Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Yehi Waqt Hai Wafa Ka - یہی وقت ہے وفا کا

یہی وقت ہے وفا کا


- Even if we don't fully subscribe to Mr. Zaid Hamid but this message is great

پاکستانی قوم کو یہ بات اچھی طرح یاد رکھنی چاہیے کہ مشرقی پاکستان میں ہمارے مشرک دشمنوں نے ہمیں کس طرح نقصان پہنچایا۔ حملے سے پہلے تقسیم کیا

نریندر مودی کے پاس اب زیادہ وقت نہیں بچا ہے۔ وہ پاکستان پر حملہ کرنے کی جلدی میں ہے۔ مگر پہلے ہمیں اندر سے تقسیم کرنا چاہتا ہے۔

خونریزی اور دہشت گردی کی حالیہ لہر کے ساتھ ہی قوم کو قومیت، صوبائیت، لسانیت اور فرقہ واریت میں تقسیم کرنے کی سازشیں بھی شروع ہوچکی ہیں۔

پاکستانی قوم کو سیدی رسول اللہﷺ کی اس تنبیہ کو سختی سے سمجھنا چاہیے کہ جو کوئی اسلام کے علاوہ کسی اور عصبیت پر مرا، وہ جاہلیت کی موت مرے گا

آج ہر وہ شخص کہ جو پاکستان کے مسلمانوں کو قومیت، لسانیت، صوبائیت یا فرقہ واریت میں تقسیم کرتا ہے، اللہ اور اسکے رسولﷺ کا دشمن ہے۔

عوامی نیشنل پارٹی ہو، خوارج ہوں یا جیو اور ڈان جیسا میڈیا، ہر دشمن اپنی استطاعت کے مطابق پاکستان کی نظریاتی جڑیں کاٹ رہا ہے۔

ماڈل ٹاﺅن کا قاتل اور پاناما کی خائن نواز حکومت اس آگ کو بھڑکا رہی ہے، اور دیگر جاہل سیاستدان جلتی پر تیل ڈال رہے ہیں۔

ایسے وقت میں کہ جب ملک داخلی طور پر حالت جنگ میں ہو، اور مشرق اور مغرب سے مشرک حملے کیلئے تیار ہوں، یہ سیاستدان ملک کی جڑیں کاٹ رہے ہیں۔

آج ہر پاکستانی مسلمان پرواجب ہے کہ سختی سے پاکستان کی نظریاتی اورروحانی اساس کادفاع کرے،ہم اسلام اور پاکستان کےعلاوہ کوئی شناخت نہیں جانتے

ہمارے عقیدے کی نسبت سبز گنبد سے ہے، اور ہمارے نظریے کی پہچان سبز ہلالی پرچم سے۔

دشمنوں کی سا زشوں کو پہچانیں۔ سبز گنبد اور سبز ہلالی پرچم کی نسبت کو رسوا نہ ہونے دینا۔ یہی وقت ہے وفا کا

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Dancing at shrines and wrath of Allah


In a new wave of ghastly terrorist strikes in Pakistan, the shrine of Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander (ra) was also targetted with casualties of about 80 innocent people. Though an attack at shrine (the second such attack after Data Darbar in Lahore) with huge loss of lives is very tragic but it is equally insane when some groups of people in Pakistan claim they want to fight terrorism by performing dances and music shows at the same shrine.

I am no follower of Mufti Muneeb but he is right when he says that a shrine of saint is no place where dancers should put on their show in the name of 'Sufism' and 'enlightenment'. 

For God's sake do we ever dance when we go to graveyards of common Muslims? No, we just go there and offer 'Fateha' and dua. Then how come one is allowed to dance at the shrine of a saint? That is not our culture but the ways of Hindus and people who dance or do 'dhamaal' at shrines are only inviting wrath of Allah. 

The basic teachings of Islam strictly prohibit such foul acts at a place like shrine or even a common graveyard. We should remember that real rewards and punishment are for afterlife, so if the dancers at shrines think everything is going well for them in this world, then that is just a delusion. 

