Wednesday 25 December 2019

Quaid-e-Azam Day, 25th December, 2019

Quaid-e-Azam Day, 25th December, 2019

On Quaid-e-Azam day, 25th December, below is an interesting incident from his student life in London. Though many must have read it before but it is still worth recalling:

Jinnah, the man of wits


Monday 16 December 2019

HibaLife - Health and Nutrition brand

HibaLife - This health and nutrition brand is relighting the spirit of Sunnah and Tib-e-Nabvi. Here's how


Smog: some more bad news - Dec. 16, 2019

Smog: some more bad news - Dec. 16, 2019

by Parvez Hassan - DAWN newspaper 

- Chairman - The Smog/Environmental Commission
and was chairman, Lahore Clean Air Commission

- The opinion piece gives a direction also on how to counter it

Tuesday 10 December 2019

آخری زمانہ، فتنہءِ دجال اور نیٹ فلکس سیریز

آخری زمانہ، فتنہءِ دجال سے حفاظت اور نیٹ فلکس سیریز

حال ہی میں “ نیٹ فلکس “ پر ایک فلم سیریز دکھانے کا چرچہ ہورہا ہے جس کا نام ہے “ مسیحا “ (انگریزی میں جس کیلئے لفظ “ مسایاح “ بنتا ہے اور اسی نام سے سیریز کا نام ہے) - یہ سیریز اگلے سال ٢٠٢٠ میں جنوری میں دکھائی جائے گی - ظاہر ہے اس سیریز کو نیٹ فلکس استعمال کرنے والے مسلمان بھی دیکھیں گے اور خاص طور پر نوجوان - اور یوں ان کے عقائد خراب ہوں گے -

اہم بات یہ ہے کہ اسلام کے تمام نامور علماء اور دانشوروں کے مطابق ہم کچھ دیر سے آخری زمانہ میں داخل ہو چکے ہیں - اس حوالے سے نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے فرمان جو احادیث مبارکہ کے ذریعے ہم تک پہنچے، ان کے مطابق قیامت کی تقریباََ تمام چھوٹی نشانیاں پوری ہوچکی ہیں - امام مہدی کا ظہور آخری چھوٹی نشانی ہوگی اور پھر دجال کا خروج (یعنی اس کا مادہ دنیا میں سامنے آنا) قیامت کی پہلی بڑی نشانی ہوگا - کچھ علماء یا اسکالرز میں اس موضوع پر تھوڑا بہت اختلاف ہے لیکن وہ امام مہدی کے ظہور، دجال کے خروج اور پھر حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کے نزول کے حقائق کو بالکل نہیں جھٹلاتے - صرف چند ایک شخصیات ہیں جو اسلام کا لبادہ اوڑھ کر اس کا انکار کرتے ہیں اور اس کی وجہ ان کے زاتی مفادات ہیں - لیکن اس وقت ان کا تذکرہ اس موضوع کا حصہ نہیں -

مسلمان اور عیسائی دونوں اس عقیدہ کو مانتے ہیں کہ حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام قیامت سے پہلے دوبارہ اس دنیا میں آئیں گے - لیکن ہم احادیث کے حوالے سے یہ کہتے ہیں کہ حضرت عیسیٰ علیہ السلام کا جب نزول ہوگا تو وہ امام مہدی کی مدد کرتے ہوئے دجال اور اس کے ساتھیوں کو قتل کریں گے اور پھر قرآن و سنت کے صحیح اصولوں کے مطابق چالیس سال اس دنیا پر حکومت کریں گے جو کہ دنیا کا سنہرا دور ہو گا اور تمام دنیا پر اسلام غالب ہو جائے گا - زمین اپنے خزانے اگل دے گی اور ہر طرف خوشحالی ہوگی - 

لیکن اس سے پہلے ہمیں بحیثیت مسلمان فتنہ دجال سے بچنا ہے - حدیث میں ہے کہ حضرت آدم علیہ السلام سے لے کر قیامت تک اس سے بڑا فتنہ نہیں اور ہر نبی نے اپنی قوم کو اس سے ڈرایا ہے - جو مسلمان عقیدے کے لحاظ سے کمزور ہوں گے اور اسلام پر اتنے کاربند نہیں ہوں گے ان کا ایمان جاتا رہے گا - چنانچہ دنیا کے موجودہ حالات کا تقاضہ ہے کہ ہم فتنہ ءِ دجال سے بچنے کی حفاظتی تدابیر پر غور کریں اور انھیں دوسروں تک بھی پہنچائیں -

