Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Namrood Aur Firoun
نمرود اور فرعون
آپ نے نمرود اور فرعون کے قصے تو سنے ہی ہوں گے.اب اگر ہم ان لوگوں کی زندگیوں کو دیکھیں تو یہ سب بڑے کامیاب انسان تھے کیونکہ ان لوگوں کے پاس مال و زر کی ریل پیل تھی۔ غلام اور لونڈیوں کا تو کوئی شمار ہی نا تھا اور پھر انکے پاس قوت تھی، اقتدارتھا، مخلوق خدا کی جان و مال کے مالک بنے ہوۓ تھے.
نمرود جیسے بادشاہ کے مقابلے میں آپ حضرت ابراہیم علیہ الاسلام کو دیکھیں تو انکے پاس تھا ہی کیا سواۓ اللہ کے۔
فرعون کی جانب حضرت موسی علیہ الاسلام کو بھیجا گیا۔ ایک لاٹھی موسی علیہ الاسلام کا کل سرمایہ اور ایک بھائی حضرت ھارون علیہ الاسلام ساتھ تھے۔
مومن کے ہاں کامیابی کا معیار مال و زر اور اقتدار نہیں ۔مومن کے ھاں کامیابی اور کامرانی کا معیار صرف اور صرف اللہ کریم کی رضا اور آخرت ہوتی ہے۔ مومن ہمیشہ اللہ پاک کی رضا اور
اپنی آخرت کو مدنظر رکھے چلتا ہے ۔
فرعون اور نمرود ناکام ہوۓ۔ اللہ نےحضرت ابراہیم علیہ الاسلام اور حضرت موسی علیہ الاسلام کو بے سر و سامانی کے عالم میں کامیاب کر کے دکھا دیا. آج سینکڑوں نہیں، ہزاروں برس کے بعد بھی آپکو حضرت ابراہیم علیہ الاسلام اور حضرت موسی علیہ الاسلام کے ماننے والے مل جائیں گے مگر نمرود اور فرعون کو ماننے والے نہیں ملیں گے.
آج کسی کو مال و زر اور اقتدار کے جھولے میں جھولتا دیکھ کر کراس بات کو نہ بھول جانا، چند روز کے اقتدار اور مال زر کو کامیابی کا پیمانہ نہ بنا لینا. کسی کو لینڈکروزر یا پراڈو میں گھومتےدیکھ کر کبھی اللہ سے شکوہ نہ کر بیٹھنا اور اپنی غربت فقر و فاقہ کو عیب نہ جاننا اور نہ کبھی یہ سوچنا کہ فلاں کو اللہ نے اتنا کچھ دیا ہے، اللہ اس سے راضی ہے.
دوستو! اپنی جان اپنے مال اسباب اپنا سب کچھ گنوا کر بھی اللہ کی رضا اور فکر آخرت کو ساتھ لے کر چلنا کہیں مال و زر اور اقتدار کی آرزو میں کامیابیاں تلاش نہ کرتے رہنا.
یاد رکھنا بندہ دنیا میں جسکی پیروی میں لگ جاتا ہے ،قیامت کے روز انہی کے ساتھ کھڑا کیا جاۓ گا. غربت فقر و فاقہ بے سر و سامانی کو اللہ تعالی نے اپنے انبیاء کرام اور محبوب بندوں کے لیے پسند فرمایا ہے اللہ پاک ہمیں اپنے اسلاف کی میراث کی قدر دانی کی توفیق عطا فرماۓ. آمین
Namaaz May Dil
نماز میں دل
کبھی نماز میں دل لگتا ھے' کبھی نہیں لگتا.. کبھی ذھن میں سکون ھوتا ھے' کبھی انتشار.. کبھی وساوس کا ھجوم ھوتا ھے' کبھی پریشان خیالیاں حملہ آور ھوتی ھیں..
نماز کے وقت یکسوئی شاز و نادر ھی نصیب ھوتی ھے..
اس سے دل میں یہ کھٹک رھتی ھے کہ"ایسی ناقص نماز کا کیا فائدہ جو صرف اٹھک بیٹھک پر مشتمل ھو.."
رفتہ رفتہ ایک بات سمجھ میں آئی کہ عمارت کی تعمیر کے لیے ابتداء میں تو صرف بنیاد مضبوط کرنے کا اھتمام کیا جاتا ھے اس کے خوشنما ھونے کے پیچھے نہیں پڑتے.. اس میں روڑے
پتھر وغیرہ بھر دیتے ھیں اور بعد میں اس پر عالیشان محل اور بنگلے تعمیر ھوتے ھیں..