Encouraged by the bold actions of a renowned dancer who performed 'dhamaal' at the shrine of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar, a music group of Pakistan also planned to perform music at the same. The aim of these music groups is just to promote their business and they are opportunists.

Let's hope 'dancing' or 'dhamaal' is stopped at shrines in Pakistan and may Allah guide all of us who are on wrong track - Aameen.

- by S Roman Ahsan.

Not All Are Good

Not every man who goes to mosque is a good person. Don't get disappointed by anyone in mosque, pay attention to your own devotion to Allah and love for Prophet (pbuh).

Friday, 24 February 2017



"There are none worthy of worship besides You. Glorified are You.
Surely, I am from among the wrongdoers."

The Beginning

I have not given up. I am just beginning - * *

Syed Roman Ahsan.

Thursday, 23 February 2017


سورہ الکھف جمعہ کے دن ضرور پڑھئیے -
حدیث کے مطابق اللہ تعالٰی ایک نور عطا فرماتا ہے جو اگلے جمعے تک رہتا ہے-

Majaazi Mohabbat - مجازی محبت

مجازی محبت

Thank you Government of Pakistan - Feb 23, 2017

Ayyan Ali removed from ECL (Exit Control List) and flees to Dubai immediately afterwards. Hafiz Saeed included in ECL in spite of loving and caring for Pakistan and our enemies becoming bolder with terrorist attacks. Thank you Government of Pakistan.

- February 23, 2017

Take Time To Verify

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Ziarat mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (ﷺ)

Ziarat mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (ﷺ)

Many People are blessed to have ziarat mubarak of Sayyadi Rasul Allah (ﷺ). Ziarat of Sayyadi ﷺ in dreams is Haqq, part of our Imaan and CANNOT be denied according to Quran and Sunnah!. anyone denying this fact is out of the deen !!

From Facebook Page: Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy

A message about Pak Army and ISI


ہمیں یا کسی کو بھی اس بات پر کوئی شک نہیں کہ افواج پاکستان کے ساتھ ساتھ اور شانہ بشانہ جنگیں لڑنے والی پاکستانی غیور اور نڈر عوام نے ہمیشہ اور ہر مشکل وقت میں جس طرح بہادر اور دلیری سے دشمن کا مقابلہ کیا اس کی دنیا میں کوئی مثال نہیں، اس کی ایک جھلک ہم 1965 میں بھی دیکھ سکتے ہیں جب دنیا دیکھ کر حیران رہ گئی تھی اور ہندوستانی چیخ اٹھے تھے کہ یہ ہمارا واسطہ کس قوم سے پڑا ہے۔ اب ہم آپ کو ہمارے اس پیغام کا تھوڑا سا مطلب واضح کرتے چلے۔

