Monday 7 October 2024

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Monday 16 September 2024

* - DIVINE INTERVENTION - * - Sep17,'24

* - DIVINE INTERVENTION - * - 17th September, 2024

A very common question is that if there is a God then why is He allowing so much oppression and violence in the world? In Gaza (Palestine), innocent men, women and children are being brutally killed in air raids and now, ground invasions since October 2023 but why is Almighty Allah not providing them relief? In our own country Pakistan, we are facing continuous political and economic crises for many years but why is our Lord not changing our fate for the better?

The answer is that Almighty Allah has a plan and He will make it work when He wills. It could be soon or little further away because every dark night ends and the dawn of a new day appears. Our job is not to lose hope and to submit to the Omnipotent Being.

An intellectually stimulating, well-presented and well-narrated 5-minute video without any images of any living creatures on the topic of Divine Intervention in the form of arrival of Imam Mahdi. It needs to be stressed that waiting for Imam Mahdi is not a 'passive' kind of waiting but it means we have to prepare ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually for that time while not ignoring and keeping our worldly goals aligned with it!


Thursday 12 September 2024

Last Verse of Surat At-Tauba - Sep12,'24


LAST VERSE OF SURAT AT-TAUBA - Daily, 7 Times in morning and 7 Times in evening
- Our Prophet (pbuh) said that one who recites the part of last verse of Surat At tauba (Surah No. 9) - 7 Times in morning and 7 Times in evening (preferably after Fajar and Maghrib Salah) will be relieved from all worries of this world as well as the hereafter.

Thursday 5 September 2024

Our Prophet (pbuh) - Rabi Al-Awwal - Sep06,'24

OUR PROPHET (PBUH) - RABI AL-AWWAL - 6th September, 2024

 He is that blessed and noble man who lost his father before he was born in Rabi' al-Awwal. Can you imagine the difficulty? He is that precious human who lost his mother at the tender age of six years old in the middle of the Arabian desert. He looked upon her with his beautiful eyes whilst her illness increased and he witnessed her leave this world whilst he was so young. Can you imagine the greatness of that test? His grandfather began to look after him. He poured all of his love and affection upon him but by the age of 8 he had already lost him. Can you imagine the pain? His wife was the most beloved person in the world to him and he lost her in the most testing of times. Can you imagine the yearning? His uncle who looked after him from the age of 8 and was his security in Makkah - He passed away before him.

He saw the martyrdom and mutilation of Sayyiduna Hamza who was like his father and it broke his blessed heart. Can you imagine the strength? He lost his aunty and she was like a mother to him so he lay in her grave and buried her with his own hands. Can you imagine the loyalty? He lost his sons whilst they were young children. He went through the pain of burying four sons in his lifetime and it caused his blessed eyes to weep. Can you imagine the hardship? He saw the torture and killing of the companions he grew up with and his soul never stop yearning for them. Can you imagine the love? He went to Badr and returned to find his daughter had passed away. Can you imagine the longing? Life continued and he buried two other daughters with his blessed hands. Can you imagine his strength?
Despite all of this - a companion said, "I never saw him except with a smile upon his face!' His sahaba said he never stood or sat down except that he praised Allah no matter the situation. Can you imagine his character? ﷺ. May Allah cure our ill ones, mend our broken hearts, and bless us with patience and strength to face adversity and tribulation.

FROM FACEBOOK PAGE - Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy 

Wednesday 28 August 2024

POSTS - Health & Fitness - Aug29,'24

Health & Fitness Posts - August 29, 2024

Following are some health and fitness posts just for awareness. They can serve as reminders also: