Tuesday 21 January 2014

Condemning Religious Extremism

Pakistanis have done enough condemnation of Maulvees and Religious fanatics. And let's not confuse the terrorists funded by our enemies as religious like the TTP. As for other forms of religious extremism, we cannot ignore it but we should ask ourselves also whether we are Muslims in name only? What is happening day and night on the more than 60-70 TV channels of Pakistan is outright repulsive and vulgar destroying the moral values of the youth and elders as well. Islam is a complete code of life and it provides solutions for the functioning of the state on social, economic and political basis. 

The only way to counter religious extremism or fanaticism is to equip ourselves (we, the educated segment of Pakistan) with the jewels of knowledge from Qur'an and Hadith to start with. Scholars' interpretations can greatly help also if we spare some time. We just need to maintain a balance between worldly knowledge (logical reasoning) and religious insights. Religious knowledge is primary and not secondary, and along with it of course we have to acquire secular knowledge as well which could be beneficial also in our day to day life. ~ Roman Ahsan.

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