اسی طرح ناقص عمل کی مثال بھی کامل عمل کی بنیاد کے مترادف ھے..
بُنیاد کی خوبصورتی اور بدصورتی پر نظر نہ کی جائے.. جو کچھ جس طرح بھی ھو' کرتا رہ.. جیسے نماز گویا ناقص ھی ھو مگر ھو حدود میں' وہ ھو جاتی ھے.. اسی پر عمل کرنے سے نمازِ کامل کا دروازہ بھی اپنے پر کھولنا شروع ھو جاتا ھے_____________!!"
بُنیاد کی خوبصورتی اور بدصورتی پر نظر نہ کی جائے.. جو کچھ جس طرح بھی ھو' کرتا رہ.. جیسے نماز گویا ناقص ھی ھو مگر ھو حدود میں' وہ ھو جاتی ھے.. اسی پر عمل کرنے سے نمازِ کامل کا دروازہ بھی اپنے پر کھولنا شروع ھو جاتا ھے_____________!!"
قدرت اللہ شہاب.. "شہاب نامہ" سے اقتباس
Friday, 26 December 2014
Thursday, 25 December 2014
The Lost Dream - 25th Dec., 1876
"THE LOST DREAM" - 25th December, 1876
A great man was born on 25th
December, 1876 who steered the fate of the Muslims of sub-continent that were
under colonial rule to a new destination. His selfless dedication and
brilliance gave us an independent homeland, Pakistan. But 67 years later are we
really independent? Do we really know the meaning of freedom? Did we do any
justice to the dream of Mohammad Ali Jinnah (ra) and Allama Muhammad Iqbal
We fear USA more than we
fear ALLAH. The Only Superpower and Sustainer is ALLAH Almighty and we need to
submit to Him alone. Leaders like Musharraff, Zardari and Nawaz Sharif could
have ended Pakistan's alliance with USA for a new beginning in Pakistan after the
latter's continuing invading spree against Muslim lands following 9/11. Remember
Imam Hussain (ra)? - he preferred to die with his family rather than submitting
to the evil ruler. Musharraff preferred to let USA use Pakistan's air-bases to
bomb Afghanistan to kill our own Muslims from the Ummah and also manipulated
our forces to create havoc in the North of Pakistan in 2003. PAKISTAN FIRST it was but we sold our
souls to the devils. The story begins much earlier than LAAL MASJID. Those who
don't learn from history are apt to repeat it!
There is a difference
between "Nationalism" and "Patriotism". The former has no
place in Islam. Careless words and attitudes accompanied with narcissism &
self-glorification in these times by "some activists" who could be
more rightly categorized as demagogues might lead us further to bloodshed,
sectarian-hate, civil-war and division (ALLAH forbid) of the land of the pure,
Madinah-e-Saani, the last fort of Islam. There is a way to say things without
causing undue damage and hatred.
Some quotations of the
Quaid are given for some soul-searching on his birth anniversary. His name had
both “Muhammad” and “Ali”. According to a Sufi Saint of Pakistan, Pakistan has
been created by Muhammad (SallAllahu Alaihi Wa-Alaihi Wassallam) and Ali (ra)
(in a spiritual context). SubhanALLAH !!
- S Roman Ahsan.
Expect the best, prepare for the worst.
Failure is a word unknown to me.
Come forward as servants of Islam, organise
the people economically, socially, educationally and politically and I am sure
that you will be a power that will be accepted by everybody.
Islam expects every Muslim to do his duty,
and if we realise our responsibility time will come soon when we shall justify
ourselves worthy of a glorious past.
My message to you all is of hope, courage
and confidence. Let us mobilize all our resources in a systematic and organized
way and tackle the grave issues that confront us with grim determination and
discipline worthy of a great nation.
Our object should be peace within, and peace
without. We want to live peacefully and maintain cordial friendly relations
with our immediate neighbours and with the world at large.
Pakistan not only means freedom and
independence but the Muslim Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come
to us as a precious gift and treasure and which, we hope others will share with
That freedom can never be attained by a
nation without suffering and sacrifice has been amply borne out by the recent
tragic happenings in this subcontinent.
Think 100 times before you take a decision,
But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.