بہت سارے ہمارے بھائی اور بہنیں اکثر ہم سے پیج کمنٹس اور ان بکس میں بھی پوچھتے رہتے ہیں کہ ہم افواجِ پاکستان اور آئی ایس آئی میں شمولیت اختیار کرنا چاہتے ہیں ۔ ایسے سب بھائیوں اور بہنوں کے جذبے کو پہلے تو ہم سلام کرتے ہیں کہ آپ ہماری افواج سے محبت بھی کرتے ہیں اور اRس میں شامل ہونے کے لئے بے چین بھی رہتے ہیں لیکن اگر کسی بھی وجہ سے آپ افواجِ پاکستان میں نہیں آ پا رہے ہوں یا اپکو موقع نہیں مل رہا تو اس بات پر نا امید نہ ہو اور نہ ہی پریشان ہونے کی ضرورت ہے کیونکہ ہوسکتا ہے الله آپ سے اس ملک کی خدمت کسی اور طریقے سے لینا چاہتا ہو، کیونکہ ہمیں وہ سب نظر نہیں آریا ہوتا جو الله دیکھ ریا ہے اور جو راستہ ہمارے لئے الله چنتا ہے اس میں ضرور خیر اور برکت ہی ہوتی ہے جو یم نہیں سمجھ سکتے ۔ افواج پاکستان میں موقع اگر نہیں ملتا تو نا امید بھی نہیں ہونا چاہئے ہو سکتا ہے الله کی نظر میں آپ سرحدوں سے زیادہ کسی اور محاذ پر دشمن سے لڑنے کے اہل ۔ ہو سکتا ہے براہ راست افواج پاکستان میں ہونے سے بہتر آپ کسی اور شکل اور شخصیت میں ہو یا الله نے آپ کو فوج کے باہر رکھ کر بھی آپ کو اس ملک کی دفاع کے لئے مختص کیا ہوا ہو ۔ وطن عزیز کی دفاع اور اسلام کی بالادستی کے لئے آپ کے پاس وردی یا ہتھیار ہونا ضروری نہیں، آپ کی سوچ، آپ کی پاکستان ، اسلام اور افواج پاکستان کے لئے محبت اور مخلص ہونا ضروری ہے ۔اسی سوچ اور مشن کے ساتھ آپ کہیں بھی رہ کر کسی بھی ادارے میں یا کسی بھی شکل مآپ پاکستان کی دفاع بھء کر سکتے اور دشمن کے ہر سازش کا منہ توڑ جواب بھی دے سکتے ہیں ۔ جدید دنیا میں کسی بھی ملک یا قوم کو تباہ کرنے کے لئے سب سے پہلے میڈیا کی جنگ لڑی جاتی ہے اور میڈیا یا سوشل میڈیا کے ذریعے اقوام اور اس جے نظریات کو کمزور کیا جاتا ہے، غلط اور بے بنیاد خبریں اور افواہیں پھیلائی جاتی ہیں جس سی قوم کے حوصلے پست ہو سکتے ہیں اور جسے تباہ کرنے کے لئے دشمن کو پھر اتنی محنت نہیں کرنی پڑتی ۔ تو آہ سب سے بھی گزارش یہی ہے اور اس پیغام کا مقصد اور مطلب بھی یہی ہے کہ اگر آپکی افواج بارڈرز پر، ملک کے اندر مختلف کٹھن اور سخت آپریشن کر کے دشمب کا صفایا کر رہی ہے وہاں آپ اور ہم سب کا بھی فرض بنتا ہے کہ پرنٹ میڈیا الیکٹرانک میڈیا اور سوشل میڈیا پر ہم بھی دشمن کے خلاف محاذ کھولے اور افواج پاکستان کی کاروائیوں اور کارناموں کو مشکوک اور متنازعہ بنانے اور ہر پروپیگنڈے کو رد کردے اور دشمن کی ہر گھناؤنی سازش کو دنیا کے سامنے بے نقاب کرے ۔ اور سب سے بڑھ کر ہمیں اپنے دشمن کے بارے میں شش وپنج میں نہیں رہنا چاہئے ، ہر وہ شخص اور ہر وہ ملک یا ریاست جو پاکستان ، افواج پاکستان، پاکستان کے قوانین، رٹ، اسلام، قرآن اور ہمارے نظریات کو نہیں مانتا، جو ہمارے بے گناہ عوام کو قتل کرتا یے اور اس پاک مٹی کے ساتھ جو وفادار نہیں وہ ہمارا دشمن ہے اس میں کسی کو شک نہیں ہونا چاہئے ۔ الله سے دعا ہے کہ الله ہمارے پیارے وطن کو دشمن کی ہر سازش سے بچائے، ہمیں اپنے دشمنوں سے لڑنے اور عوام کی خدمت کر نے کا موقع عطاء فرمائے اور افواج پاکستان اور عوام کے درمیان کبھی دوری 
یا نفرت نہ بنائے ۔ الله ہم سب کا حامی اور ناصر ہو۔ آمین

پاکستان پائندہ باد 

عوام اور افواج پاکستان زندہ باد ۔ 

جزاک الله

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

General Bajwa

How To Identify Suicide Bomber



(Warrior Wisdom) - Better to be a warrior than - - -


It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.
You may be wondering how it is that warriors teach the skills of violence, but talk about peace and tranquility. As strange as it may seem to some people, the two are not mutually exclusive. Think about it. The monks at the Shaolin Temple are peaceful people, but they teach the arts of self-defense.

