Tuesday 11 June 2013

Real Self - From Warrior Wisdom




[ Isn't the lesson below also what Islam teaches us? ]

    If you want to discover who and what you truly are, watch what you do when you are alone and nobody is watching you. Being alone should not be a time when you are relieved to be able to be your "real self." You should be your true self all the time, whether you are alone or at a large party.

    Don't get me wrong, this is not to say that you should act the same in public and in private. There are things that should be kept private, things that are no one else's business. But neither is this to say that these private things are of low character; they are not shameful things to be ashamed of, but rather just private, that's all. There is a time for everything. And the time for some things is in the privacy of your own home.

    This doesn't mean that you shouldn't be watchful over your character when you are alone though. If you dropped a carton of eggs in the grocery store, you wouldn't start screaming, cursing, and throwing a fit about it; you would simply deal with it. What about if you dropped that carton of eggs in your kitchen while home alone? Would you still react in a calm, controlled manner or would you let go, cursing and throwing a little fit?

    This is an example of how many people see the difference between controlling themselves in public and in the privacy of their own home. They feel they don't have to control such things when someone is not around. But Chung Yung taught that the superior man (the warrior) should be just as watchful over his actions when he is alone, as he is when he is in public.

    Be a person of character, honor, and integrity, whether you are alone or in public. Don't lower your principles when you are alone. Live by your standards 24/7. Your character and honor are not something that you can take off and put on when you need them, like your coat. They are a part of who you are, therefore you shouldn't live by your principles only when someone is watching. If you do, are your principles really a part of who you are, or are they simply an act to impress other people? Live with honor 24/7! Bohdi Sanders ~ Quote from Modern Bushido: Living a Life of Excellence

    Modern Bushido has been in the TOP 10 on Amazon.com for over 25 weeks! If you haven't read it yet, you can get it immediately with no waiting on KINDLE at: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008S26INK.

    If you prefer a personally signed copy, you can get those too at: http://thewisdomwarrior.com/books-by-bohdi-sanders/. Discount prices are available to all martial arts instructors who order 10 or more copies! Email me for information on bulk discounts if you are interested. ENJOY!

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