We should have a State in which we could
live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own
lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find
free play.
With faith, discipline and selfless devotion
to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
You have to stand guard over the development
and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality
of manhood in your own native soil.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Only Superpower & evil alliance
Only Superpower & evil alliance
Those who don't learn from history are apt to repeat it. We fear USA more than we fear ALLAH. The Only Superpower and Sustainer is ALLAH Almighty and we need to submit to Him alone. We should love Pakistan Army but Pakistan Army Chiefs are as much accountable to the nation as persons in other responsible positions in the country. Leaders like Musharraff, Zardari and Nawaz Sharif could have ended Pakistan's alliance with USA for a new beginning in Pakistan after the latter's continuing invading spree against Muslim worlds following 9/11. Remember Imam Hussain (ra)? - He preferred to die with his family rather than submitting to the evil ruler. Musharraff preferred to let USA use Pakistan's airforce-bases to bomb Afghanistan to kill our own Muslims from the Ummah. PAKISTAN FIRST, it was but we sold our souls to the devils. The story begins much earlier than LAAL MASJID. Those who don't learn from history are apt to repeat it!
- S Roman Ahsan.
Monday, 22 December 2014
Madressah Predicament
Government has announced that 90% of Madressahs have nothing to do with terrorism in Pakistan. The percentage figure would be much higher than that. The Secular liberal class of Pakistan also needs to tighten its belt and come out of its constant self-indulgence by helping people around them and submitting to ALLAH. And media is definitely destroying the moral values of the nation. Please read this post written by me in 2011 - "THE ONLY WINDOW" - Some spiritual insights relevant for Pakistani nation as also conveyed by senior persons in Pakistan..
Musharraf was a pro-liberal dictator (opposed to Zia) and he enforced ENLIGHTENMENT MODERATION but he was far from being a lover of Islam and that is why there was so much resistance in his era also. How could we explain a senior elderly minister doing a dance in front of a gathering where Musharraff was sitting also in that time (in the context that a senior Pakistani minister is supposed to act sober in public life)? FREE MEDIA was also launched in his era.
We don't know what will be the final verdict which passed by ALLAH in LAL MASJID case. We live in a world full of lies and on social media most people happen to be moderate or liberals, but few carrying concern for true Islam. I am not a fan of Maulana Abdul Aziz either and identify myself more with Pak Army but I think LAL MASJID was an act of revolt just like Mumtaz Qadri killed Salman Taseer who was very liberal secular just like Mussharraff. However yes, if Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa are currently being used for wrong motives, then they need to be shut down.
Salman Taseer used careless words against Blasphemy law and also against the Ulema. He invited his own death and I neither celebrated, nor mourned his death. The matter of Mumtaz Qadri is with ALLAH, He will be the final judge not the liberal secular class of Pakistan which are pitiable. Story begins much earlier than LAL MASJID. Mussharraff made Pakistan an air-base for US jets and they flew many times from here to kill our own brothers, sisters and children in Afghanistan. l ALWAYS CONDEMNED MUSSHARRAFF, HE IS A TRAITOR OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH. Maulvi Abdul Aziz is also accountable to ALLAH for any wrong intentions. Let's wait for Judgment Day please, not these man-made justice systems run by liberals at the moment.
- S Roman Ahsan.
Musharraf was a pro-liberal dictator (opposed to Zia) and he enforced ENLIGHTENMENT MODERATION but he was far from being a lover of Islam and that is why there was so much resistance in his era also. How could we explain a senior elderly minister doing a dance in front of a gathering where Musharraff was sitting also in that time (in the context that a senior Pakistani minister is supposed to act sober in public life)? FREE MEDIA was also launched in his era.
We don't know what will be the final verdict which passed by ALLAH in LAL MASJID case. We live in a world full of lies and on social media most people happen to be moderate or liberals, but few carrying concern for true Islam. I am not a fan of Maulana Abdul Aziz either and identify myself more with Pak Army but I think LAL MASJID was an act of revolt just like Mumtaz Qadri killed Salman Taseer who was very liberal secular just like Mussharraff. However yes, if Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa are currently being used for wrong motives, then they need to be shut down.
