Saturday 30 September 2017

(Karbala) - Hasan (ra) and Husayn (ra)

Hasan (ra) and Husayn (ra)

Sayyiduna al-Hasan had a strong body and muscular limbs. His face was bright, handsome and radiant. He had a fair complexion with redness mixed within it. His forehead was filled with beauty, and his countenance was noble. His pupils were large and black. His eyelashes were long. His smile was mesmerising, his teeth were white. His speech was filled with wisdom, and his manners were prophetic. Every heart that gazed upon him fell in love. Every eye that saw him was filled with delight. He was the most resembling of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. Rasūlullāh said, 'For Hasan is my awe-inspiring state and leadership.' رضي الله عنه

Sayyiduna Husayn lost his grandfather, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ when he was six years old whilst he was the most beloved person in the world to him. Can you imagine the pain? He lost his mother, Sayyidah Fatimah al-Zahra just six months later whilst she was the one who would embrace him and wipe away his tears as a young child. Can you imagine the hardship? He saw the martyrdom of his father, Sayyiduna 'Ali whilst he was the leader of the believers. Can you imagine the difficulty? He saw his brother, al-Hasan laying down in his final moments whilst he was the beloved of his heart and his best friend. Can you imagine the hardship? He witnessed the martyrdom of his baby child on the battlefield whilst he held him in his arms. Can you imagine the test? He left Madinah whilst it was the city that he grew up in, to fulfil the mission of his Beloved ﷺ. Can you imagine the sacrifice? He experienced hunger and thirst for days upon end whilst he was the grandchild of the Prince of al-Kawthar. Can you imagine the patience? He saw the oppression of his household whilst they were purified and raised, yet he never lost hope. Can you imagine the courage? He gave up his life in order to bring life to this religion. Can you imagine his greatness?

He lived a life of hardship to give ease to us. He went through war so we could experience tranquility. He led the way just so we could follow. No believer goes through any test in this life except they are able to take him as an example, a role model and a source of comfort. 
رضي الله عنه

FROM FACEBOOK PAGE: Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy


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