All true warriors want peace. A life of peace is where you can pursue your goals, spend quality time with your loved ones, and live life to the fullest. But as history as proven time and time again, living a peaceful life is not always possible, so we must train in martial arts, even in times of peace.

George Washington stated that those who want peace should prepare for war, and this same train of thought has been taught for hundreds of years. While we should live in peace and love, we should also understand how to fight and defend ourselves.
Knowing how to fight is not in opposition to peace and love, but is actually a part of loving peace and our loved ones. If you love someone, you must be willing to defend them. In addition, being willing to defend someone is worthless, if you don't have the ability or training to do so.

Yes, teach your students the way of peace and love, but also teach them how to stand up against the evil in this world. Teach them to stand against those who hate peace and want to destroy our way of life, but also give them the tools to stand successfully. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the NEW BOOK, The Warrior Ethos
The Warrior Ethos is NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon at:

http://tinyurl.com/TheWarriorEthos or on my website at: http://thewisdomwarrior.com/ Get Your Copy TODAY!!

FROM FACEBOOK PAGE: The Gentleman Warrior

Personal Character


True Believer

Monday, 20 February 2017

Mending A Broken Heart


Al-Isrā Wal Mi'rāj ❤️

Once Sāyyida A'isha رضي الله عنها
Was Given The Opportunity To Ask Beloved Rāsul'Allāh ﷺ Anything Her Heart Desired

She Asked Beloved Rāsul'Allāh ﷺ To Share Something From The Greatest Nights In History Al-Isrā Wal Mi'rāj

To Which Rāsul'AllāhSpoke Of.....

Allāh Sūbhana Wa Ta'Ala Mentioned To His Beloved That From Your Ummāh If A Person Mends A Heart That Has Been Broken, He Will Be Entered Into Jannāh Without Being Questioned (Subhan'Allāh)

However Let Us Not Forgot It Was Also Said, Breaking Someone's Heart Is An Act Which Can Take You To Hellfire (Allāh Hu Akbār)

Aspire To Become Amongst Those That Heal A Broken Heart, Not Amongst Those Who Break Them ❤️

For You Never Know Which One Good Deed Will Take You To Jannāh Or Which One Bad Deed To Jahanūm 💔

FROM FACEBOOK PAGE: Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy

LINK: https://web.facebook.com/HazratMaulanaJami/?pnref=story

ISIS - A fake group that claims to be "Islamic"


The Islamic State is not a dream, nor is it a figment of the imagination, for it had dominated and influenced history for more than thirteen hundred years. It is a reality, it has always been and always will be. The vital elements of its existence are far greater than can be ignored or fought against by anything or anyone. The enlightened people have adopted it and it is the wish of the Ummah which is eager for the return of the glory of Islam. The Islamic State is not a desire that one aims to satisfy but an obligation that Allah has decreed for the Muslims and commanded them to fulfill. He warned of the punishment awaiting those who neglect this duty and promised reward to those who pursue this duty.

The Generous Prophet ﷺ


A Man Boasted And Said To Sayyiduna Hussain رضي الله عنه, "My Grandfather Was So Generous That If A Man Asked Him 50 Times, He Would Give And Give And Give Without Tiring."

Sayyiduna Hussain رضي الله عنه Replied, "My Grandfather ﷺ Was So Generous That If He Gave Once Then There Wouldn't Be A Need For Any Man To Ever Ask Again." 💚💜

Doing nothing is also an action

Doing nothing is also an action

Doing nothing is also an action; not making a decision is making a decision. Bohdi Sanders

If you are just sitting on the couch, vegging out, that in and of itself, is an action. Doing nothing is also an action; not making a decision is making a decision. Everything you do is an action, even if that action is the decision to not act.

By deciding not to get a workout, but instead, to take the afternoon off and sitting in front of the television, you are still acting.

Watching television is an action. Taking a nap is an action.