Salman Taseer used careless words against Blasphemy law and also against the Ulema. He invited his own death and I neither celebrated, nor mourned his death. The matter of Mumtaz Qadri is with ALLAH, He will be the final judge not the liberal secular class of Pakistan which are pitiable. Story begins much earlier than LAL MASJID. Mussharraff made Pakistan an air-base for US jets and they flew many times from here to kill our own brothers, sisters and children in Afghanistan. l ALWAYS CONDEMNED MUSSHARRAFF, HE IS A TRAITOR OF PAKISTAN AND MUSLIM UMMAH. Maulvi Abdul Aziz is also accountable to ALLAH for any wrong intentions. Let's wait for Judgment Day please, not these man-made justice systems run by liberals at the moment.
- S Roman Ahsan.
Sunday, 21 December 2014
Video - A Mother Speaks on Peshawar Incident
Saturday, 20 December 2014
VIDEO - Dr. Israr's Warning
VIDEO - Dr. Israr's Warning
Just listen to what Dr. Israr Ahmad (Rahmatullahi Alie) said in 2009 !!!!
Dr. Israr warned us way back about coming events, and in his all speeches he asked Pakistani nation to establish Islam as a deen in Pakistan, but we never listened to him.
We all will make Pakistan a Real fort of Islam which will end all this instability and bloodshed in Pakistan. IN SHA ALLAH
30 Tips To Fight Winter
1- Don’t overdo it
If you feel the onset of a cold, try to get plenty of both physical and mental rest. Excess stress can lower immunity, resulting in a greater chance of illness.
2- Eat oily fish
Oily fish is packed with essential fatty acids such as Omega-3s, perfect for keeping your joints well-oiled during the cold winter months.
3- Avoid Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
SAD is an increasingly common condition that affects an estimated half a million Brits. Caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight during winter months, SAD results in lower levels of the feel good hormone serotonin. To combat SAD, get out for a walk in daylight hours, buy a light therapy lamp or take a trip abroad for some sought after winter sun.
4- Look after the elderly
Each year, 25,000 elderly people die from preventable cold-related illnesses, and this year one million OAPs will face Christmas alone. So remember to check on elderly relatives and neighbours to ensure they are kept warm and secure.
5- Look after your skin
The harsh winter elements and low humidity tend to dehydrate your skin. Keep well hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, and use specific moisturisers for face, lips and body, favourably with a high SPF factor to act as a barrier.
6- Eat nuts
Pass on the pastries and crisps, and reach for a handful of mixed nuts. High in immune system boosting protein and B vitamins, depression beating selenium, and healthy cholesterol reducing mono and polyunsaturated fats (omega 3), this snack food really is the nuts!
7- Up your protein intake
Along with many other benefits, generous amounts of high quality protein, found in foods such as chicken and eggs, results in the faster production of cells to support the all important immune system, as well as boosting energy and preventing lean muscle loss during times of illness.
8- Keep warm
Perhaps an obvious one, but as we are more susceptible to catching colds and viruses during the winter, it is essential to wear appropriate warm clothing when outside, and to maintain warm homes and workplaces. For more info see the Department of Health’s ‘Keep Warm, Keep Well’ campaign.
9- Take Echinacea
When taken for a period of just five days, this North American herb can lead to a more active immune system and also speed recovery time from the common cold and flu.
10- Get a flu jab
A yearly flu jab provides good protection from the highly infectious illness spread by those coughing and sneezing around you. A jab is especially recommended to those with weaker immune systems including the over 65s and diabetes and cancer sufferers.
11- Vitamin C
This is an essential nutrient that serves a number of functions in the human body and can be found in high levels in citrus fruits, some vegetables and liver. Apart from its strong antioxidant qualities, vitamin C has been shown to reduce the chances of getting a cold and reduce the time of illness, especially in those who are stressed.
12- Give up smoking
People who smoke are more likely to catch colds, suffer worse symptoms, and develop respiratory tract infections including severe conditions such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
13- Eat zinc
This important mineral found mainly in red meats and poultry, is vital for immune system support. Zinc serves as a cofactor for over 100 enzymes in the body; metabolising protein, carbohydrates, fats and alcohol. Zinc also supports both the male reproductive system and plays an important role in healthy pregnancy.
14- Eat garlic
The humble garlic clove has long been accredited with medicinal qualities, many of which are now backed by scientific research. Allicin, garlic’s biologically active compound, not only helps reduce cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and aids blood flow, but may also reduce by half the risk of catching a winter cold.
15 - Give!
