Tuesday 5 March 2013

Presenting Gentleman Warrior


[March 05, 2013]

Nobody amongst us can claim to be Mr. Know All. But we should aim to highlight issues which could serve as reminders or which could be of any value to us in our present circumstances. These are not normal times with any country in the world being safe from any kind of catastrophes or calamities. Last month's terrifying meteor strike in Russia that injured hundreds proves that. In our own country, we are facing all kinds of threats.

However many people here in Pakistan are proceeding with their lives as if nothing matters beyond their personal goals and ambitions. They want to have a picnic, day in and day out. Of course, we should not despair but if the post below seems interesting to you, then you may ‘like’ the following pages on Facebook. It’s for men but I don’t see why it can’t appeal to women. Martial Arts are not necessarily what I am promoting here but a balanced and active lifestyle. On the other hand, self-defence tactics can come handy any time, one never knows. Those who have time must equip themselves with everything which can help. However, our spirituality comes from our Islamic beliefs, from our bond with the Almighty and with the people around us!

Our media sources, environments and lifestyles are making popcorn out of us, to be devoured in just one mouthful. It is only wise to pay heed to the signs of the times and be prepared for the worst. Keep praying to ALLAH Almighty also side by side for our country’s betterment in all affairs so that we can proceed with greater sense of security. – aameen!




Victory is not gained through idleness - German Proverb

Oh, the comforts of home! Today, the majority of people, especially in this country have a pretty comfortable home life. Comfortable beds, nice, plush furniture to sit on, recliners, cable television, computers, stereos, the list could go on and on.

There are so many things that tempt us to sit idly by and entertain our minds instead of making the effort to get up and exercise our bodies. It takes very little effort to surf the web, where it takes some discipline to get up and work on your martial arts.

You can waste hours before you know it surfing the web or sitting in front of a television set, but as this German proverb states, that is not going to help you when you are confronted by a violent thug the next time you are away from home. It is also not going to make you any younger, healthy, or stronger. Although there is a time for relaxing in front of the television and a time for surfing the net to increase your knowledge, you have to make sure that you maintain a balance between activity and inactivity.

Balance is the key. You have to balance your workouts, your martial arts training, meditation, stretching, and strength training, with relaxing, reading, and studying. Too much of anything is not good, whether it is working out or sleeping.

The lifestyle of the warrior is one of balancing every part of your life – spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. If any of these areas falls out of balance, all the other areas suffer as well, and complete idleness will throw them all out of balance. Employ discipline to achieve balance. Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from The Warrior Lifestyle: Making Your Life Extraordinary, pg 131

You can find more teachings, articles, and books from Bohdi Sanders at http://thewisdomwarrior.com/

The Warrior Lifestyle is available at http://thewisdomwarrior.com/ or on Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1937884023

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