Tuesday 29 November 2022

A Gentleman's Sport - Nov30,'22



CRICKET USED TO BE A GENTLEMAN'S SPORT BACK THEN AND WE USED TO HAVE DECENT PEOPLE IN PAKISTANI SPORTS SCENE WITH EDUCATED BACKGROUNDS - Ian Botham softens the blow of dismissal for Javed Miandad with a joke as the latter walks back to the pavilion in 1987

Miracle of Allah - Nov30,'22

یہ غانم المفتاح ہیں۔

ان کا جسم مکمل نہیں، اوپر والا دھڑ بھی مکمل نہیں، جس کا مطلب ہے کہ نظامِ انہضام بھی کلی طور پے موجود نہیں لگ رہا۔ تو سوال یہ ہے کہ ان کے اعضاء بھی مکمل نہیں تو سسٹم کیسے چل رہا ہے؟ تو اللّٰہ تعالیٰ کی قدرت یہاں پر ظاہر ہوتی ہے ۔

اللہ تعالیٰ سب سے بڑا ہے - اللہ اکبر☝️❤️

Sunday 27 November 2022

Beautiful World - Time out for Sunday - Nov27,'22


A Beautiful World - Time Out For Sunday - November 27, 2022

We live in a beautiful world but we stop noticing many beautiful things around us and also stop being grateful for the many blessings which we take for granted. With the continuing political uncertainty and instability in the country, let's escape for a while into the unknown and listen to a beautiful song . . .

"WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD" - A beautiful song performed by Louis Armstrong in 1967 ( and beautiful sceneries in the video )

LINK:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBrd_3VMC3c

Thursday 24 November 2022

Our Prayers Against Indian Aggression - Nov25,'22

INDIAN TOP GENERAL - Nov. 23, 2022




‏اللہ اس پاک سرزمین کے لیے بہتری کرے۔۔ نئے سپہ سالار کو توفیق دے کہ ماضی کی غلطیوں کو درست کر سکے اور اس پاک سرزمین کے دفاع کو مضبوط بنائے۔۔
پاکستان کو اس وقت ایک انتہائی مضبوط سپہ سالار کی ضرورت ہے۔۔ چاروں جانب بھیانک خطرات منہ کھولے کھڑے ہیں۔۔ اللہ پاک فوج کی تلوار کو تیز کرے! - آمین

Durood on Jumm'ah - 25th November, 2022

DUROOD ON JUMM'AH - 25th November, 2022

- 80 times after Asr prayer in same sitting position


Appointment of Asim Munir as COAS - Nov24,'22


General Hafiz Syed Asim Munir Shah, COAS-designate, #Pakistan 🇵🇰
Former DG ISI
Former DG Military Intelligence
Former Corps Commander XXX Gujranwala Corps
Former Commander Force Command Northern Areas
Former Quartermaster General
23 Frontier Force Regiment ⚔️

We welcome the new COAS of Pakistan (Chief of Army Staff) and hope he will deliver the country out of any threats without meddling in Pakistan politics. However, the COAS can always lend advice to government as he has the right to do so being a Pakistani. He should be foremost loyal to the interests of the country, the nation and the Muslim World without succumbing to being dictated by any outside powers and without being subservient to any political party in Pakistan.
- 24th November, 2022

Monday 21 November 2022

Fasting on Monday - پیر کا روزہ


پیر کا روزہ

نبی کریم صلی الله عليه وآلہ وسلم رمضان کے علاوہ ہر پیر کے روز (شاید ہر جمعرات بھی لیکن confirm نہیں) بھی روزہ رکھتے تھے ۔ اس کے بہت روحانی و جسمانی فوائد ہیں اگرچہ ہمارے لیے ہر پیر کو ایسا کرنا ممکن نہ ہو ۔ پھر بھی ہم کبھی کبھار تو رکھ سکتے ہیں ۔

کھاتے تو ہم ہر وقت ہی رہتے ہیں ۔ کبھی رمضان کے علاوہ بھی روزے رکھ لیں تو دین و دنیا دونوں کا فائدہ ہے ۔ لیکن اگر کسی کا کوئی علاج چل رہا ہو یا وہ بیمار ہو تو پھر ہرگز روزہ نہ رکھے ۔ اس کے علاوہ اپنے تمام حالات اور عمر کو بھی مدنظر رکھے ۔ روزہ رکھ کر زیادہ جسمانی مشقت کرنا بھی حماقت ہے لیکن روزمرہ کے کام کر سکتے ہیں ۔

- سید رومان احسان

Some facts about movie 𝐉𝐎𝐘𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 - Nov20,'22:

Some facts about movie 𝐉𝐎𝐘𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 - 20th November, 2022:

The objective of this post is not to harbour hate or evil designs against any individual or group but to uncover some harsh facts:

- Story revolves around a man who falls in love with a transgender woman. Both work as dancers in an erotic dance theatre.

