Thursday 30 March 2023

Ziarat Mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (ﷺ)


Ziarat Mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (ﷺ)

Many People are blessed to have ziarat mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (ﷺ). Ziarat of Sayyadi ﷺ in dreams is Haqq, part of our Imaan and CANNOT be denied according to Quran and Sunnah!. anyone denying this fact is out of the deen !!

Thursday 23 March 2023

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Strong Message For Pak Nation - Mar21,'23

- 21st March, 2023

MUST WATCH - Pakistan facing same situation like in 2010 - DON'T BE PART OF CHAOS - MUST WATCH this 4 minute video:


Wednesday 15 March 2023

World's 1st Niqabi Student in Oxford University - Mar'23


The world's first niqabi student to be admitted to the University of Oxford in the University of Oxford's 900+ year history, a British Pakistani sister, graduates with a Distinction in the Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) & Master's degree - one of Oxford's most prestigious degrees.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Monday 13 March 2023

Take A Walk Daily !! - Mar13,'23

Take A Walk Daily !!

If we could only somehow discipline ourselves. How much have we grown used to relaxed lifestyles!! Everybody needs exercise, mind you. Regular exercise is essential not just for people affected with heart-diseases, diabetes, depression etc. but for normal people of all ages. Walking is the best exercise as it is most convenient for people of all ages. The healthcare experts advise that a normal person should carry out some form of exercise at least 5-6 days a week for at least 20-30 minutes. But make it brisk walk where you sweat it out and your heart pumps. Jogging and weight-training are also recommended, but starting these at a later age might bring some health problems. Consult a healthcare expert or family physician also in this regard. Remember that for exercise, you have to take some time apart from your ordinary routine in life.

It is best to take a walk in a park nearby but if we don't have such access then we have to still find some other way where we can walk or jog on daily basis. People with very busy lifestyles keep a Treadmill, Cycling-machine, Elliptical Trainer etc. at home if they cannot proceed to a gym or park after a busy day at office. They have to choose the home exercise machine which best suits their needs after consultation with health experts, family physician etc. 

If one can afford, then one can keep a home exercise machine even if one is in the habit of exercising outdoors. This allows a person to not skip exercise for any day if one is not able to proceed out of one's house due to weather conditions or any time constraint.

During Ramazan, daily routine of most Muslims gets upset and they find it difficult to take some time out even if they are in the habit of exercising regularly. It is a given fact that though Taraaveeh prayers are not absolute 'fardh' (obligatory) in Islam but offering them after Iftar also substitutes as a form of regular exercise apart from reaping spiritual benefits.

Regular exercise carried out over years (next to paying special attention to diet) contributes to our overall health and builds up our immune system against diseases. So take some time out instead of sitting or relaxing in front of mobile phones, laptops or TV screens all the time and invest it in a good life!

- S Roman Ahsan. (March 13, 2023)

Thursday 9 March 2023

Great Ramazan Advice from doctor - Mar09,'23


Great Ramazan advice from a good doctor - 4 minutes only - 9th March, 2023

اسلام کی آبشار پاکستان سے - آخری زمانہ - Mar09,'23


اسلام کی آبشار پاکستان سے - آخری زمانہ

پاکستان کے حالات بظاہر بہت خراب ہیں لیکن اہل نظر جانتے ہیں کہ اس سرزمین نے آخری زمانہ میں اہم کردار ادا کرنا ہے ۔ اللہ سے دعا کرنی چاہیے کہ ہمیں صحیح معنوں میں ایک مجاہد حکمران عطا فرمائے جو ناپاک شخصیات کو کڑی سزا دینے کی واقعی قوت رکھتا ہو اور اسلام کو صحیح طرح نافذ کرے ۔ آمین ۔

ایران کا اسلامی انقلاب کچھ اور تھا ۔ اب ہم آخری زمانہ میں ہیں قیامت سے پہلے ۔ اسلام کی اصل آبشار پاکستان سے پھوٹے گی جو پوری دنیا کو سیراب کرے گی ۔ پاکستان اللہ کے رازوں میں سے ایک راز ہے ۔ یہ اللہ والوں کی بشارتیں ہیں ۔ یہ سب کیسے ہو گا یہ وقت آنے پر ہم پر عیاں ہو گا ۔ ان شاء اللہ ۔

