Saturday 31 December 2022

VIDEO - Dr. Israr on Pakistan's Role & Significance - Dec31,'22

INTERESTING LECTURE - Late Doctor Israr on significance of Pakistan, Imam Mahdi and role of Pakistan in End Times

- 9 Minutes

Thursday 29 December 2022

- REPEAT - Dec30,'22 - آخری زمانہ کی تفصیلات - Details End Times

آخری زمانہ کی تفصیلات

REPEAT (30th December, 2022)

آخری زمانہ کے حوالے سے احادیث میں کافی کچھ ہے - دراصل مختلف علماء نے مختلف باتیں نکالی ہیں - کچھ کہتے ہیں کہ بڑی عالمی جنگ جسے احادیث میں الملحمتہ الکبرٰی کہتے ہیں، اس کے بعد امام مہدی کا ظہور ہو گا - کچھ نے کہا ہے کہ نہیں ، بڑی جنگ سے پہلے ان کا ظہور ہے - شیخ عمران حسین جنھوں نے کراچی سے دینی تعلیم حاصل کی اور باہر ہوتے ہیں ( انگلش میں ہی لیکچر دیتے ہیں اور آخر الزماں پر کتابیں بھی لکھی ہیں ) ان کے مطابق پہلے دجال خروج کرے گا ( دجال کے ظاہر ہونے کو خروج کرنا کہتے ہیں ) اور پھر اس کے بعد امام مہدی کا ظہور ہو گا -

بحرحال احادیث کے مطابق اور دوسرے زیادہ تر علماء کے مطابق پہلے امام مہدی کا ظہور ہوگا اور وہ سات سے نو سال کے عرصے تک دجالی قوتوں کے خلاف خونی جنگیں لڑیں گے - پھر ان کے دور کے آخر میں دجال خروج کرے گا - دجال دنیا میں چالیس دن کیلئے رہے گا جو ایمان والوں کیلئے سخت آزمائش کا وقت ہو گا - دجال کا پہلا دن ایک سال کے برابر ہو گا، دوسرا دن ایک مہینے کے برابر ہو گا ، تیسرا دن ایک ھفتے کے برابر ہو گا اور باقی سینتیس دن عام دنوں کے برابر ہوں گے - آخر میں حضرت عیسٰی علیہ السلام کا شام میں ایک مینار پر نزول ہو گا - اس وقت امام مہدی اور ان کے ساتھی ایک قلعے میں محصور ہوں گے اور دجال اپنے ساتھیوں کے ساتھ ان پر چڑھائی کیلئے تیار ہو گا - طویل سخت رات کے بعد فجر کے وقت عیسٰی علیہ السلام کا نزول ہو گا اور پھر وہ امام مہدی کی مدد کرتے ہوئے دجال اور اس کے ساتھ باقی سب یہودیوں کو نیست و نابود کردیں گے-

دجال کے قتل کے کچھ عرصے بعد امام مہدی طبعی طور پر وفات پاجائیں گے - پھر حضرت عیسٰی علیہ السلام قران و سنت کے مطابق چالیس سال پوری دنیا پر حکومت کریں گے جو دنیا کا سنہری دور ہو گا - وہ شادی بھی کریں گے اور ان کے بچے بھی ہوں گے - چالیس سال بعد وہ وفات پاجائیں گے اور ان کو نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے پہلو میں دفن کیا جائے گا - ان کی وفات کے بعد دنیا پر شیطان کا پھر سے راج ہو جائے گا اور پھر قیامت دنیا کے بدترین لوگوں پر آئے گی -

اللہ ہم سب کو دین کو سمجھنے اور دین پر عمل کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے - آمین

- سید رُومان اِحسان - October 2019

Tuesday 27 December 2022

A Light Winter Poem - Dec27,'22

A Light Winter Poem -Dec27,'22


[By S Roman Ahsan – Jan, 2010] 


Wednesday 21 December 2022

Focusing on Strengths - Dec21,'22


The other side of unfair advantage is that you have to know what you're not good at. 

For instance, Albert Einstein knew and accepted that he was not a good experimental physicist. At a point in his life, he came to the resolution that he would never work in a lab that required him to do experiments. He would focus on theoretical physics. 

The effect of this was that by knowing what he was not good at, he avoided it. This gave him free time to focus on what he was good at. It was in this area that he made his landmark theories. Today Einstein is remembered as the face of genius. He's remembered as the face of science itself. But all this happened because he knew what he was not good at, and he knew what he was good at. He avoided his weakness and doubled down on his strength. The result is theories that changed the world completely. 