Everything that you do is some type of action. Whenever you decide not to do one thing, you are deciding to do something else. This is true even if what you decide to do is nothing. Doing nothing is in fact doing something.

Think about it. If you are just sitting in a chair doing nothing, you are sitting in a chair. That is what you are doing. The same thing applies to making decisions. If you decide not to decide, then your decision is to be passive and let life make the decision for you.

What the warrior should always be concerned with is whether his actions are right or wrong. Always use your sense of honor to determine the correct course of action.

You can’t go back and change the past; all you can do is start living right, right now, this very moment. Starting now, strive to make your every action right, according to your own code of honor. Make sure that there is a good reason for everything that you do.

Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the NEW BOOK, The Warrior Ethos

The Warrior Ethos is NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon at: http://tinyurl.com/TheWarriorEthos or on my website at: http://thewisdomwarrior.com/ Get Your Copy TODAY!!

Sunday, 19 February 2017

The best defense


The best defense against evil men is good men who are skilled at violence.

Evil predators do not think like the average person. Most people can't even grasp the way their minds work or how they could possibly do the horrible things that these predators do. This simple fact gives the predators an advantage over most people.

Pacifists state that you must simply love these people because they are merely doing the best that they can do. To them, there is never any acceptable reason for violence. Well, I have news for people who think this way – predators are not doing the best that they can do, and they don't care. Predators only respect strength, not philosophy or love.

The best defense, and many times the only defense, against these predators, is good, brave men, who are skilled at violence. These are the men, and women, who will step up and do what must be done to stop these kinds of people. They are the warriors. They are those who have the courage to do what most others do not have the intestinal fortitude to stomach.

Being good at violence does not mean that you are some uncouth brute. It simply means that you have had the training to be both skilled at doing what it takes to stop these predators, and trained to understand when you must use those skills.

Violence is violence, period. There are some martial artists and martial arts writers who try to make a science out of violence. That is just silly. Violence is simply causing injury to someone to achieve your desired outcome. In the case of the warrior, it is used to protect himself and those he or she loves. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the NEW BOOK, The Warrior Ethos

The Warrior Ethos is NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon at: http://tinyurl.com/TheWarriorEthos or on my website at: http://thewisdomwarrior.com/ Get Your Copy TODAY!!

ALLAHu Akbar

Propaganda Against General Bajwa

Propaganda Against General Bajwa

Pray for Pakistan Army and ISI


Saturday, 18 February 2017

خارجی یا خوارج - Kharji or Khawarij

خارجی یا خوارج

نیچے پوسٹ کا مطلب یہ نہیں کہ ہم مدرسوں کے خلاف ہو جائیں- دوسری اہم بات یہ ہے کہ خود کش حملہ آور زیادہ تر کم عمر کیوں ہوتے ہیں؟ اس پر غور کریں - وہ اس لیے کہ ہمارے دشمن جعلی یا دو نمبر ملا کے ذریعے لڑکوں کو خود کش حملوں کیلئے تیار کرتے ہیں

Not Passionate About "Today's Cricket"


Spiritual people are not really passionate about wasteful activities. That includes the sport of Cricket in Pakistan in current times though they don't oppose it either. In previous times, before the 1990s, Cricket was gentleman's sport in Pakistan. White shirts and trousers were the dress for a cricketer the world over. The audience used to behave well and there were no associated wasteful activities with Cricket.

The situation has changed a lot now. We have a little too much glamour and opening ceremonies which account for excessive waste of time and expenditure. And all this is increasingly becoming liberal.

Unfortunately, the race is on to keep up with the international standards and events.

Whether Pakistan wins or loses in these cricket matches is of little importance to Spiritual people of Pakistan though they are as much patriotic as others.

What matters to them based on Islamic teachings is how much the citizens of nation are incorporating Islam in their lives. Unfortunately, the overall situation is pathetic at the moment.

- Syed Roman Ahsan.

