Friday 17 October 2014

'Khushoo' in Salah

'Khushoo' in Salah 

It is without doubt that 'Khushoo' in Salah is one of the greatest assets a Muslim can possess in his faith. It comes with struggle, perseverance, and patience and is obtained only by those who work for it, who really set their sights where they should be.
It is related by Hatim bin Al-Asam that he said in answer to a question about prayer:
"When the time for prayer is at hand. I make a proper ablution, go to the spot where I attend to pray and sit there until all my limbs and organs are in a collected state. Then I stand up to perform my prayer, placing the Kabah between my brows, the bridge over Hell beneath my feet, Paradise to my right and Hell to my left, and the Angel of Death behind me, thinking all the while that this is my final prayer. Then I stand between hope and fear. I carefully pronounce "Allahu Akbar!" Then I recite the Qur'an harmoniously, bow in humility and prostrate myself submissively. I then sit back on my left haunch, spreading out the left foot, raising my right foot on the toes. I follow this with sincerity. Then I wonder whether or not my prayer has been accepted.
Excerpt from Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship - by Al Ghazali

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