Monday, 13 March 2023

Take A Walk Daily !! - Mar13,'23

Take A Walk Daily !!

If we could only somehow discipline ourselves. We have grown so much used to passive lifestyles!! Everybody needs exercise, mind you. Regular exercise is essential not just for people affected with heart-diseases, diabetes, depression etc. but for all adults. Walking is the best exercise as it is most convenient for people of all ages. The healthcare experts advise that a normal person should carry out some form of exercise 5-6 days a week for at least 20-30 minutes. But make it a brisk walk where you sweat and your heart pumps. Jogging and weight-training are also recommended but starting these at a later age might bring some health problems. Consult a healthcare expert or family physician also in this regard. Remember that for exercise, you have to take some time apart from your ordinary routine in life.

It is best to take a walk in a park nearby but if we don't have such a facility then we still have to find some other way we can carry out walking on daily basis. People with very busy life schedules keep a Treadmill, Cycling-machine or Elliptical Trainer etc. at home if they cannot proceed to a gym or park after a busy day at office. They have to choose the home exercise machine which best suits their needs after consultation with health experts, family physician etc. or any close person who is experienced in these matters.

If one can afford, then one can keep a home exercise machine even if one is in the habit of exercising outdoors. This allows a person to not skip exercise for any day if one is not able to proceed out of one's house due to weather conditions or any time constraint.

During Ramazan, the daily routine of most Muslims gets upset and they find it difficult to take some time out even if they are in the habit of exercising regularly. It is a given fact that though Taraaveeh prayers are not absolute 'fardh' (obligatory) in Islam but offering them after Iftar also substitutes as a form of regular exercise apart from reaping spiritual benefits.

Regular exercise carried out over years (next to paying special attention to diet) contributes to our overall health and builds up our immune system against diseases. One can notice positive changes in physical and mental capacities after just a week of starting an exercise routine. It may prevent the risk of heart-diseases and diabetes also apart from making one feel generally active and energetic to handle different kinds of tasks.

It is difficult at first to start any exercise routine but we need to motivate ourselves with strong will-power. Once it becomes a habit after some period of time then we can continue it for life. Even then, laziness can creep in many times but we need to keep fighting it for 'health is wealth' also!

So take some time out instead of sitting or relaxing in front of mobile phones, laptops or TV screens all the time and invest it in a good life!

- S Roman Ahsan. (March 13, 2023)

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