Brother in Dunya and Akhira
Please read for love of Sayyidna Ali (ra)
❤ During Hijra when Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wa-Alaihi Wassallam told Sayyidna Ali to sit and sleep in his bed he teared and cried for such an opportunity, to give his life in the name of Allah and his beloved Rasool. Sayyidna Ali held his soul in his right hand and was ready to let it go with his eyes closed. Sayyidna Ali always had trouble sleeping because every night he was worried about the Ummah. But this night he put the green robe of the Prophet around himself, put his head where his beloved did, put the blanket over himself, and closed his eyes. When he closed his eyes he saw the Prophet greeting him and inspired him to cover himself with the other belongings of Prophet. After the incident Sayyidna Ali, Sayyida Fatima (the mother of Sayyidna Ali) and Sayyidah Fatima Az Zahra traveled towards Madina Sharif. Sayyidna Ali's feet were in blood, and covered in blisters and in pain, when the Prophet saw Sayyidna Ali arrive and the children of Madina were singing the greeting and the Prophet started crying. He put his saliva on the feet of Sayyidna Ali and hugged him, and kissed his forehead. After that Prophet put everyone with a brother in Madinah Sharif to stay, but Sayyidna Ali was left alone, he said Ya Rasool Allah i did not get a brother to stay with, Prophet SallAllahu Alaihi Wa-Alaihi Wassallam looked at him and said Ya Ali! you are my brother in Dunya and Akhira! صلی الله علیه و سلم
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