Saturday 4 November 2017

Your Honour And You

Your Honour And You

Honor is that which no man can give you and no man can take away. It’s a gift a man gives to himself. Rob Roy

Honor is an intense sense of right and wrong, and the adherence to the actions and principles that a man deems right. In the past, a man’s honor was considered something that had to be defended, even to the death. Men fought duels to the death to defend what they declared to be an insult to their honor, or in today’s terms, being disrespected.

Noblemen and warriors, both in the East and in the West, considered it part of their duty to defend their honor, especially if they felt that someone had disrespected them or challenged their honor in some way. And, these men took drastic measures to do so.

In many cases, these duels were not about honor at all, but more about someone’s wounded pride. To fight to the death over some small insult or misunderstanding is not truly defending your honor, but rather defending your pride. The vast majority of these duels of honor were more about defending the man’s reputation, not his honor.

Honor is not something that you have to defend by fighting other men, but you do have to fight for it nonetheless. You have to fight to keep your honor daily. Almost every day of your life you will have opportunities to turn your back on your honor by choosing actions that are dishonorable in one way or another.

The fight to maintain your honor is an internal battle, not an external one. Honor is not something that anyone else can take away from you, but it is something that you can lose. It is up to you whether or not you maintain your honor. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the #1 Bestseller, BUSHIDO: The Way of the Warrior, available from Amazon at: or from The Wisdom Warrior website at:

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