- The feature is a rare US-Pakistan co-production, with about 95% of the financing from the US.

- One of the producers is Apoorva Charan, an India-born Los Angeles-based lady.

- Executive Producer is Malala.

- It is the second combined project of Sarmad Khoosat (one of the producers), Sarwat Gillani and Sania Saeed to promote same topic. First was series ‘Churail’.

- It has won ‘Queer Palm’ prize, which is an independently sponsored prize for selected LGBT-relevant films entered into the Cannes Film Festival.

- Pakistan had earlier banned the screening of the movie over ‘highly objectionable material’.

- PM Shahbaz Sharif constituted a committee to review the ban on the country's Oscar entry while he never spoke about other banned movies like ‘Javed Iqbal’ whose main lead has won 2 International awards till date.

- The movie has been finally allowed to be released in Sindh but the Punjab Government has banned its screening in local cinemas.

This life is very temporary. Aagay aapki merzi, support karain, ban kerwayen, mera kaam tha batana!!

Allah hafiz

Tuesday 15 November 2022

Chaos in Iran & Hijab Issue - Nov16,'22


Chaos in Iran & Hijab Issue - Nov. 16, 2022


There is chaos in Iran since few weeks. Very briefly, we need to first understand that whether Hijab for women is practiced or not but it is something which Allah Himself has addressed explicitly in Holy Qur'an in the following words:


“O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies. That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed (or molested). And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [Surah al-Ahzab 33:59] 


And whether we support the government in Iran or not but it is a fact that the enemies of Islam and Muslim world want to install a puppet regime in Iran making the country act as their colony which would beckon to their call. Hence, they have been fueling the passions of activists to protest against Iranian government ever since. In Egypt, they even crushed a democratically elected government a few years back just because it was Islamic though they claim to advocate democracy for all countries in the world.


We should hope that the Iranian government will be successful in countering the conspiracies without resorting to aggression. The whole picture is not clear to us and we know mostly what the electronic and social media is showing to us. But it does not seem right how activists have been lined up to protest against Iranian government over 'one single act'!


May Almighty Allah guide all of us and show us the truth - Aameen!


- S Roman Ahsan (16th Nov, 2022)

Monday 14 November 2022

End Times Diary - Points to Ponder - Nov15,'22


END TIMES DIARY - POINTS TO PONDER - 15th November, 2022:

I have been researching on End times in Islam (Islamic Eschatology) since 2005 from different sources. Most of the Modern Muslims may have difficulty in grasping this kind of knowledge because they deem it outdated or old-fashioned or simply some kind of fantasy.

It seems Dajjal is a Jinn that's why he is present on Earth since almost the time of Prophet Adam (pbuh) or some generations after him. But he has been confined in chains ever since. In hadith it is written that every Prophet (pbuh) has warned his nation about Dajjal.

So he is a Jinn (Allah knows best) but will appear in human form before the world. That is called دجال کا خروج (Kharooj of Dajjal) in Islamic terminology. He is a production of Satan (Devil) and will be very powerful with magical tricks. This is the last Encounter on Earth and Allah will raise Imam Mahdi (ra) to fight his forces but eventually he will be killed only with descent or Second-Coming of Prophet Isa or Jesus (pbuh) towards the end of reign of Imam Mahdi (ra). A Naqshbandi Scholar has described Dajjal as a 'Shape-shifting Demon'. The time of End times events to roll could be very close (Allah Knows Best). Signs have been shown to people close to Allah! There are glad tidings for believers in End times as well as warnings for all. Main thing for Muslims is to concentrate on those steps or measures which will protect us from Dajjal. Following: - Five times Salah, basic worship acts, abstinence from Riba, being careful about Haqooq-ul-ibaad matters, love for our dear Prophet (pbuh) etc.

