Sunday 15 September 2013

Thought(s) For Monday - Sep16, 2013


-         "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know Peace!" – Jimi Hendrix

-         Greeting or paying Salaam first to poor people on the road (or elsewhere) who are strangers, can remove PRIDE (TAKABBUR) from our hearts.

-         1526 cases of rape and 109 cases of gang-rape (figures to be verified) registered by Punjab Police during Jan-Jul 2013. How many got punished? Indian court ordered hanging of Delhi gang-rape attackers two days back. It means before we think of hating Hindus and “conquering India” we need to concentrate on our own social evils and put our own house in order (even though we cannot ignore the atrocities in Kashmir for which Pakistan needs to arrive at a solution through peaceful legislation at local and international level). Since decades and decades, we have been reading in newspapers about the heinous crimes in our villages like honor killings, gang rapes, oppression of women, forced marriages, parading women without clothes in front of the whole village, murders, etc. What about the cities where every second person is a liar and a cheater?

-         To top all of this, our corrupt governments have been succumbing to international pressure and so-called human rights organizations to abolish death-penalty/capital punishment in Pakistan. Can we afford not to punish the murderers and terrorists in these times, when there is so much crime and terrorism in the country? If you think Pakistan can survive without capital punishment then first read this detailed article “Crime without punishment in Pakistan” where the writer has thrown light on the issue from all possible angles.

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