kumari. The members from the Feminist Critical Studies Collective had a good representation at the conference.


It is worth mentioning that all speakers came from the top twenty most elite universities in the world. They were on high profile designations and well known in their respective field of expertise. From Hindutva extremist ideology to ill-treatment of the women, transgender issues, minority exploitation, extreme policies towards Muslims both within and outside India, violation of the rights of Kashmiris and overall violation of the basic fundamental rights of Indian academics, medical practitioners and so on. The list is quite huge to be shared here.


In a nutshell, the conference highlighted that RSS under Modi is the largest organized extremist hate group in the world. It draws its inspiration from Nazi ideology and Italian fascism. Its guiding principle is to transform India from a secular democracy to a religious state where Muslims, Christians and other religious minorities are relegated to a second-class citizenship. In the name of Hindutva, the current government of India has instituted discriminatory policies including beef bans, restrictions on religious conversion and interfaith weddings and the introduction of religious discrimination into India’s citizenship laws. These measures led to a horrifying rise in religious and caste-based violence, including hate crimes, lynching and rapes directed against Muslims, non-confirming Dalits, Sikhs, Christians, Adivasis and other dissident Hindus. Women of these communities are specially targeted. Modi government has used every tool of harassment and intimidation to muzzle dissent. Dozens of student activists and human rights defenders are currently languishing in jail indefinitely without due process under the repressive anti-terrorism law.


In response to DGH, the RSS launched ‘Dismantling Global Islamic Jihad’ on 11 September 2021. That shows the RSS cunningness, intolerance and hatred towards Muslims, minorities, human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of academics.

 The conference has rightly concluded that 

" India has moved away from a secular state that it inherited to a purely Hindutva state where only Hindutva decides whom India will love or hate! 

Hence Indian democracy is designed to serve only Hindutva, not the common Indian citizens! "

Subject: Dr. Audrey Truschke Speaks on Hindutva & Threats to Academic Freedom...

Dr. Audrey Truschke Speaks on Hindu Supremacism & Threats to Academic Freedom in the United States

Wednesday 8 September 2021

URDU - Allah's Scheme - اللہ کی اسکیم

اللہ کی اسکیم

(As shared by someone)

اللہ اپنی اسکیم پوری کر کے ہی رہتا ہے

وہ اپنے ٹارگٹ تک بڑے لطیف اور غیر محسوس طریقے سے پہنچتا ھے !

کوئی اس کے اگلے قدم کو


 نہیں کر سکتا !

یوسف علیہ السلام کو بادشاھی کا خواب دکھایا ،، باپ کو بھی پتہ چل گیا ، ایک موجودہ نبی ھے تو دوسرا مستقبل کا نبی ھے ! مگر دونوں کو ھوا نہیں لگنے دی کہ یہ کیسے ھو گا !

خواب خوشی کا تھا ،، مگر چَکہ غم کا چلا دیا !

یوسف دو کلومیٹر دور کنوئیں میں پڑے ھیں ،،خوشبو نہیں آنے دی !

اگر خوشبو آ گئ تو باپ ھے رہ نہیں سکے گا ،، جا کر نکلوا لے گا ! جبکہ بادشاھی کے لئے سفر اسی کنوئیں سے لکھا گیا تھا !

سمجھا دونگا تو بھی اخلاقی طور پہ بہت برا لگتا ھے کہ ایک باپ اپنے بیٹے کو بادشاہ بنانے کے لئے اسے کنوئیں میں ڈال کر درخت کے پیچھے سے جھانک جھانک کے دیکھ رھا ھے کہ قافلے والوں نے اٹھایا ھے یا نہیں ! لہذا سارا انتظام اپنے ھاتھ میں رکھا ھے !

اگر یوسف علیہ السلام کے بھائیوں کو پتہ ھوتا کہ اس کنوئیں میں گرنا بادشاہ بننا ھے اور وہ یوسف کی مخالفت کر کے اصل میں اسے بادشاہ بنانے میں اللہ کی طرف سے استعمال ھو رھے ھیں تو وہ ایک دوسرے کی منتیں کرتے کہ مجھے دھکا دے دو !

یوسف علیہ السلام عزیز کے گھر گئے تو نعمتوں بھرے ماحول سے اٹھا کر جیل میں ڈال دیا کہ ، ان مع العسرِ یسراً ،،

جیل کے ساتھیوں کی تعبیر بتائی تو بچ جانے والے سے کہا کہ میرے کیس کا ذکر کرنا بادشاہ کے دربار میں ،،مگر مناسب وقت تک یوسف کو جیل میں رکھنے کی اسکیم کے تحت شیطان نے اسے بھلا دیا یوں شیطان بھی اللہ کی اسکیم کو نہ سمجھ سکا اور بطورِ ٹول استعمال ھو گیا ،،اگر اس وقت یوسف علیہ السلام کا ذکر ھو جاتا تو یوسف سوالی ھوتے اور رب کو یہ پسند نہیں تھا ،، اس کی اسکیم میں بادشاہ کو سوالی بن کر آنا تھا ، اور پھر بادشاہ کو خواب دکھا کر سوالی بنایا اور یوسف علیہ السلام کی تعبیر نے ان کی عقل و دانش کا سکہ جما دیا ،، بادشاہ نے بلایا تو فرمایا میں : این آر او " کے تحت باھر نہیں آؤں گا جب تک عورتوں والے کیس میں میری بے گناھی ثابت نہ ھو جائے ،،عورتیں بلوائی گئیں،، سب نے یوسف کی پاکدامنی کی گواھی دی اور مدعیہ عورت نے بھی جھوٹ کا اعتراف کر کے کہہ دیا کہ : انا راودتہ عن نفسہ و انہ لمن الصادقین ،،،

وھی قحط کا خواب جو بادشاہ کو یوسف کے پاس لایا تھا ،، وھی قحط ھانکا کر کے یوسف کے بھائیوں کو بھی ان کے دربار میں لے آیا ،، اور دکھا دیا کہ یہ وہ بےبس معصوم بچہ ھے جسے تمہارے حسد نے بادشاہ بنا دیا ، فرمایا پہلے بھی تم میرا کرتہ لے کر گئے تھے ،جس نے میرے باپ کی بینائی کھا لی کیونکہ وہ اسی کرتے کو سونگھ سونگھ کر گریہ کیا کرتے تھے ،، فرمایا اب یہ کرتہ لے جاؤ ،، یہ وہ کھوئی ھوئی بینائی واپس لے آئے گا !

