Tuesday 13 May 2014

Comemmorating Rajab 13 - Assadullah (Sher-e-Khuda)

Comemmorating Rajab 13 - Date of birth of Assadullah (Sher-e-Khuda):


Today, Rajab 13, is the date of birth of Hadhrat Ali (RA), the first cousin of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) as well as his son-in-law and the fourth Caliph of Islam. He was given the title of "Asadullah" (lion of Allah) by the Prophet (pbuh) for his bravery and feats in defensive battles against the oppressors. He was the first one amongst the minors to embrace the message of Islam when the Prophet (pbuh) started his mission. Some of his followers wrongly elevate him to a higher status thus committing "Shirk" (associating partners with Allah) on subconscious level. 

This does not mean we are hinting at any sect in Islam because true Islam is scattered and "Shirk" is being committed in different ways by Muslims of different schools of thoughts, Astaghfirullah, which is the biggest sin not forgivable by Almighty Allah. Hence, Muslims need to be very careful since eventually all Muslims will be pardoned and taken out of hell (though the thought of punishment in hell should make us shiver) except those who committed "Shirk" in this world and did not repent afterwards!

There is only one true Islam which we need to discover but perhaps only with the advent of Imam Mahdi (ra) and Prophet Isa (as) will that be revealed to us. Till then, we need to at least observe the main commandments of Islam and try to spend some time on discovering its lost lessons while staying united at all fronts. Let's succumb to the dream of United Ummah of Islam !!

May Allah open my heart as well as yours so that we can grasp the true message of Islam - Aameen - Allahu Akbar !!

- by S Roman Ahsan.


  1. United Ummah of Islam is a concept and like every concept it has a practical manifestation and this is when their state is united as a singular political entity, with all artificial borders removed and this by no evidence require advent of Mehdi (ra) and Prophet Isa (as). None of the prevailing ruling system, including democracy, has this potential. We have a bright history of Caliphate spread over 1300 years which was the most stable system for such a long time. This is the political vision that is required today.

    1. The above post by no means negates the concept of Caliphate, rather supports it. When it is mentioned about the advent of Mahdi (ra) and Prophet Isa (as), it is narrated in context to the manifestation of True Islamic morality, values and rewards before the occurrence of Judgment Day. JazaakAllah anyway for sharing your thoughts.