- دین کے بنیادی ارکان کو ہرگز نہ چھوڑیں، جیسے پانچ وقت نماز، روزہ، حج ، زکٰوہ
- قرآن شریف کی تلاوت و ترجمہ کو باقائدگی سے اپنے معمول میں شامل کرنے کی کوشش کریں (چاہے صرف ایک رکوع)
- درود شریف : نماز کے علاوہ بھی پڑھنے کی کوشش کریں

حقوق العباد کو احسن طریقے سے نبھانے کی کوشش کریں اور کوتاہی سے بچیں- اس کے علاوہ احادیث میں فتنہءِ دجال سے بچنے کے کچھ خاص عملیات بھی ہیں - مندرجہ زیل :

- ہر جمعہ کو (جمعرات کو بعد مغرب سے لے کر جمعہ کو مغرب سے پہلے) سورہ الکہف کی تلاوت کریں - حدیث میں ہے کہ جو ایسا کرے گا اللہ تعالٰی اسے ایک نُور عطا فرمائیں گے جو اگلے جمعہ تک رہے گا -

- سورہ الکہف کی پہلی دس آیات حفظ کریں - جو ایسا کرے گا وہ دجال سے محفوظ رہے گا - 

- فتنہ ءِ دجال سے بچنے کی مسنون دعا یاد کریں اور نماز میں تشہد میں درود ِ ابراہیمی کے بعد اور “ رب اجعلنی - - -“ سے پہلے پڑھیں -

اوپر جو کچھ لکھا وہ فتنہ ءِ دجال کے حوالے سے احادیث کا نچوڑ ہے - اگر کچھ غلطی ہو تو اللہ ہمٰیں معاف فرمائے - آپ اپنے لحاظ سے بھی کچھ تحقیق کرسکتے ہیں یا کسی اچھے بزرگ یا دینی عالم یا اسکالر سے پوچھ سکتے ہیں - 

آخر میں یہ کہ ہمارے سامنے صرف ظاہر ہوتا ہے اور ہم باطن سے بے خبر ہوتے ہیں - اسلئے ظاہر اور ظاہری اعمال سے کوئی بہت ٹھوس یا مضبوط رائے قائم نہیں کرنی چاہیئے - انسانوں کے معاملے میں یہ زہن میں رکھیں کہ کئی لوگ ایسے بھی ہوتے ہیں جن کی اصلیت بہت دیر سے ہمارے سامنے آتی ہے - یہ ایک گہری بات ہے جس پر ہمیں غور و فکر کرتے رہنا چاہیئے - اگرچہ اس میں کوئی شک نہیں کہ اگر کوئی مسلمان بے خوف ہو کر مسلسل کھلم کھلا غیر شرعی اعمال کررہا ہو تو اس کا ساتھ نہیں دینا چاہیئے -

اللہ تعالٰی ہمیں دین، دنیا و آخرت کی بھلائیاں نصیب کرے اور فتنہ ءِ دجال سے محفوظ رکھے - آمین

نوٹ : اس تحریر کو پڑھ کر صدقہ جاریہ کے طور پر آگے بھی پہنچائیں 

سید رُومان اِحسان - 

Monday 25 November 2019

HEALTHCARE - Drinking water therapy for good health

HEALTHCARE - Drinking water therapy for good health

This is a tried and tested drinking water therapy for good health and for remedy of different health problems. Basically, I came to know about 15 years ago from someone while traveling how Japanese drink a lot of water first thing in the morning without brushing teeth and then have breakfast after much gap. Then this healthcare article (link below) from website BRIGHT SIDE caught my eye this year. 

In this article, a Western woman is sharing her experience of following the Japanese ritual of drinking 4 glasses of water daily on empty stomach first thing in the morning without brushing teeth and then having breakfast 45 minutes later. Hence, cross-verification (as we may not trust everything on Web unless we know the remedy or healthcare information from different sources).

