Monday 27 February 2023

Hassan Nisar on current issues - Feb27,'23

HASSAN NISAR SPEAKING ON CURRENT ISSUES (including Saad Rizvi's warning) - February 27, 2023




Wednesday 22 February 2023

Quaid-e-Azam (ra) & Pakistan's Destination - Feb22,'23

قائد اعظم  (رح) اور پاکستان کی منزل

یہ وطن قائداعظم محمد علی جناح (رح) نے بنایا تھا ۔ وہ ایسے مختلف ولی اللہ تھے جن سے اللہ تعالٰی نے ایک عظیم کام لیا ۔ ہمیں پاکستان اور اسلام دونوں کے ساتھ مخلص ہونا ہے - کون سمجھتا ہے کہ جنگ اچھی ہوتی ہے لیکن ہمیں غزوہ ہند کی تیاری اپنے ایمان کا حصہ سمجھ کر کرنی ہے - غزوہ ہند پاکستان و بھارت کا آخری معرکہ ہے لیکن یہ اصل میں آخری زمانہ کے بڑے معرکے کی ایک قسط ہے - غزوہ ہند کی تیاری ایمان کی تیاری ہے اور اس میں شرکت کی نیت کرنا ایک مبارک فعل ہے -  نماز پانچ وقت نہ چھوڑیں (اگرچہ جب کسی کی خدمت زیادہ درکار ہو تو پہلے وہاں دھیان دیں ) ، تسبیح ، اپنے قریبی لوگوں کے ساتھ دوسرے غریبوں کا بھی خیال رکھیں لیکن ہر چیز توازن میں ۔ سود چھوڑ دیں فوراً ۔ ہم جتنے متقی و پرہیزگار بن سکتے ہیں وہ کافی ہے - درود شریف نہ چھوڑیں -

 ملک کی موجودہ معاشی حالت کی وجہ سے ہم اپنی منزل نظر انداز نہیں کر سکتے کیونکہ اگر جنگ ہم پر مسلط ہوئی تو ہمیں لڑنا ہو گی - بھارت نے پاکستان کے دریاوں کا پانی روکنے کا نوٹس دے دیا ہے اور اب اس میں صرف دو مہینے رہ گئے ہیں - اب پاکستان کیا کرے گا ؟ اب بھی ہم یہ کہیں گے کہ ہمیں امن معاہدے کرنا ہوں گے ؟ پاکستان کے دریاوں کا پانی کشمیر سے پھوٹتا ہے ، اسلئے قائد اعظم نے کشمیر کو پاکستان کی شہ رگ کہا تھا - پاک فوج کو بے جا بدنام نہ کریں اور محتاط رہیں - اس جنگ میں پاک فوج کا مرکزی کردار ہے - اللہ اکبر

- سید رومان احسان - ٢٢ فروری ، ٢٠٢٣

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Sunday 19 February 2023

ALARMING - India's notice on ending Indus-Water Treaty - Feb20,'23

ALARMING - India's notice on destroying Indus-Water Treaty - VIDEO TALK BY ZAID HAMID

 - 20th February, 2023

India had given 3 months notice, one month ago (so now 2 months left) on ending the Indus-Water Treaty and here is a fierce analysis by Mr. Zaid Hamid on it. The Indus-Water Treaty allows Pakistan to use the river waters flowing from Kashmir, so this is how critical this issue is !!!

MUST LISTEN to this talk . . .

He speaks harsh words against all politicians (even Imran Khan) and it is true that the then Pakistani government in 2019 showed a very passive reaction when Indian Airforce violated our airspace. Afterwards, we know what happened to the status of Indian-occupied Kashmir. Listen to whole of this talk even if you don't agree with all of it . . .


Tuesday 14 February 2023

Shabbar Zaidi Big Warning | Pak Default Updates - Feb15,'23


VIDEO - Haarp technology and Turkey - Feb14,'23


IMPORTANT VIDEO - Haarp technology and Turkey | Details by Syed Ali Haider

Monday 13 February 2023

Oil from Russia - Khan exposes a truth - Feb13,'23



- Feb13, 2023

Former prime minister Imran Khan said on Monday that ex-army chief retired General Qamar Javed Bajwa had condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine at a time when Moscow was willing to supply Pakistan with oil at a cheaper rate.

Addressing a seminar, the PTI chairman said when his team returned from visiting Russia in February 2022, Gen Bajwa pressed them to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“On one side we were negotiating cheap oil with Russia and on the other hand the ex-COAS was condemning Russia in a security seminar,” he said. "I always stated we should remain neutral in this.”

Sunday 12 February 2023

Syria / Turkey Earthquake - What can we do? - Feb12,'23


A massive earthquake has destroyed the common areas of Turkey and Syria with death toll crossing 26,000 according to the latest update. With Pakistan facing a huge economic crisis, I think the best we can do is to help our own people first in the neighborhood and community (though the Citizens of Pakistan who are more privileged should definitely help for the victims of Syria & Turkey also) . Government of Pakistan has already dispatched groups of Pakistan Army Troops to help in the rescue efforts for Turkey and Syria.
Below is a post "HELP THE POOR/NEEDY" which I wrote in 2015 with regards to how we can help people in our society as per a realistic approach.

Dealing with psychological problems - Feb12,'23



There's no permanent cure for psychological problems but their impact can be lessened or even controlled for long periods in life. However, instead of always relying on direct therapies, many times help from indirect ways can also be applied.

For example, depression is not always removed with medication and psychological counseling (though it is important and significant) and along with it physical exercise like regular walk in a park for at least 30 minutes daily should also be undertaken. A park is good for mind conditioning with its nature gifts like trees etc provided if one has access to such a place which is not too far from your house!

Importance of socializing with friends and fun activities like films can also not be undermined.

Regular Prayers (Salah) help you also as they have a soothing effect on the mind and soul.

- S Roman Ahsan.

Saturday 11 February 2023

EFFECTIVE ANALYSIS - How Pakistan can prevent getting default


- 11th Feb, 2023

 Ali Haider is a young journalist who speaks on many issues with the right approach and above any affiliation with any political party of Pakistan. Here in this 8-minute video he delivers a good overall analysis on how Pakistan can save itself from getting default.

Thursday 9 February 2023

Prof. Rafique Akhtar on Seeking Allah's Protection - Feb10,'23


- 10th Feb (Jumm'ah), 2023

Professor Ahmad Rafique Akhtar on how to seek protection with 70,000 angels. He is an experienced scholar and in any case he is asking to recite something from Holy Qur'an - last 3 verses of Surah Al-Hashr (image attached also below), so it is not wrong for us to follow.

Taooz means "auzubillahi minash-shaitan nir-rajeem"

Sunday 5 February 2023

Feb05, 2023 - Kashmir Day & Ali's (ra) d.o.b.


Kashmir Day February 05, 2023 

coincides with 


(birth anniversary) of 

Hadhrat Ali (ra), 13 Rajab

ALLAHu Akbar !!