اللہ کے راز صرف وہی جانتا ہے ۔ امام مہدی کے بارے میں احادیث میں کافی بتایا گیا ہے جو ملا جلا ہے ۔ احادیث سو فیصد مستند نہیں ہیں (اگرچہ کم ازکم موضوع کے اعتبار سے فتنہ دجال ، امام مہدی کے ظہور اور حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کے نزول کو جھٹلایا نہیں جاسکتا جس کے بارے میں پھر کبھی بات کریں گے) ۔ صرف قرآن ہم تک بالکل درست حالت میں پہنچا ہے ۔ اس طرح تو کافر بھی احادیث پڑھ کر امام مہدی کی راہ میں مشکلات کھڑی کر سکتے ہیں ۔ اللہ نے اپنے بندے کے بارے میں حقیقی علم چھپا کر رکھا ہو گا (اللہ اعلم) ۔ کیونکہ یہ آخری معرکہ ہے اور حضرت آدم علیہ السلام سے لے کر قیامت تک دجال سے بڑا فتنہ نہیں ہے ۔ اللہ ہمیں نیک ہدایت دے کہ ہم امام مہدی کے ظہور پر ان کو پہچان سکیں اور ان کا ساتھ دے سکیں ۔ آمین ثمہ آمین
Thursday, 29 September 2022
امام مہدی اور اللہ کے راز - Sep30,'22
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Surrounding Yourself With Positivity - 25th Sep, 2022
If you don’t deliberately surround yourself with positivity, there’s a good chance you’ll be overwhelmed with negativity. Seek out positive people, conversations, books and music and watch your spirits rise with your surroundings. And be that positive voice in the wilderness that others, like you are seeking.

Friday, 23 September 2022
EXPRESS TRIBUNE on 'Transgender Bill' of Pakistan - Sep23,'22
EXPRESS TRIBUNE on 'Transgender Bill' of Pakistan - 23rd September, 2022
[NOTE: This news story is being shared to highlight the concerned issue (especially with regards to proposed obnoxious homosexuality rights in Pakistan) and it is not about supporting any political party even if some individuals have raised a valid moral concern]
The Transgender Rights Act, according to Amir Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan Sirajul Haq, is against Islamic Sharia.
The recently passed Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act by the National Assembly, was enacted in 2018. The law allows transgender persons equal rights to education, basic health facilities, writing their transgender identity on their identity cards and passports, besides the right to vote and contest elections.
However, some religious parties are of the opinion that this bill is actually an attempt to give legal protection to homosexuality in the country. Senator Mushtaq Ahmad Khan of the Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) has even challenged the law in the Federal Shariat Court (FSC).
Maulana Fazlur Rahman, an ally of the government and head of the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F), has said that the law is against the teachings” of the Holy Quran and Sunnah and added that he would submit amendments to it in parliament.
For more, visit: https://tribune.com.pk/story/2378185/1
#etribune #news #TransgenderRightsBill
PSYCHOLOGY TODAY - Is physical punishment good for kids?
[Don't forget to check the article link at the end of description below]
This is a topic which I have addressed many years back also in one of my emails (perhaps 2009). At that time, I copied a write-up by a Western PhD holder from Internet with due acknowledgement and sent it across (for a Non-profit cause). The article was not in favor of physical punishment for kids.
The next day someone who had been on my email list said to me in person that I sent that email without thinking. And further said that our Prophet (pbuh) in fact recommended disciplinary beating of children as it is fertile for them.
We don't have solid proof that the relevant saying of Prophet (pbuh) is 100% authentic. And the whole context of those sayings should be known also.
Recently I came across another article which I am sharing with you. The findings by psychologists in this article carry much weight and again oppose the idea of physical punishment for kids along with alternative ideas on how to discipline them. Do study it yourself!
ARTICLE FROM BRIGHTSIDE - "Physical Punishment Ruins Children's Mental Health - Psychologists Say"
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Khan & Misuse of Islamic terms - Sep15,'22
(A very brief note)
world has a beginning and an end. Muslims regardless of strong or poor faith at
least agree about the reality of Judgment Day when only Allah will judge us. So
we need to be careful in this world with our words and actions but are we
Mr. Imran Khan is at least a truthful and honest person. And in his recent international telethon for flood relief, it is encouraging that a huge amount has been raised. Having said that nobody is without flaws in this world.