The writer has especially said that her urine problem (infection or burning sensation) was cured with the help of this drinking water ritual. A friend tried this water therapy and his urine problem was also cured (within a week after trying this therapy) which he was experiencing since an year and the treatment from a Urologist was not able to help him. But of course he still carries on with the ritual afterwards also.

For more benefits of this ritual read the whole article below (this is not a marketing stunt). In fact, two articles . . .

In short, one should drink 4 glasses of water first thing in the morning on empty stomach without brushing teeth on daily basis. Then have breakfast 45 minutes after drinking water (don't eat or drink anything in between). Share this information with others also and don't forget those in the society who can't read this whom you can guide in their own language.


I Drank Water on an Empty Stomach for a Month and Here’s What Happened


6 Amazing Benefits Of Drinking 1 Liter Of Water On An Empty Stomach

- S Roman Ahsan.

Friday 15 November 2019

Allama Iqbal (ra) - Interesting fact about life


November 09 was Allama Iqbal's  (ra) birth anniversary. How can we not pay tribute to the great Philosopher who was the force behind QUAID-E-AZAM's (ra) efforts for creation of Pakistan?

Allama Iqbal (ra) was basically a philosopher who used the medium of poetry to awaken sentiments in the hearts of Muslims when they were under bondage. 

A little known documented fact is that Allama got the dream of a separate homeland for Muslims while worshipping Allah at the site of Data Darbar, Lahore. This shows his spiritual side which many are not aware of.

- S Roman Ahsan.

Sunday 10 November 2019

(PICS) - Beautiful Mosque Model Town, Lahore

- MAGHRIB TIME - Nov. 10, 2019 -

Ma sha ALLAH

PHOTOS BY: S Roman Ahsan

(PICS) - Data Darbar, 12 Rabbi-ul-Awwal - 10th Nov.'19

 Asr Time - 10th Nov. 2019 - (Pictures below)

Allama Iqbal's (ra) birth anniversary was on November 09. Pertinent to mention that Allama got the dream of a separate homeland for Muslims while worshiping Allah at the site of Data Darbar . . .

Ma sha ALLAH

داتا دربار, لاہور ۔ بارہ ربیع الاول، عصر کا وقت، 10 نومبر 2019
(نیچے تصویریں)

PHOTOS BY: S Roman Ahsan

The secret of the light of Prophet ﷺ

The secret of the light of Prophet ﷺ

Tafsirs state that the reason why shaytan (Satan) refused to prostrate to
 Nabiy Adam عليه السلام was because Allah ta'ala had placed the light of RasulAllah ﷺ in Adam's عليه السلام forehead.

Some scholars are awliya who can see very well and have knowledge given to them by Allah. They say when Allah (swt) created the Light of Prophet , He created that Light not from His Essence, Dhaatullah, but from His Name “an-Noor.” That Light was in that Essence, and it is what we know from the word “an-Noor,” which is not a word, but rather the secret of Prophet  and creation. It appeared to Prophet ﷺ as a word or essence, and then all the other Beautiful Names and Attributes appeared one after the other, with no beginning and no end.

With the Light that Allah (swt) gave him, Prophet 
 was able to see the secrets of all these Beautiful Names and Attributes that appeared endlessly, and he dressed his ummah with them. He saw the lights of the awliya and scholars and gave to them according to their capacities. A wali was given so he could guide and help people to see these secrets, while a normal person was given less because their capacity would be less.

He dressed them with “laa ilaaha illa-Llah” and gave according to the dhikr of those four words, 
“SubhaanAllah, alhamdulillah, laa ilaaha illa-Llah, Allahu Akbar.” On the Day of Judgment, they will be dressed like a light on a dark night with a rainbow of Beautiful Names of Allah (swt)! They will be known as the lovers and followers of Prophet (s) and Allah (swt) will know them when He sees them.

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

FROM FACEBOOK PAGE: Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy


Friday 8 November 2019

GENTLEMAN WARRIOR - The truth is like surgery

GENTLEMAN WARRIOR - The truth is like surgery

The truth is like surgery; it hurts but it heals. A lie is like a painkiller; it gives instant relief, but has lasting side effects.

