Thursday 23 May 2019

Modi comes to power again - What lies ahead?


Democracy is also known as tyranny of majority. One only needs to look at India where Fascist Hindu BJP won landslide victory. Michael Mann in his book "Dark side of Democracy" covers this subject in detail like how Democratically elected leaders carried out worst genocide in the history of mankind like in Rwanda where over a Million Tutsi's and Hutu's were massacred. Thomas Jefferson was Democratically elected President of US, but in order to win support from White constituents, he adopted Genocidal policies of Native Indians. Yugoslavia had democracy when it carried out the worst genocide of over 5 hundred thousand Muslims, Adolf Hitler was democratically Elected German leader who massacred over 6 Million Jews. [1]

India which pretended to be secular for 7 decades is now about to be officially a Hindu Rashtra (Hindu Theocratic state of India where only Hindus are allowed to live and everyone else will be subservient and at the mercy of Brahmin i.e if you manage to dodge lynching Hindu Mobs) [2]

Now Narendra Modi has won election again and on hate and extermination of Muslim threat and changing constitution to Hindu Rashtra. So he will be a victim of his speeches and will be forced to go to war against Pakistan. Just like Hitler who won election with German race superiority speeches and after election he become a victim of them and had no option but to go to war. Similarly Modi will have no option but to make Muslims of India Stateless, just like Rohingya Muslims of Myanmar were rendered stateless. They floated on the sea for months and no one accepted them [3]

But in all of this India will cease to exist as the end belongs to Muslims even though hundreds of thousands of Muslims will be killed but end belongs to us. The most important part of the movie is what happens at the end.

Our Dear Prophet [ﷺ] said: “Verily Allah has shown me the Eastern and Western part of the earth, and I saw the authority of my Ummah (nation) dominate all that I saw.” (Saheeh Muslim, hadeeth #2889)

Why the suffering of Muslims is important before Victory? The Hadith below sheds light on why the suffering is required.

Narrated Hadhrat Aisha (ra):

The day of Bu'ath (i.e. Day of fighting between the two tribes of the Ansar, the Aus and Khazraj) was brought about by Allah for the good of His Apostle [ﷺ] so that when Allah's Apostle [ﷺ] reached (Madinah), the tribes of Madinah had already divided and their chiefs had been killed and wounded and exhausted. So Allah had brought about the battle for the good of his Apostle [ﷺ] in order that they (i.e. the Ansar) might embrace Islam. Bukhari, Volume 005, Book 058, Hadith Number 267

Also Aws wal khazraj were neighbors of Jews, so whenever they would have an argument with Jews, Jews would say "A Prophet is coming to us and we will align with him and kill you Arabs, just like the people of Aad were killed." So when our Dear Prophet [ﷺ] came, Ansar were rushing to accept him as a Prophet fearing Jews would accept him before them and they knew about his coming unlike other Arabs who had no clue about Prophets.

So without suffering and worsening of the condition Muslims won't be willing to accept change - hence Allah prepares the ground for the coming events, so we see Muslims in Asia are being prepared through all this suffering for what is coming. What is coming is Ghaza E Hind (as in hadees, the final conflict between Pakistan and India) and it is going to end with Muslims ruling over India and the world.



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