Tuesday 21 October 2014

Deen And Sultan


This is an extract from the classical scholar Imam al-Ghazali's book al-Iqtisad fil-I’tiqad that describes beautifully the consequences on the Ummah and the Deen of not having a ruler who rules by Islam. It also challenges the idea that Muslims can perfect their individual Islamic actions and morals without the need for a state that governs by Islam. Imam Ghazali writes,

“The security of the world, its inhabitants and properties cannot be achieved except with an obeyed ruler (Sultan Muta`). The times of extreme sedition and chaos [following] the deaths of the rulers and the leaders bear witness to this. If this [situation] continues without another just ruler being appointed, then chaos will continue, bloodshed and oppression will become widespread, and livestock will be destroyed and industry stopped. Whoever gains power over others will loot, and none will find time for worship (‘ibadah) or gaining knowledge (‘ilm), if they manage to remain alive.

This is why it is said that,

‘the Deen and the Sultan are twins’

الدِّيْنُ وَ السُّلْطَانُ تَوْأَمَان

and it is said that,

‘the deen is the foundation and the Sultan is the guardian. That which has no foundation is doomed, and that which has no guardian will perish’

الدِّيْنُ اُسُّ وَ السُلْطَانُ حَارِسٌ، وَ مَا لا اُسَّ لَهُ فَمَهْدُوْمٌ وَ مَا لا حَارِسَ لَهُ فضَائعٌ

This is a sickness for which there is no remedy, except through a powerful and just ruler who will unify the disparate and differing views....

Therefore, the obligatory character of [appointing] the ruler (imam) is one of the essential matters from the Law (al-shar`) which may not in any way be abandoned.”

FROM: Hizb ut Tahir (but being shared here only to support the truth and not because of any affiliation)

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