Most people in today's society prefer a nice, easy lie, to the hard cold truth. It is much easier to believe a lie which sounds good, makes you feel better about yourself, and pleases others, than to dig deeper and find the truth, no matter how distasteful it may be.

The truth is like surgery; it may not be pleasant, but it is necessary for continued growth and vibrant life. If you have a tumor that needs to be removed, you have two choices. First, you can bite the bullet, remove it, and move on with your life. It may not be want you want to do, but it is the best thing for you in order for you to heal and move on.

Your second choice is to simply ignore it, take pain pills to mask the pain, and pretend that it doesn't exist. While this may be the easiest route to take at this point and time, there will be lasting consequences down the road. Sooner or later, the truth of the matter will rear its ugly head and the consequences will be harsh.

This is a good analogy for comparing harsh truths with easy lies. Sometimes the truth hurts and is hard to swallow, but it is always better than pretending it doesn't exist and swallowing a lie. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it better; putting it out of your mind doesn't magically make disappear.

Warriors see life as it truly is, not as they wish it were. It takes strength and determination to call a spade a spade, to see things as they truly are and not as we want them to be. Most people simply prefer to see life as they want it to be, not as it really is. Doing so never changes what is; you are merely putting on blinders so you don’t have to deal with reality. This is the weak person’s way of dealing with life's challenges.

The warrior is not weak. He deals with whatever comes his way, and does so with character, honor, and integrity. He has the courage to face the truth instead of hiding behind easy lies. He prefers to sweep the dirt out of the door and get rid of it, instead of hiding it under the rug. He understands that if you sweep the dirt under the rug, you don’t get rid of it; it is still there.

Have the courage to face the truth, no matter how painful it may be. Deal with what is and then move on with your life. Quit masking your problem with “painkillers” and start addressing the underlying causes of the problem. This is the way of the warrior. Be honest with yourself and walk the path of the warrior! 
Bohdi Sanders ~ author of the #1 Bestseller, MEN of the CODE, available from Amazon at: Signed copies are available from

Friday 1 November 2019

SMOG - Precautionary Measures - حفاظتی تدابیر

- SHARE WITH OTHERS ALSO - Nov. 01, 2019

- سماگ سے بچنے کی حفاظتی تدابیر

سماگ لاہور میں آج سے کافی ہو گیا ہے - دہلی (انڈیا) میں بھی بہت زیادہ ہے - اسلئے یہ حفاظتی تدابیر ضرور آگے پھیلائیں

Sunday 27 October 2019

The Sunnah ways of drinking water

The Sunnah ways of drinking water are:

1. Drink water by sitting..
2. Hold glass in your right hand.
3. See the water before drinking.
4. Say "Bismillah - - - " before drinking water
5. Drink water in 3 Sips.
6. Remove glass from your mouth after each sip.
7. After drinking water say Al-hamdulillah

BENEFITS OF SUNNAH OF DRINKING WATER by Sitting and with 3 sips of drinking water.

1. Kidneys never fails.
2. Knees are functional always.
3. Backbone is always strong.
4. Heart Valves never stop.
5. Mind is always active.

SubhaanAllah, share these benefits with everyone and do remember us in your Dua.

Yaa Allah, the person who did this publicity and who forwarded and share it for the reward, reward him and his family with good health and wealth and grant him the reward of Maghfirath. 'Aameen'....

Friday 25 October 2019

(INSIGHT) - Days before 9/11 and a Dream

Days before 9/11 and a Dream - (Return of Prophet Jesus / Isa pbuh, End times etc)

AoA - I am sharing an important insight "Days before 9/11 and a Dream" here written by someone who was visiting India before 9/11. Do read it. And if you remember, I shared a post or article with you in May this year "Modi comes to power again, what lies ahead?" - The link of that post is given below again in case you want to refresh it in your mind. At that time after Modi winning elections, our Prime Minister congratulated him for coming to power again and forwarded him several peace gestures as well. But Modi did not even invite our PM to his oath-taking ceremony even though heads of state of smaller countries were invited by him. That was so bad for Pakistani nation and we had been continuously raising the alarm that Modi is NO GOOD. Imran Khan failed the nation then. I still consider Imran Khan at least better than his other political rivals in this current set-up (though I did not take part in elections) but we have to accept all this!