I Am Seeing: A Leader, Conquest of India & Nishat-e-Sania (Story of Mohtarma Atiya Moujood)

I Am Seeing: A Leader, Conquest of India & Nishat-e-Sania (Story of Mohtarma Atiya Moujood)
وہ بہت سخت گیر آدمی ہے، وہ ہمارے معاشرے کو سدھار کر رکھ دے گا

Mohtarma Atiya Moujood

Famous Writer Mumtaz Mufti mentioned a pious lady 'Atiya Moujood' in his writings who had a natural ability to see the future. Mohtarma Atiya Moujood was not just a Seer, She had been appointed by Nature for this very purpose of giving glad news to Pakistanis.

Here an Excerpt from Book: Pyaz Ke Chilke, Her predictions about Rise of a Leader and Pakistan's Future are posted along with complete story of her life.

Pyaz Ke Chilke (Page 179)

Predictions about Pakistan's Future (Alakh Nagri Pages 477, 481)

(Read English Translation here)

Story of Mohtarma Atiya Moujood  (A Message To Pakistani Nation)

'الله پر بھروسہ رکھنے والوں کو نوازا جاتا ہے'

FROM BLOG: "Future of Pakistan (Insha Allah)

LINK: http://spiritual-pakistan-future.blogspot.com/2011/10/i-am-seeing-leader-conquest-of-india.html


Friday, 17 February 2017

Fighting Terrorism in Pakistan with good governance?

A Pakistani celebrity-turned-analyst said that Iran also has border with Afghanistan but there are no terrorist attacks in Iran because there is good governance in Iran and hence optimum security measures. He highlighted that Pakistan needs to have good governance primarily, which means an efficient government.

While we do need a good government but there are no terrorist strikes in Iran because Iran does not have a strategic geographical location in Asia compared to Pakistan, if we consider from the point of interest of the "imperialists". The terrorist attacks in Pakistan have been basically to destabilize the country and to break it into pieces since the troika of US-Israel-India have a common interest in doing so.

Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein has said many times that Israel wants to wage a big war in Middle East after which the geographical boundaries of Israel will extend manifold and it will become the ruling state of the world after USA, the dream of GREATER ISRAEL. However, the only significant threat Israel faces is from Pakistan, as it is the only Muslim country which has Nuclear Weapons.

Hence, their aim has been to first destabilize Pakistan and then take away its Nuclear Weapons afterwards letting India take over the charge of Pakistan (God forbid) before initiating a big war in Middle East. So far, they have been unsuccessful in doing so in the last 15 years or so.

Also, with CPEC, India has become more envious of Pakistan. One can easily connect the dots.

Pakistan needs good governance certainly but we need to change ourselves also. Please check this article of mine on terrorism in Pakistan published in DAILY TIMES (BOSS SECTION) in 2010, "OF HEAVEN, FIRE AND BLOOD" -

ISIS Vs. Islam

ISIS Vs. Islam

We know the reality of the so called ISIS ('Islamic State of Iraq and Syria') - Its neither Islamic nor a State, it represents the modern breed of 'Khawarij' which has always been waging war on Islam and Muslim people from the inside.

Performing 'Dhamaal' at Shrines - No Islamic Relevance


Shrines should be preserved and guarded against all possible threats and attacks. But performing 'dhamaal' at shrines has no religious significance whatsoever. It is just hindu customs to use musical instruments and dance in their temples. Misguided Muslims have copied certain acts of Hindus while living with them in Indian Subcontinent. We should just do dua at shrines or reciting Surah Yaseen etc.

Please check this post by me for more direction:

Physical Attributes of RasulAllah ﷺ


RasulAllah ﷺ Was Of Medium Stature, But Always Seemed To Be The Tallest In A Gathering Due To His Majesty 💚❤ His Hair Reached His Ear Lobes And At Times, His Shoulders 💚❤ His Face Was Bright; As Though The Sun Shone Through His Face 💚❤ His Body Was Lean, His Hands Soft, His Fingers Straight, His Feet Fleshy 💚❤ He ﷺ Walked With Power And Was Awe-filled In His Person 💚❤ A Moment Never Passed Except That His Mind Was Occupied With His Ummah 💚❤ No One Ever Saw Anyone Greater Than Him ﷺ 💚