Thursday 24 August 2023

Believe in Miracles - Aug24,'23

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of ALLAH, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful



Things do not always remain the same. The lives of Prophets (peace be upon them all) contain several lessons for us. Mother of Prophet Moses or Hadhrat Musa (pbuh) was asked to throw her son in the river. Prophet Joseph or Hadhrat Yusuf (pbuh) was left in a well to die. Prophet Jonah or Hadhrat Younas (pbuh) was swallowed by a whale. Prophet Abraham or Hadhrat Ibrahim (pbuh) was thrown into fire. But then we know how things changed for them afterwards. ALLAH Almighty (swt) has always kept something good for us. In the beginning it might not be good or might not 'seem' good but the ending is always more than our expectations. If you are facing many difficulties today then just have firm belief and keep praying for a better tomorrow and be determined. Miracles happen only when you seek guidance from the Almighty. All power and all wisdom rest with God only!

Thursday 17 August 2023

Shocking incidents of burning Churches - Aug17,'23

 چرچوں کو آگ لگانا کیسے شروع ہوا ؟


فجر کے وقت کسی شخص نے دیکھا کہ جڑانوالہ سینما چوک کے پاس قرآن پاک کے کچھ اوراق زمین پر بکھرے پڑے ہیں اور ان پر کچھ نازیبا جملے بھی درج ہیں ۔ساتھ ہی ایک کھلا ہوا رقعہ پڑا تھا جس میں مسلمانوں کی توہین آمیز جملے بھی درج تھے، حیرانی کی بات ہے کہ لکھنے والے نے اس میں اپنا نام اور رقعے کے اوپر اپنی تصویر بھی چسپاں کر رکھی تھی ۔

عینی شاہد نے موقع پر قریبی مسجد کے امام قاری یونس کو بلایا ۔ انہوں نے وہ اوراق اکٹھے کیے اور ملزم کی تلاش شروع کردی ۔ پولیس نے ملزم کو شناخت کرکے گرفتار کر لیا ۔ اسی اثنا میں ایک شخص نے مسجد میں اعلان کرکے اہل محلہ کو جگایا اور بتایا ۔۔۔ لوگوں نے آو دیکھا نہ تاو ۔۔۔ ایک ہجوم تھا جو ڈنڈے ، لاٹھیاں اٹھائے مسیحی بستی اور چرچ کی جانب بڑھا۔ آن ہی آن میں ایک مرکزی چرچ اور دو چھوٹے چرچوں میں توڑ پھوڑ کرکے آگ لگا دی گئی ۔ کچھ کے گھر بھی جلائے گئے ۔۔۔ یہیں پہ بس نہیں کی ، مسیحی قبرستان پر چڑھ دوڑے ، قبرستان کی چار دیواری گرائی اور اور قبروں کو پاوں سے روندا ۔۔۔

جب تک پولیس آئی چرچ کو آگ لگا کر توڑ پھوڑ مکمل کر لی گئی تھی ۔ یہ تو تھا سارا واقعہ ۔

سوال یہ ہے کہ جس شخص نے یہ حرکت کی اور فرار ہوگیا اسے پکڑنا چاہیے تھا کہ بےگناہ لوگوں کے گھروں پر حملہ آور ہوکر ان کی عبادت گاہ جلا دی جاتی ؟

نہیں معلوم بےحرمتی کرنے والا نفسیاتی مریض تھا ۔۔۔ یا کوئی سازش تھی کہ شرارت ۔۔۔ یا ایک پلانٹڈ گیم تھی ۔۔۔۔ لیکن اس سے من چاہے نتائج حاصل کر لیے گئے ۔ پوری دنیا کو دکھایا کہ مسلمان کس قدر متشدد قوم ہیں ۔ ایک ہجوم تھا جو مشتعل تھا ۔ کسی ایک نے بھی معاملے کی گہرائی کو سمجھنے کی کوشش نہ کی ، بلکہ مسیحی عبادت گاہ کو مسمار کرنا کار ثواب جانا ۔

نہیں معلوم کہ اب پولیس کیا کاروائی کرتی ہے لیکن اسلام میں کہیں بھی غیر مسلموں کی عبادت گاہوں کو جلانے کا حکم نہیں ۔ ہمیں اس حرکت کی بھرپور مذمت کرنی چاہیے ۔

ایسے واقعات کی آڑ میں ہمیشہ مذہب اسلام کو رگیدا جاتا ہے ، جبکہ قصور اس کے ماننے والوں کا ہوتا ہے ۔ دین اسلام کی یہ تعلیم نہیں ۔

علماء کرام سے گزارش ہے کہ منبر سے آواز اٹھائی جائے ۔۔۔ اسلام کو بطور امن کا دین پیش کیا جائے ۔ متشدد گروہ کی ذہن سازی کرنے اور اکسانے کی بجائے ان کو بتایا جائے کہ توہین رسالت کے قانون کے تقاضے کیا ہیں ۔ جس شخص نے توہین کا ارتکاب کیا ہے اسے پکڑ کر پولیس کے حوالے کیا جائے نہ کہ ایک جتھا بنا کر کسی کی عبادت گاہ کو مسمار کر دیا جائے ۔