So reading this post or article will again inform you what lied ahead then and our government was still igoring clear signs thus acting weak. It was due to the weak stance of our goverment that India annexed Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) on August 05, 2019. They checked our pulse first and carried out their evil plans next.

Now for the important insight "Days before 9/11 and a Dream" after the link below. Except for few minor points the rest of the matter here is quite credible and based on authentic research on End times. Develop an understanding of such insights people because we as Muslims are being challenged everywhere. Do not fall for the false glitter and apparent of whatever is happening in this world. EQUIP YOURSELF WITH THESE INSIGHTS AND FAST - TIME COULD BE QUITE CLOSE THOUGH ALLAH KNOWS BEST !!!

- S Roman Ahsan. [ Please check current insight after the link below ]


Days before 9/11 and a Dream - (Return of Prophet Jesus / Isa pbuh, End times etc)

I was in Hyderabad, India when 9/11 happened, but few days before that incident happened, I was very impatient and was sensing that something major is going to happen and not good for Muslims. So in our neighborhood I discussed my feelings with one of the most learned person. My friend Omer Bin Abdul Aziz’s father Aziz bin Salem. Little background about Aziz uncle in India, Muslims are an Oppressed Minority. Usually people in these conditions develop certain qualities like pessimism, hopelessness, lack of knowledge of history, lack of interest in reading books.

So when I moved to India in 1990 Abdul Aziz uncle gave a Book “Durre Yateem” which is a seerah of Hadrat Muhammed ﷺ as a gift of wedding to my Mamu (Maternal uncle). He never read it, but I ended up reading the book. That was the only book that my Mamu got as a gift and I lived in India for 13 years and I don’t remember getting a book as a gift ever again. Abdul Aziz uncle was also a strong proponent of educating a child in his native language in Hyderabadi case Urdu language as a child. One who gets education in someone else’s language have comprehension ability reduced by 70%. So he can become Doctor, Engineer, but he will be just doing copy paste, but can never be an innovator. [1][2] India is a former British colony, so the people have inferiority complex and they try to educate their Children in English which have disastrous consequences.

So when I was feeling unease, I thought Aziz uncle is the best person to go to as he is a well-read person and has some knowledge. But if you want to find truth and sincere and willing to sacrifice to follow Al-Haq, you will find it in most of the darkest of times and it is a favor from Allah. As Allah says: "وَالَّذِينَ جَاهَدُوا فِينَا لَنَهْدِيَنَّهُمْ سُبُلَنَا ۚ وَإِنَّ اللَّهَ لَمَعَ الْمُحْسِنِينَ As for those who strive in Our way, We will certainly take them onto Our paths, and indeed Allah is with those who are good in deeds." Surah Ankabut 29:69.

It so happens that I talked to him about this but did not get something satisfactory from him. Few days later 9/11 happened and I was again walking towards his house to remind him of my feelings which I discussed with him few days ago. But Allah had something else destined for me so I ran into someone who was more knowledgeable about Ahadith of Fitan (Islamic Eschatology), Dreams, Dream Interpretation and had an amazing Firasah (Intuition) and Basirah (Foresight). That person was visiting Hyderabad from Saudi Arabia and I told him what I was thinking days before 9/11.

He told me a war will start now between Muslims and the West and would last for 27 years. At the end of which Muslims will prevail and then he left. During this time I came to read about the dreams of Mujahideen in Afghanistan of what they saw day before 9/11 and what they saw after US attacked Afghanistan on October 7th 2001. [3] This was my first introduction to Ahadith of fitan which started a long journey and years later I would learn that Sheikh Yasin of Filisteen also predicted Jerusalem will be liberated by year 2027. [4]

Now just few months ago I came to know about dreams of the Priosners of Guantanamo and one of the brother was describing that “Several of the inmates saw Hadhrat Esa (Jesus) A.S in their dreams and he gave them glad tidings that “Do not fear the path you are on, I will come at the end (Meaning when Prophet Esa pbuh would descend and kill ad-Dajjal.).”