Regardless of our political affiliations or likes/dislikes, we have to admit that Khan is quite careless in his speeches especially when he includes or associates Islamic terms with his campaign. He has used the term ‘Jihad’ more than once (maybe quite often) while addressing processions, associating it with his political struggle. The term 'Jihad' is used in different context in Islam and is of different kinds - it cannot be linked with current political campaigns of any national leader.
Three for months back, he included a part of Qur’anic verse ‘Amar bil-maaroof wa nahi-anil Munkir’ which instructs believers to enjoin others to do good and forbid from wrong. But there he used that part of verse for his followers to stand with him in his political struggle in a manner which interprets that part of verse wrongly.
Given above are just two examples when Mr. Khan has been careless with Islamic terms and it is becoming his style. We
are not with Khan when he misuses Islamic terms for his campaign, sorry to say,
even if we believe otherwise that he has still better character at least than his opponents. Good Islamic Scholars can also be consulted in this regard. And
as for his past, Allah forgives His servants, so let us not dwell in the past.
Allah guide all of us – Aameen!
- S Roman Ahsan (15th September, 2022).
Tuesday, 6 September 2022
Stories for Pak Defence Day - September06, 2022
The Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 was the most decisive of all the wars fought between the two countries. It started in the month of August and lasted until 23rd September 1965. The major portion of the armor and weaponry used by both countries was provided by the Americans, Russians and British who were getting rid of older equipment used in WW2. The Battle of Chawinda was one of the major battles fought during this war and is now hailed as one of the largest tank battles since the Battle of Kursk in WWII.
The City of Sialkot in Pakistan was one of the cities which the Indians had planned to use as a base for further operations within Pakistan, once captured. The town of Chawinda lies a few miles from the main city and was the center of the action. General Dunn was the commander of the I Corps-Indian Army and was put in charge of an armored division, a mountain division, and 2 other divisions.
The strength of the Indian forces ranged from 80,000 to 150,000 infantry and 230 tanks that consisted of both Centurions and Shermans. On the other hand, the Pakistani force that planned to repulse the attack initially consisted of an armored, an infantry and an artillery division. Later during the battle, reinforcements arrived, including another infantry division and another armored division. The Pakistani side consisted of 30,000 to 50,000 infantry, 132 tanks who were tasked with the initial defense and 150 reinforcements who retreated from the nearby tank battle of Phillora without many losses. Both Sherman and Patton tanks took part in at the battle.
Alam, nicknamed as ‘Little Dragon’ popularly, while piloting an F-86 Sabre, shot down five Indian war planes in less than a minute during 1965 Pak-India war and altogether, downed nine war planes in the aerial fighting.
MM Alam was the first ever fighter pilot for PAF, listed on top in the hall of famers list at the PAF Museum in Karachi. Alam is considered as a national hero for Pakistan, most significantly, for his remarkable show of brilliance in the war of 1965 he was awarded the ‘Sitara-e-Jurat’ and also the BAR medal, private news channel reported.
The war hero was born on July 6, 1935, in Calcutta, India and was the eldest of 11 siblings. No one in his family before him had been part of the military, and in fact, he joined the armed forces against his father’s will.
In 1965, when India started war in the late mist dark night, Alam who was the first commanding officer of the first squadron of Assaults Mirage III, took his F-86 Sabre jet plane equipped with AIM-9 sidewinder missiles and fly over the skies of Sargodha to defeat the enemies who entered in Pakistani Air Space.
Here, MM Alam made the unforgettable history by knocking down nine Indian Fighter Jets ‘Hawker Hunters’ in air to air combat despite Hawker Hunter superiority over F-86. He shot down as he sets an unbeaten world record by downing five Indian aircraft in thirty seconds.
Sunday, 4 September 2022
PAK FLOODS 2022 - Man builds bridge in 48 hrs
FROM: Startup Pakistan https://www.facebook.com/StartupPakistanSP/