In a culture where ‘getting’ something is associated with happiness, it may come as a surprise that scientific research has identified that giving to others stimulates the part of the brain that produces feel-good chemicals, like oxytocin, which promote social bonding. So be generous this winter!
16 - Exercise
In the cold winter months, it’s all too tempting to stay wrapped up in doors and seek comfort from the contents of the fridge. But maintaining or even starting an exercise regime will benefit you by kick-starting the metabolism, boosting the immune system, improving muscle and joint function and fighting winter blues and stress by releasing the feel good chemicals endorphins.
17 – Chicken Soup
No, it’s not a myth or just a soothing comfort food, eating chicken soup has been proven to help relieve the common cold by suppressing the inflammation that exacerbates many symptoms such as sore throats and excess mucus.
18- Drink ginger tea
Drinking this different but refreshing tasting tea can help keep you healthy in the winter due to its anti-viral properties, one of which, gingerol, can help suppress coughing.
19- Eat avocados
This superfood is a great addition to a winter diet. Avocados contain slow releasing sugars, are high in fibre, free from cholesterol and contain potassium which is lost during exercise. They also contain the serotonin inducing chemical trytophan, which promotes good moods and a feeling of well being.
20- Keep hydrated
It may not be hot and you may not feel thirsty, but staying well hydrated is essential to having a healthy winter. As 50-70% of our body is made up water, the British Dietetic Association advises that the average adult should consume 2.5 litres of water per day. As well as drinking beverages, increase your consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables as these also contain water.
21- Stay in touch
As winter draws in, resist the inclination to hibernate, and make sure you maintain contact with your social network. Recent studies have shown that not engaging with others can pose similar risks to your health as high blood pressure, obesity and smoking.
22- Eat cranberries
Cranberries are also packed with health benefits. As well as containing high levels of antioxidants which protect cells from free radicals and help prevent heart disease and cancer; cranberries also deliver phytonutrients that prevent bacteria such as E.Coli from causing urinary tract infections.
23- Stay out of debt
On average, £7600 per second will be spent on credit and debit cards in the weeks before Christmas, but as bank and other lenders fees have increased four-fold in the last two years, be careful not to overspend and end up with an unmanageable credit hangover this New Year. (Also according to Islam, a person will not enter heaven if he/she is under debt at the time of death. There are some anecdotes how some righteous people appeared after they passed away in the dreams of their near ones asking them to clear their debt, so better watch out).
24- Cut the carbs
By delving into the biscuit tin to cheer ourselves up during the winter, we do ourselves no favours as excess refined sugars (such as white bread, cakes, sugary drinks etc) add to our feelings of lethargy. Try and consume complex carbs such as porridge and whole grains in the morning for sustained energy, and up your protein intake in the afternoon to promote dopamine levels which promote alertness.
27- Indulge in chocolate
Dark chocolate is a good source of antioxidants and therefore may help reduce blood pressure and the chances of heart disease. Remember, dark chocolate still contains fat and carbohydrates, so as ever, eat in moderation.
28- Take a multivitamin
Although our diets should deliver all the vitamins and minerals we need, this is often not the case. During the winter, when we are put under more physical and mental stress by our surroundings, supplementing our diets with a good multivitamin formula can provide us with a nutritional basis to prevent us becoming unknowingly deficient in one of the many nutrients our body needs to function.
29- Sleep
As throughout the rest of the year, a good night’s sleep is vital to staying healthy in body and mind. The deep dreaming sleep known as REM is a constructive state thought to help the brain relax and sort through information, whilst at the same time allowing body tissues rest to recover and repair themselves. Our immune system also works harder during our sleep to fight and prevent illness.
30- Find better way to warming than drinking
Alcohol can lower immunity and act as a depressant – not something you want during those gloomy winter months.
Friday, 19 December 2014
Muslims are Terrorists?
Muslims are Terrorists?
Who started the 1st World War? Muslims?
Who started the 2nd World War? Muslims?
Who threw nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki? Muslims?
Who kills approximately 20 million aborigins in
Australia? Muslims?
Who kills more than 100 million red indians in
North America? Muslims?
Who kills more than 50 million red indians in
South America? Muslims?
Who took about 180 million Africans as slaves
and kills 77% of them? Muslims?