Anas ibn Malik (R.A) said that the Messenger of Allah, (ﷺ), said, "The good dream of a man who is Salih is a forty-sixth part of prophecy." Maliks Muwatta Book 52, Number 52.1.1
True dreams are a part of Prophethood, as it was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “True dreams are one of the forty-six parts of Prophethood.” (al-Bukhaari, 6472; Muslim, 4201)

Ayesha (R.A) said: "The first revelation that was granted to the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) was the true dream in a state of sleep,’ so that he never dreamed a dream but the truth of it shone forth like the dawn of the morning...."

So why are dreams 1/46th forty-six parts of Prophethood. Because Dreams marked the onset of Revelation (al-Bukhaari, 3; Muslim, 231). The first Wahy (revelation) came down for Six Months. And Wahy (revelation) lasted 23 years. So the first Wahy being 6 months ( because 2 six months = 1 Year) 2 x 23 years = 46 months. Thus Dreams are 1/46th part of Prophethood.

True dreams increase towards the end of times.

Ibn Sirin رحمه الله said,” I heard Abu Hurairah saying, ‘Prophet صلى الله عليه و سلم said, “When Time approaches, the dream of the believer rarely would lie.’” [Sahih al-Bukhari]
“When Time approaches…”is explained in two different opinions:

1)- Al-Khattabi رحمه الله said, “The meaning of ‘When Time approaches…” is the time of night and the time of day. When the time of night approaches the length the time of day, then the dreams of the believer will be true. These are the two times when flowers open up and when fruits are ripe. The scholars of dream interpretation actually state that these are the two time when the dreams are most likely to be true.”

2)- Al-Qurtubi رحمه الله says, “What is meant by this hadith, and Allah سبحانه و تعالى knows best, is the end of times and it is talking about the group of believers that will be with ‘Isa ibn Maryam عليه سلام after he kills dajjal.”

Ibn Abi Jamrah رحمه الله says,” The reason why the believer sees true dreams at the time is because the believer will be ghareeb (stranger) as was mentioned in the hadith, ‘Islam began as something strange and it will return to the way it began being strange so give glad tidings to the strangers.’”

Ibn Hajar al-‘Asqalani رحمه الله comments on all the opinions by saying, “Whenever the times are difficult for the believer, he will see dreams that are true frequently because he needs help. When the believer is alone, when the times are difficult, when you don’t find people supporting on truth, then Allah سبحانه و تعالى will inspire you to give you glad tidings through the good dreams you would see and this is to give strength to the believers in those difficult and testing times, it gives them confidence, it gives them hope so they would see a lot of dreams that would come true.”

The truthfulness of the dream is related to the sincerity of the dreamer. Those who have the most truthful dreams are those who are the most truthful in speech. (Muslim, 4200)

Towards the end of time, hardly any dreams will be untrue. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him) said: “That will be because the Prophethood and its effects will be so far away in time, so the believers will be given some compensation in the form of dreams which will bring them some good news or will help them to be patient and steadfast in their faith.” (al-Bukhaari, 6499; Muslim, 4200)

Most of the times, if the dream is a glad tiding from Allah سبحانه و تعالى it would take long for it to occur while if it is a warning it would occur swiftly.

For example Hadhrat Yusuf عليه سلام’s dream took a very long time for it to happen, around 40 years. Some scholars say this is because Allah سبحانه و تعالى gives the believer glad tidings early on to give him confidence and hope, to inspire him in his life. While if it is a warning, you would see it and it would occur very soon so that it would be the reason of fear in your heart.

Dreams are glad tidings or warnings but cannot be used as a source of Shari‘ah.

Ash-Shatbi رحمه الله says regarding this, “Benefit of the dream in giving the believer a glad tiding or warning not in legislation and judgement or rulings.”