نوٹ : اگر اس تحریر میں صداقت نہیں ہے تو نشاندہی کریں ۔ شکریہ

17th August, 2023

Wednesday 16 August 2023

Waseem Akram on PCB Video - Aug16,'23

Waseem Akram on PCB Video of Cricket History Minus Imran Khan

Renowned Pakistani cricket legend Wasim Akram expressed his dismay on Wednesday over the Pakistan Cricket Board's (PCB) omission of cricketing icon Imran Khan from a video highlighting the national team's historic accomplishments since its inception in 1952.
The PCB has faced backlash over the past 48 hours, with many demanding the removal of the video due to its glaring exclusion of one of the sport's greatest figures.
"After enduring long flights and hours of travel before reaching Sri Lanka, I was profoundly shocked when I came across PCB's brief video recounting the history of Pakistan cricket, which conspicuously lacked the presence of the esteemed Imran Khan," Akram voiced his sentiment on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter.
Akram, while acknowledging political differences, emphasized that Khan's invaluable contributions to cricket cannot be disregarded. He called for the video to be retracted and for the PCB to issue an apology for the oversight.
"Setting political disparities aside, Imran Khan remains a global cricket icon who transformed Pakistan into a formidable force during his era, providing us with direction. PCB should promptly remove the video and extend an apology," Akram urged.
Imran Khan, widely regarded as one of Pakistan's most accomplished captains, famously led the national team to its sole World Cup victory in 1992. He also played a pivotal role in nurturing cricketing legends such as Akram, Waqar Younis, and Moin Khan.

Sunday 13 August 2023

Air of freedom - 14th August, 2023

 Feel the spirit of freedom! - 14th August, 2023

Celebrating 76 Years of Independence🇵🇰

Bahria Town Rawalpindi

BOOK RECOMMENDATION - 'The Road Less Traveled'

BOOK RECOMMENDATION - 'The Road Less Traveled' 

- A New Psychology of Love, 
Traditional Values, and Spiritual Growth

I personally got this book in 2004 upon the recommendation of our Director at the company I was working in then. It was basically recommended for all executives there.

"The Road Less Traveled" is a bestselling self-help book written by author M. Scott Peck. It offers valuable insights and life lessons for personal growth and development. Here are ten key lessons from the book:

1. **Delayed Gratification**: Embrace the concept of delayed gratification by making choices that may be more challenging in the short term but yield greater rewards in the long run. This involves accepting responsibility and tackling difficult tasks, even when they are not immediately satisfying.

2. **Acceptance of Responsibility**: Take responsibility for your actions, emotions, and decisions. Acknowledge your role in shaping your life and accept that you have the power to change and grow.

3. **Love as an Action**: Love is not merely a feeling; it is a commitment and an action. True love involves actively caring for others, making sacrifices, and nurturing relationships through communication and understanding.

4. **Embrace Pain and Suffering**: Pain and suffering are inevitable aspects of life. Embrace them as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, rather than avoiding or denying them. Facing challenges head-on builds resilience and wisdom.

5. **Genuine Self-Discovery**: Engage in honest introspection and self-reflection to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. This process of genuine self-discovery lays the foundation for personal growth.

6. **Growth through Discipline**: Cultivate self-discipline to achieve your goals and develop the skills necessary for personal and professional success. Discipline involves making consistent efforts, even when it's challenging or uncomfortable.

7. **Openness to New Ideas**: Be open-minded and willing to consider new ideas and perspectives. Learning and growth occur when you challenge your existing beliefs and expand your understanding of the world.

8. **Building Healthy Relationships**: Foster healthy and authentic relationships by communicating openly, listening actively, and respecting boundaries. Surround yourself with people who support your growth and well-being.

9. **The Power of Grace**: Embrace the concept of grace, which refers to the experience of the transcendent or spiritual dimension in life. Recognize that life is more profound than the material world and find meaning and purpose beyond the surface level.

10. **The Journey of Spiritual Growth**: Embrace the journey of spiritual growth and explore your spirituality in a way that aligns with your beliefs and values. Nurturing your spiritual side can provide a sense of peace, purpose, and interconnectedness with the world around you.

These lessons from "The Road Less Traveled" encourage self-awareness, personal responsibility, and an open-hearted approach to life, guiding readers towards a path of personal fulfillment and inner peace.


Thursday 10 August 2023

JUMM'AH MUBARAK - 10th August, 2023


JUMM'AH MUBARAK - 10th August, 2023

💥اَللّٰھُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلٰی آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَماصَلَّيتَ عَلٰی اِبْراھِيمَ وَعَلٰی آلِ اِبْراھِيمَ اِنَّكَ حَمِيدُ مَّجِيدُُ
اَللَّھُمَّ بَارِك عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍوَّعَلٰی آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ کَمَا بَارکتَ عَلٰی اِبراھِيمَ وَعَلٰی آلِ اِبراھيمَ اِنَّك حَمِيدُ مَّجِيدُ💥

Saturday 5 August 2023

Coming of Al-Mahdi (ra) - Aug'23

- The Last Saviour of Mankind - August 2023

CORRECT BELOW: - - - "a prominent nose"

Friday 4 August 2023

India Provokes - Pakistan May Dispose - July 2023

India Provokes - Pakistan May Dispose - July 2023

Impressive and rational analysis by a Retd. Indian Army officer on India's recent provocative statements regarding taking back Pakistan Kashmir. He presents many eye-openers to the Indian government and military, especially with regards to Pakistan's warning to India on 25th anniversary of Pak nuclear explosions, which has gone completely unnoticed.