دنیا جنگ عظیم سوم کے دہانے پر ہے ۔ پاک فوج کے خلاف بے جا بات نہ کریں ۔ امریکہ بھارت کے زریعے پاکستان پر جنگ مسلط کرنا چاہتا ہے تاکہ جنگ عظیم میں پاکستان اپنے ایٹمی ہتھیار اسرائیل کے خلاف نہ استعمال کرے ۔ اگر جنگ مسلط ہوئی تو پاک فوج ہی نے لڑنا ہے ۔

امام مہدی کے ظہور، دجال کے خروج اور حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کے نزول پر علم حاصل کریں ۔ اور فتنہ دجال سے بچنے کیلئے بھی ۔ ۔ ۔

۔ سید رومان احسان
- 9th March, 2023

Wednesday 8 March 2023

GALLUP SURVEY 2023 - Imran Most Popular Leader - Mar'23


GALLUP SURVEY 2023 - Imran Most Popular Leader
- March 07

Former prime minister and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan has emerged as the most popular leader in the country as 61% of Pakistanis gave him a positive rating, according to a nationwide survey conducted by Gallup Pakistan.

According to the survey report titled Public Pulse Report, the second position was shared by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif and Pakistan People's Party (PPP) chairman and foreign minister Bilawal Bhutto with 36% Pakistanis having a good opinion about both of them.

The survey was conducted in the first 20 days of February 2023, with around 2,000 respondents covering urban and rural areas in all four provinces of Pakistan.

Saturday 4 March 2023

POSTS - India's weaponisation of Indus Water Treaty - Mar05,'23


India had given 3-months notice to Pakistan on January 25, 2023 on modifying the Indus Water Treaty which was signed between India and Pakistan in 1960. Here are two related posts on the issue, one a column published in The Express Tribune (Feb07, 2023) and the other a 27-minute video talk in Urdu by someone (Feb16, 2023) who has thrown light on the history as well as the future threats. 

Before proceeding to the links, given below is the last para from the column:

Pakistan’s recent power outages and now a strategically pre-meditated threat of water diversion intensify Pakistan’s threat matrix. The BJP, RSS and Research and Analysis Wing could be planning water diversions and cyber hacking of Pakistan’s power grids to further destabilise the country. Therefore, Pakistan must fully prepare for multi-pronged hybrid warfare, both physical and virtual.

COLUMN BY OZER KHALID: "India's weaponisation of the Indus Water Treaty"




Thursday 2 March 2023

On A Lighter Note - Unethical Practices - Mar02,'23


 – 2nd March, 2023


Recently, I received a short video clip on WhatsApp from someone in which it was shown that a man is making minced meat out of whole dead chickens without separating head, feathers, claws and other body parts. The accompanying caption with the video clip written in Urdu and translated into English would read “This is a new way of supplying chicken minced meat for use in samosas. Now here’s why Allah’s punishment is upon Pakistanis!”


It was apparent that the man was filming the scene of making minced meat in grinder while doing it himself, because it was a close-up and just one of his arms was visible in the video, not his face.


I replied to the sender of video that he is an educated person and should be careful while forwarding such videos with captions like those. It is agreed that all kinds of unethical practices are being carried out in Pakistan but we should be careful in believing everything on social media. Why would a thief film himself doing a crime? Similarly, it is highly unlikely for someone to capture himself on camera while indulging in an unethical practice as no one is so stupid to leave such a proof.


It seems that someone filmed grinding few dead chickens (which were perhaps rotten and not fit for eating) just for kicks. Afterwards, he floated that video clip on social media. Otherwise we have no actual proof that someone is making chicken minced meat in such a way in Pakistan. It is because it would have been highlighted by a local media TV channel then.


Few years back, a media TV channel staff raided a place in Lahore where meat of dead dogs was being prepared to be supplied to some small restaurants. Hence, the scale of unethical practices in business in Pakistan cannot be denied but we still have to be careful in believing and forwarding every other random video on social media!


-      S Roman Ahsan.