When America takes 1 million lives in Iraq for
oil - Not terrorism
When Serbs rape muslim women in Kosovo/
Bosnia - Not terrorism
When Russians kill 200,000 chechens in bombing
- not terrorism
When Jews kick out Palestinians and take their
land - Not terrorism
When American drones kill entire family and
Afghanistan/Pakistan - Not terrorism
When Israel kills 10,000 lebanese civilians due
to two missing soldiers - Not terrorism
When Muslims retaliate and show you how you
treat us - TERRORISM?
Death Penalties - FB Debate
Following post on Facebook recently yielded the debate below:
As demanded by many conscientious individuals and groups in Pakistan, the government has finally decided to carry out death penalties against terrorists in prisons who were sentenced by courts. Zaid Hamid Sahab has been most vocal about giving death penalties to terrorists since much earlier but certain secular liberal groups in Pakistan have been opposing death penalty to follow the trends in the West and to please their masters in the imperial countries. We have put Qur'anic teachings behind and we are facing the consequences now.
- S Roman Ahsan.
A US RESIDENT: Roman, that's a misconception and confusion spread intentionally by Zardari and nawaz. They were directly threatened by shahid Ullah shahid by fax that their families will be targeted directly if they carried out the death penalty. Rehman came up with this lie that the western countries are forcing them not to put anyone to death. Once again they put their own families above the nation.
ROMAN: That might be but perhaps you are not aware that some NGOs and other groups in Pakistan have been advocating the trends in the West without considering our own heritage. This includes some of our newspapers like DAWN and THE EXPRESS TRIBUNE as well (though their overall "presentation" quality is great).
A US RESIDENT: Once again, I reiterate,we need to fix our internal problems first before we play the victim of outsiders card. We have criminals amongst us, let's clean our house so the "evil" west can't harm us.
ROMAN: I agree and I assure you that the NGOs and media groups are part of "internal problems" because of "aligning themselves" with the "international criminals". They have power and influence, and they are preaching to the influential class of people in Pakistan. We should have reforms for the Madressahs also and I have penned down some concerns. But not the way certain groups here want them.
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Safety Dua & Peshawar Incident
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Safety Dua & Peshawar Incident
In view of the highly tragic incident in Peshawar with killings of over 130 school-children, safety dua'in (supplications) are being shared again after 2009 (organized in consultation with a religious entity). Can be downloaded from the link (check top left corner):
Forward the document ahead also as it does not contain any name of a person or group.
As demanded by many conscientious individuals and groups in Pakistan, the government has finally decided to carry out death penalties against terrorists in prisons who were sentenced by courts. Zaid Hamid Sahab has been most vocal about giving death penalties to terrorists since much earlier but certain secular liberal groups in Pakistan have been opposing death penalty to follow the trends in the West and to please their masters in the imperial countries. We have put Qur'anic teachings behind and we are facing the consequences now.
TTP is just an extension of our real enemies and it is the likes of Raymond Davis who are responsible for most of the chaos in Pakistan due to how they use certain groups. We let go the rascal against dollars even though he killed two of our security officers and even though the scoundrels in US have detained our sister Aafia in extremely pathetic conditions all these years!
WE ARE NOT A FREE COUNTRY! The day Pakistan makes an independent foreign policy, does not rely on loans from IMF, stops taking dictation from US, stops sending our Army Chief to US and when we are allowed to use our own natural resources will be when we become truly free. But for all that, we need to bring ALLAH's support on our side first by truly implementing His laws in all spheres, social, economic and political. And changing our individual lives as well. The ONLY SUPERPOWER IS ALLAH ALMIGHTY AND WE HAVE TO RETURN TO HIM ONE DAY. Hence, we need to fear Him alone!
We need to fight all terrorists but on our own terms and without external pressure including drone attacks which are responsible for expanding the base of terrorists due to killings of innocent civilians. We continue to pay the price for our alliance with US government, the number one terrorist state in the world which also backs the heinous crimes of Israel. It should be reiterated that the ordinary American citizens are either innocent or brainwashed by their media or scared to voice the truth.
The Afghanistan Taliban have condemned the attack by the Pakistani Taliban (impostors) and these two groups have no relation with each other. "The intentional killing of innocent people, children and women are against the basics of Islam and this criteria has to be considered by every Islamic party and government," Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement. Detailed insights on EXPRESS TRIBUNE:
May ALLAH be with us and may He guide us - Aameen.
- S Roman Ahsan.