Another example of to see the effect of Unfair Advantage is Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison was a brilliant, persistent inventor. He could persevere at inventions until he found a good thing that he could make use of. Edison was responsible for so many inventions that had a big impact on the world. And they still do to date. But there's one part of his life that is not mentioned. He was almost always broke. He was almost bankrupt several times. Edison was a born inventor, but as a businessman, he was a failure. He just did not know how to run a business, and he would not accept that. He refused to outsource the business side of his operations. He insisted on running it all. This put him in trouble so many times. He seemed to be constantly looking for a new business partner, for he had failed the previous one. Edison knew his unfair advantage, and he knew his weakness, but he refused to accept it, and it was killing him. In fact, it could have ruined him until he got introduced to a guy who knew his unfair advantage. JP Morgan was the man who would save Thomas Edison from his destructive business steps. In a partnership with Thomas Edison, General Electric would be formed, relieving Edison from financial worries at the tail end of his life. Edison was a great inventor, but he had no advantage in terms of finance.

Know your Unfair Advantage and know your weakness. Double down on your advantage. Work on your weaknesses or outsource them.


Ultimate End of "Saudi" Arabia - Dec21,'22




Monday 12 December 2022

JF-17 THUNDER - "Night out with Bravo" - Dec13,'22

#PakistanAirForce 🇵🇰

"Night out with Bravo" 🇵🇰
JF-17B in formation with IL-78M (low light condition) to train for night air to air refueling.
Night Air Refueling is a daunting task and is carried out without NVGs due to lack of depth perception.


"Men Behind the Thunder" ⚡🇵🇰

PAC Technician assembling the Fwd-Fuselage of JF-17. Efforts and dedication of these men have till date resulted in manufacturing of 133+ aircraft for PAF & Export Customers.

Even right now, a group of them are busy manufacturing the Block-III.



Wednesday 7 December 2022

EYE-OPENER - Izrael's desire to remove Iranian Government


EYE-OPENER - Izrael's Secret Strategy to remove Iranian government (from Izraeli PM)


Sunday 4 December 2022

VIDEO CLIPS - Sh. Imran's Warnings - Dec05,'22

VIDEO SHORTS - Sh. Imran's Warnings - Dec05,'22

1- Greatest trial of all time (Dajjal - Anti-Christ)

2- Evil agenda of Israel

3- Pakistan will be attacked

4- Five Preparations for Malhama (the Big War in End times as in hadith)

Saturday 3 December 2022

To whom it may concern - (COAS Asim Munir) - Dec03,'22

To whom it may concern 🇮🇳⚠️

- 3rd December, 2022

'Let me make it categorically clear, Pakistan's armed forces are ever ready, not only to defend every inch of our motherland, but to take the fight back to the enemy, if ever, war is imposed on us.
Any misconception resulting into a misadventure will always be met with full might of our armed forces backed by a resilient nation.
The Indian state will never be able to achieve her nefarious designs'.
- Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir 🇵🇰

Tuesday 29 November 2022

A Gentleman's Sport - Nov30,'22



CRICKET USED TO BE A GENTLEMAN'S SPORT BACK THEN AND WE USED TO HAVE DECENT PEOPLE IN PAKISTANI SPORTS SCENE WITH EDUCATED BACKGROUNDS - Ian Botham softens the blow of dismissal for Javed Miandad with a joke as the latter walks back to the pavilion in 1987

Miracle of Allah - Nov30,'22

یہ غانم المفتاح ہیں۔

ان کا جسم مکمل نہیں، اوپر والا دھڑ بھی مکمل نہیں، جس کا مطلب ہے کہ نظامِ انہضام بھی کلی طور پے موجود نہیں لگ رہا۔ تو سوال یہ ہے کہ ان کے اعضاء بھی مکمل نہیں تو سسٹم کیسے چل رہا ہے؟ تو اللّٰہ تعالیٰ کی قدرت یہاں پر ظاہر ہوتی ہے ۔

اللہ تعالیٰ سب سے بڑا ہے - اللہ اکبر☝️❤️

Sunday 27 November 2022

Beautiful World - Time out for Sunday - Nov27,'22


A Beautiful World - Time Out For Sunday - November 27, 2022

We live in a beautiful world but we stop noticing many beautiful things around us and also stop being grateful for the many blessings which we take for granted. With the continuing political uncertainty and instability in the country, let's escape for a while into the unknown and listen to a beautiful song . . .

"WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD" - A beautiful song performed by Louis Armstrong in 1967 ( and beautiful sceneries in the video )


Thursday 24 November 2022

Our Prayers Against Indian Aggression - Nov25,'22

INDIAN TOP GENERAL - Nov. 23, 2022




‏اللہ اس پاک سرزمین کے لیے بہتری کرے۔۔ نئے سپہ سالار کو توفیق دے کہ ماضی کی غلطیوں کو درست کر سکے اور اس پاک سرزمین کے دفاع کو مضبوط بنائے۔۔
پاکستان کو اس وقت ایک انتہائی مضبوط سپہ سالار کی ضرورت ہے۔۔ چاروں جانب بھیانک خطرات منہ کھولے کھڑے ہیں۔۔ اللہ پاک فوج کی تلوار کو تیز کرے! - آمین

Durood on Jumm'ah - 25th November, 2022

DUROOD ON JUMM'AH - 25th November, 2022

- 80 times after Asr prayer in same sitting position


Appointment of Asim Munir as COAS - Nov24,'22


General Hafiz Syed Asim Munir Shah, COAS-designate, #Pakistan 🇵🇰
Former DG ISI
Former DG Military Intelligence
Former Corps Commander XXX Gujranwala Corps
Former Commander Force Command Northern Areas
Former Quartermaster General
23 Frontier Force Regiment ⚔️

We welcome the new COAS of Pakistan (Chief of Army Staff) and hope he will deliver the country out of any threats without meddling in Pakistan politics. However, the COAS can always lend advice to government as he has the right to do so being a Pakistani. He should be foremost loyal to the interests of the country, the nation and the Muslim World without succumbing to being dictated by any outside powers and without being subservient to any political party in Pakistan.
- 24th November, 2022

Monday 21 November 2022

Fasting on Monday - پیر کا روزہ


پیر کا روزہ

نبی کریم صلی الله عليه وآلہ وسلم رمضان کے علاوہ ہر پیر کے روز (شاید ہر جمعرات بھی لیکن confirm نہیں) بھی روزہ رکھتے تھے ۔ اس کے بہت روحانی و جسمانی فوائد ہیں اگرچہ ہمارے لیے ہر پیر کو ایسا کرنا ممکن نہ ہو ۔ پھر بھی ہم کبھی کبھار تو رکھ سکتے ہیں ۔

کھاتے تو ہم ہر وقت ہی رہتے ہیں ۔ کبھی رمضان کے علاوہ بھی روزے رکھ لیں تو دین و دنیا دونوں کا فائدہ ہے ۔ لیکن اگر کسی کا کوئی علاج چل رہا ہو یا وہ بیمار ہو تو پھر ہرگز روزہ نہ رکھے ۔ اس کے علاوہ اپنے تمام حالات اور عمر کو بھی مدنظر رکھے ۔ روزہ رکھ کر زیادہ جسمانی مشقت کرنا بھی حماقت ہے لیکن روزمرہ کے کام کر سکتے ہیں ۔

- سید رومان احسان

Some facts about movie 𝐉𝐎𝐘𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 - Nov20,'22:

Some facts about movie 𝐉𝐎𝐘𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 - 20th November, 2022:

The objective of this post is not to harbour hate or evil designs against any individual or group but to uncover some harsh facts:

- Story revolves around a man who falls in love with a transgender woman. Both work as dancers in an erotic dance theatre.

- The feature is a rare US-Pakistan co-production, with about 95% of the financing from the US.

- One of the producers is Apoorva Charan, an India-born Los Angeles-based lady.

- Executive Producer is Malala.

- It is the second combined project of Sarmad Khoosat (one of the producers), Sarwat Gillani and Sania Saeed to promote same topic. First was series ‘Churail’.

- It has won ‘Queer Palm’ prize, which is an independently sponsored prize for selected LGBT-relevant films entered into the Cannes Film Festival.

- Pakistan had earlier banned the screening of the movie over ‘highly objectionable material’.

- PM Shahbaz Sharif constituted a committee to review the ban on the country's Oscar entry while he never spoke about other banned movies like ‘Javed Iqbal’ whose main lead has won 2 International awards till date.

- The movie has been finally allowed to be released in Sindh but the Punjab Government has banned its screening in local cinemas.

This life is very temporary. Aagay aapki merzi, support karain, ban kerwayen, mera kaam tha batana!!

Allah hafiz