Friday 18 October 2019

ریاست مدینہ - جاوید چوہدری - Riyasat Madinah

ریاست مدینہ - جاوید چوہدری

جاوید چوہدری کا لکھا ہوا یہ آرٹیکل پڑھیں جو غیرجانب دار ہے - اس کے بعد آرٹیکل کے بارے میں نیچے میرے کچھ کمنٹ ہیں  


جاوید چوہدری کا آرٹیکل “ ریاست مدینہ “ پڑھا آپ نے؟ اس میں جو بنیادی بات کی گئی ہے وہ سمجھنے والی ہے کہ کہاں نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کا مدینہ اور کہاں ہم ؟ مطلب یہ کہ حکومت اور قوم کا کیا رحجان ہے ؟ اصل میں چھوٹا مُنہ ، بڑی بات - کم از کم ااسلام  کی روح کو تو سمجھ لیں ہم، عمل بعد میں آئے گا - پاکستان میڈیا میں جو کچھ ہو رہا ہے اس کی بات نہیں کی جاوید چوہدری نے، صرف ٹیلی ویژن کا ذکر کیا ہے  ُ

پاکستان کے ستر سالہ صدر عارف علوی چھچھوری پاکستانی فلم “ جوانی پھر نہیں آنی “ سینیما میں دیکھ کر آئے اور پھر انھوں نے ٹوئیٹ کیا کہ بہت اچھی فلم - یہ تو حال ہے اس ملک کے سب سے بڑے عہدے پر فائز شخص کا - تو واقعی آپ کس کو دھوکہ دے رہے ہیں ؟ کیا نعوز بااللہ آپ اللہ تعالٰی کو دھوکہ دے سکتے ہیں ؟ 

ابھی کچھ دن پہلے پاکستان کی حکومت نے اداکارہ مہوش حیات کو لڑکیوں کے حقوق کی سفیر کا عہدہ دیا ہے - اس سے ایک دو دن پہلے محترمہ کے آدھے لباس میں سٹیج پر ڈانس کرنے پر سوشل میڈیا پر بہت شور مچا تھا - کیا یہ سب کچھ حکومت سے چھپا ہوا تھا ؟

کچھ باتیں اس آرٹیکل میں ٹھیک نہیں تھیں اگرچہ لکھنے والے نے مجموعی طور پر کافی تحقیق کے بعد یہ لکھا ہے - انھوں نے لکھا کہ ریاست صرف دو انبیاء کرام کو عطا کی گئی، حضرت داود علیہ السلام اور حضرت سلیمان علیہ السلام - اصل میں ان باپ بیٹے کو بادشاہت عطا کی گئی تھی - ریاست کہنا مناسب نہیں - دوسرا یہ کہ نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کو “ شاہِ مدینہ “ بھی کہتے ہیں - ان کی حیثیت مدینہ میں ایک سربراہ کی سی تھی اور اللہ کی طرف سے تمام فیصلے کرتے تھے - 

ایک اہم بات یہ کہ پاکستان کو اللہ والے بہت عرصے سے “ مدینہءِ ثانی “ کہتے رہے ہیں - لیکن اس کا مطلب ہے مدینہ سے مماثلت - ریاست مدینہ بنانے کا دعوٰی کرنا کچھ مناسب نہیں اور پہلے آپ اپنے اندر کے مسلمان کو ٹٹولیں  

آخر میں فضل الرحمان صاحب کی آنے والی لانگ مارچ ؟ تو اس سلسلے میں ہم صرف یہ کہتے ہیں کہ پاکستان میں اس سیاسی نظام کا ہی اسلام سے کم تعلق ہے اور فضل الرحمان صاحب موجودہ حکومت کو گرا کر دوبارہ الیکش کرانا چاہتے ہیں - یہ سب کچھ پاکستان میں انتشار پھیلانے کا ارادہ ہے اور دوبارہ الیکشن کا خرچہ الگ جب کہ ملک کی معیشت کا حال برا ہے - اسلئے فی الحال موجودہ حکومت جیسی بھی ہے ، جب تک اللہ کی طرف سے مجاہد حکمران نہیں آجاتا، ہمیں اسے برداشت کرنا ہو گا - کم از کم عمران خان بین الاقوامی سطع پر بولنے میں تو اچھے ہیں - البتہ ہمیں کسی بھی حکومت کی اندھی تقلید سے گریز کرنا چاہیئے اور حق کیلئے اپنی آواز مسلسل بلند کرتے رہنا چاہیئے 

اللہ ہمارا حامی و ناصر ہو - آمین

سید رُومان اِحسان -
16 th October, 2019