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Peshawar killings of School Children - Dec16, 2014
Terrible incident in the history of Pakistan with over 120 school children killed by terrorists in Peshawar. Mourning alone won't help us. It is being demanded that out of the hundreds of terrorists in Pakistani prisons, those against whom there is clear evidence should be hanged publicly ASAP under military courts. Alarmingly, not a single terrorist has been hanged in Pakistan so far.
Perhaps we can start with this step,
just mourning won't solve the issue...!!!
Monday, 15 December 2014
Victims of feminism
Those who advocate equality between women and men avoid pointing out that both man and woman are special. Can a man live without a woman? Or can a woman live without a man? They are both meant to care for each other and to love & respect each other. There are many bad men in this world, but we should not forget that some very bad women also exist in this world. Good men and good women have always been in minority in this world, ever since the dawn of history.
Neither men are superior to women, nor women are superior to men. They have their respective roles which are different from one another. Feminism is basically a philosophy created by those who reject our true faith, Islam. Women should get good education but not because they don't want to be subjugated by men. The One and Only God (ALLAH) has defined the primary role of a homemaker and of a mother for women. But women today are neglecting this role because the One-Eyed Western civilization is heavily promoting feminism to pave way for the arrival of one-eyed Anti-Christ (Dajjal). According to a hadith, Dajjal will have large number of women followers.
- S Roman Ahsan.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Malala on Salman Rushdie
We can ignore the issue of Malala Yousafzai but when some people fail to realize certain things, then it is hard to just sit back. First of all, Malala is too young to write her own book. The opportunists in the West have tried to cash in on this episode. About Salman Rushdie and his highly blasphemous book, she wrote (page 36-37), “It (The Satanic Verses) was a parody of the Prophet’s life set in Bombay (Naooz Billah). Muslims widely considered it blasphemous and it provoked so much outrage that it seemed people were talking of little else. My father also saw the book as offensive to Islam but believes strongly in freedom of speech." AND “Is Islam such a weak religion that it cannot tolerate a book written against it? Not my Islam,” she quoted her father as saying and shifted all the blame on what she called a “mullah close to our intelligence services” to have ignited the feeling of the people of Pakistan to protest."
Read the complete article by Ansar Abbasi:
Read the complete article by Ansar Abbasi:
Tuesday, 9 December 2014
Highlights - Dec. 09, 2014
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Highlights - Dec. 09, 2014
- Beautiful Moon & End of Technology
- Pakistan Army Chief's Visit to US
- Imran Khan's Shutdowns - Condemnable
Beautiful full moon up in the sky tonight. In the past, we used to ponder over full-moon, the stars & moonlight. It brings to memory the times when life was relatively much simple without laptops, cell-phones, cable-TV though we were eager about TV shows and movies still then. Technology has made our life easier we think but it has also made us cut away from nature. It has been said by some prominent scholars of Islam that before the advent of promised Golden Age in End times under the 40-year rule of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), all modern-day technology will meet its end while nature & spirituality will pour forth their fruits with abundance for everyone on this planet. WHAT A GLORIOUS TIME THAT WILL BE!! But before that we have to protect ourselves from the trials of Anti-Christ!
* - Scholars include Sheikh Imran Hosein and Late Sheikh Nazim of Syria
Pakistan Army Chief extended his visit to USA to meet John Kerry. Kerry held a grand banquet in his honour once he returned - these kinds of banquets are normally given to heads of states. After their meeting, Kerry stated that "Pakistan Army is the binding force of Pakistan". Pakistan Army is not the binding force of Pakistan, it is Islam which is the binding force of Pakistan. We have survived as a country till now only because of the mercy of our Creator. And we seriously don't need certificates, titles or endorsements from US warlords for any institution, group or individual in Pakistan. We hope Pakistan Army does not bow before any undue given call by US.
Imran Khan's party carried out its first step in shut-down in Faisalabad yesterday. According to Qur'an Academy, Imran Khan's protest are not in line with the teachings left behind by our Prophet (pbuh) even though many of us initially supported his actions. These kinds of protests are damaging to country and we need to struggle to implement Islam first by "changing ourselves" before we think of changing the status quo especially since Imran refers to the quotes of Khulfa-e-Rashideen again and again in his speeches. Furthermore, in the Western countries also whose examples of social justice IK often cites, shutdowns are not used as a measure of protest against the ruling governments and they are only detrimental to any country's security and economy.We are not for Nawaz Sharif but IK is not doing a worthy service to Pakistan either. Two wrongs do not make a right.
- S Roman Ahsan.
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