- Reciting Surah Al-Kahf every جمعہ (After Maghrib Thursday till Maghrib Friday)

- Memorizing first 10 verses of Surah Al-Kahf

- Memorizing dua of protection against Dajjal which should be recited in Tashshud position in every Salah after Durood Shareef and before "Rabbij-Alni - - - "

We should listen more to conventional senior scholars of Islam like Sheikh Imran Hosein, Professor Ahmad Rafique Akhtar etc. Dr. Israr also. Truth is scattered and no one scholar can claim to know EVERYTHING. And not everything that a scholar is saying is necessarily truth but scholars with good intentions are nevertheless trying their best hence we should not undermine their efforts! And remember, Pakistan is one of the secrets of Allah and we should not unnecessarily speak against Pakistan Armed Forces though some of Pak Army Generals like Musharraff have been very unfavourable for Pakistan and Muslim world. Musharraff also advocated close ties of Pakistan with Izrael just three years back. The founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah vehemently condemned the possibility of forming any ties of Pakistan with Izrael openly so that is a clear message for us about any doubts on Musharraff!

The topic of Dajjal (Anti-Christ) has been narrated in Ahadith (sayings of our dear Prophet pbuh) but not all of those are not 100% authentic. Only Holy Qur'ah has reached us 100% correct after 1400 years. There could be contradictions between different Ahadith on same topic in even Sahih books of hadith. However, the topic of Islamic Eschatology which presents information on Dajjal cannot be denied as mentioned in Hadith because that is discussed in many varied sources of Hadith books, not just one! JazaakAllah Khair!

- S Roman Ahsan.

Friday 11 November 2022

Allama Iqbal's Birth Anniversary - 9th Nov., 1877



On November 9, 1877, famous Muslim thinker, philosopher, and Urdu and Farsi poet Allama Muhammad Iqbal was born in Sialkot, Punjab, British India (in present-day Pakistan).

In this photo, Iqbal can be seen at the Great Mosque of Córdoba (Masjid e Qurtuba) during his visit to Spain in 1932/33 CE.

The Great Mosque of Córdoba was converted into a Catholic Church in 1236 CE. However, Iqbal was fortunate that he was allowed to offer his prayers in the mosque (as you can see in the photo).

After paying his visit to the Great Mosque, Iqbal wrote a poem called Masjid e Qurtuba that was later published in his collection Baal e Jibril (The Wing of Gabriel) in 1936 CE. A couplet from that poem is as follow:

اے حرم قرطبہ عشق سے تیرا وجود
عشق سراپا دوام جس میں نہیں رفت و بود

Ae Haram-E-Qurtuba! Ishq Se Tera Wujood
Ishq Sarapa Dawam, Jis Mein Nahin Raft-o-Bood

English translation:

To Love, you owe your being, O, Harem of Cordoba,
To Love, that is eternal; Never waning, never fading.

Read a short biography of Iqbal here:

Thursday 10 November 2022

"CALLING PAKISTAN" - Sh. Imran on Assassination bid - Nov.10,'22


"CALLING PAKISTAN" [Views of Sheikh Imran post assassination bid on Imran Khan] - 10th Nov. 2022

Views of Sheikh Imran on assassination bid on Imran Khan (The enemy does not want Independent Pakistan and struck again after Liaquat Ali Khan and General Zia-ul-Haque because certain leaders of Pakistan did not bow before the controlling powers of the world, even if the Sheikh does not recommend existing governance systems) - WHAT TO DO NEXT? LISTEN TO BRIEF LECTURE . . .

- 12 Minutes

Tuesday 8 November 2022

Meaning of "Naseeb"

 MEANING OF "NASEEB" - by Wasif Ali Wasif (ra)

Sunday 6 November 2022

Punjab Under Smog Again - No Advance Planning - Nov07,'22



Once again, the plains of Pakistan are under a thick layer of smog, and yet again we are to face the consequences. Although smog is a regular phenomenon that paralyses life in Punjab every year, we will start afresh every time with the government proposing new solutions and formulating a brand-new strategy for smog control because we have yet to adopt a long-term policy direction.

Last year, various short-term actions and meetings targeted snapshot interventions and as the situation normalised, due to the rains, we forgot all about the menace. This reactive mode of handling things has never worked and results in us constantly failing to tackle the problem with long-term, scientific solutions as is done in most advanced countries.