Tuesday 9 December 2014

Highlights - Dec. 09, 2014

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Highlights - Dec. 09, 2014

- Beautiful Moon & End of Technology
- Pakistan Army Chief's Visit to US
- Imran Khan's Shutdowns - Condemnable


Beautiful full moon up in the sky tonight. In the past, we used to ponder over full-moon, the stars & moonlight. It brings to memory the times when life was relatively much simple without laptops, cell-phones, cable-TV though we were eager about TV shows and movies still then. Technology has made our life easier we think but it has also made us cut away from nature. It has been said by some prominent scholars of Islam that before the advent of promised Golden Age in End times under the 40-year rule of Prophet Jesus (pbuh), all modern-day technology will meet its end while nature & spirituality will pour forth their fruits with abundance for everyone on this planet. WHAT A GLORIOUS TIME THAT WILL BE!! But before that we have to protect ourselves from the trials of Anti-Christ!

* - Scholars include Sheikh Imran Hosein and Late Sheikh Nazim of Syria


Pakistan Army Chief extended his visit to USA to meet John Kerry. Kerry held a grand banquet in his honour once he returned - these kinds of banquets are normally given to heads of states. After their meeting, Kerry stated that "Pakistan Army is the binding force of Pakistan". Pakistan Army is not the binding force of Pakistan, it is Islam which is the binding force of Pakistan. We have survived as a country till now only because of the mercy of our Creator. And we seriously don't need certificates, titles or endorsements from US warlords for any institution, group or individual in Pakistan. We hope Pakistan Army does not bow before any undue given call by US.


Imran Khan's party carried out its first step in shut-down in Faisalabad yesterday. According to Qur'an Academy, Imran Khan's protest are not in line with the teachings left behind by our Prophet (pbuh) even though many of us initially supported his actions. These kinds of protests are damaging to country and we need to struggle to implement Islam first by "changing ourselves" before we think of changing the status quo especially since Imran refers to the quotes of Khulfa-e-Rashideen again and again in his speeches. Furthermore, in the Western countries also whose examples of social justice IK often cites, shutdowns are not used as a measure of protest against the ruling governments and they are only detrimental to any country's security and economy.We are not for Nawaz Sharif but IK is not doing a worthy service to Pakistan either. Two wrongs do not make a right.

- S Roman Ahsan.

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