اب یوسف نہیں یوسف کا کرتا مصر سے چلا ھے تو : کنعان کے صحراء مہک اٹھے ھیں، یعقوب چیخ پڑے ھیں : انی لَاَجِدُ ریح یوسف لو لا ان تفندون ،، تم مجھے سٹھیایا ھوا نہ کہو تو ایک بات کہوں " مجھے یوسف کی خوشبو آ رھی ھے : سبحان اللہ ،،جب رب نہیں چاھتا تھا تو 2 کلومیٹر دور کے کنوئیں سے خبر نہیں آنے دی ،،جب سوئچ آن کیا ھے تو مصر سے کنعان تک خوشبو سفر کر گئ ھے !

واللہ غالبٓ علی امرہ ولٰکن اکثر الناس لا یعلمون ! اللہ جو چاھتا ھے وہ کر کے ھی رھتا ھے مگر لوگوں کی اکثریت یہ بات نہیں جانتی !

یاد رکھیں آپ کے عزیزوں کی چالیں اور حسد شاید آپ کے بارے میں اللہ کی خیر کی اسکیم کو ھی کامیاب بنانے کی کوئی خدائی چال ھو ،، انہیں کرنے دیں جو وہ کرتے ھیں، اللہ پاک سے خیر مانگیں !

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Pakistan Defence Day - Sep06, 2021




Saturday 4 September 2021



AoA - I discovered a wonderful youtube Channel recently. Though the lessons are from Christianity but they are still universal and we are free to replace those which are in clash within our minds with "something of our own" . . .



A lecture in this channel . . .



Friday 27 August 2021

Afghanistan - Identifying The Real Threat - Aug28, 2021


At least the US government has identified that the real threat in Afghanistan is from ISIS and NOT the Taliban. Mr. Joe Biden seems like a sensible US President who wants peace unlike his earlier predecessors and it reflects in his speeches. The foreign policies of US government during the reigns of George Bush Senior and George Bush Junior converted the world into a dark place. As for ISIS, most people know now that it is a bogus group which has been using the name of "Islamic State" to defame Islam and the Muslim World. The whole world should wake up and understand that no religion on Earth allows violence against innocent human beings.

It is ironic that there is no news in CNN about the presence of 27 Indian Consulates in Afghanistan which Ashraf Ghani's Afghan Government had been harbouring. Why is there no mention of those? India has been using Afghan soil against Pakistan basically and Afghan government has been their accomplice. We never know if the same forces are committing terror attacks at Kabul Airport recently. WE NEVER KNOW!!!

The United States of America should focus more on the occurrence of wildfires and other natural disasters in the USA and other Western countries. New variants of Corona are also on the rise in US and that threat should be covered more in news channels like CNN instead of sitting on Taliban 24/7 in their media talk.

- S Roman Ahsan.

#cnnnews #usatoday #usa #worldpeace #afghanistan 

Friday 13 August 2021

14th August - OUR IDENTITY !!! - 2021


14th August - Your and Mine Identity - 2021

Best way to celebrate Independence Day 14th August is by paying tribute to founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah (ra)





Friday 6 August 2021

Say 'YES' to Corona Vaccine - 6th August, 2021


Say 'YES' to Corona Vaccine - 6th August, 2021

This is a brief note to state that all of us should get vaccinated against Corona Virus or Pandemic. In an earlier article SPIRITUALITY AND MEDUMS OF SPRITUALITY I declared a verdict against the vaccine for Corona which I take back now and for good reason. I have myself got vaccinated few days back from Expo Centre (Lahore) and my second dose is due in about 40 days.

Sometimes we fall victim to superstition and should watch out lest we harm ourselves apart from spreading wrong information.

May Allah guide us and protect us - Aameen.

- S Roman Ahsan.

Sunday 1 August 2021

PM Imran Khan's reply to American Anchor on Afghanistan


PM Imran Khan's reply to American Anchor on Afghanistan. From YouTube channel Naya Pakistan - 28th July, 2021


Sunday 25 July 2021

ONE BIG FAMILY - 25th July, 2021


Saturday 10 July 2021

Jaado tornay ka moassar wazeefa


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

جادو توڑنے کا موثر وظیفہ - سورہ یٰسین کی ایک جلد کے پیچھے لکھا ہوا ہے جو مسجد غوثیہ (کیو بلاک ماڈل ٹاون لاہور) میں ہے 

Christopher Reeve Tribute - Best actor to play Superman

Christopher Reeve Tribute - The best actor to play Superman

A 7-minute presentation :


Friday 9 July 2021

Surah Al-Baqarah Full


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Surah Al-Baqarah Full || By Sheikh Shuraim(HD) With Arabic | سورة البقره


Wednesday 7 July 2021

Beautiful Presentation - "NATURE'S INSPIRATION" - 8th July, 2021

A Very Beautiful & Insightful Presentation here - "NATURE'S INSPIRATION" - 8th July, 2021


#inspiration #creativity #writing #naturelovers #natureconnection #naturephotography #pakistan #pakistani

Sunday 4 July 2021