Saturday 31 March 2018

13th Rajab - Hadhrat Ali's (ra) Day of Birth

13th Rajab - Hadhrat Ali's (ra) Day of Birth

13th Rajab marks the day of the birth of Amīr al-Mu'minīn, Asadullāhil Ghālib, Haidar-e-Karrār Sayyidunā 'Alī al-Murtudā Karramallāhu Ta'āla Wajhahul Karīm
‎His name is 'Alī and he is known as Abul Hasan & Abu Turab & some of his titles are Murtudā, Asadullāh & Haidar-e-Karrār.
‎Maula 'Alī was the first cousin of Rasūlullāh ﷺ and was the brother of Sayyidunā Rasūlullāh ﷺ, by the virtue of the act of taking brothers (undertaken by the Muhājirūn & Ansār)
‎‎Maula 'Alī is the beloved father of the Leaders of Youth in Jannah & the loving husband to the Queen of the women of the worlds RadiAllāhu Ta'ālā Anhum Ajma'īn
‎Maula 'Alī was a Hāfidh of the Book of Allāh and was one of the great Sahaba to recite it to the Noble Prophet ﷺ
Maula 'Alī is the Door to the City of Knowledge, the distributor of Wilayah and the father of Tassawwuf!
‎The Noble Prophet ﷺ named him 'Abu Turab' meaning 'Father of the earth' and this became his most beloved Kunniyah!
When Sayyidah Aisha RadiAllāhu Ta'ālā Anha noticed her noble father gazing at Sayyidunā 'Ali, she asked why. So Sayyidunā Abu Bakr RadiAllāhu Ta'ālā Anhu related a Hadith in which ‎the Prophet of Allah ﷺ said, "Looking at the face of 'Alī is worship!"... Subhān Allāh!!
May Peace, Mercy and Blessings of His Lord descend on his noble resting place always and may we live and die as those who are loyal and obedient to Maula e Kāināt, Sayyidunā Maula 'Alī ibn Abi Tālib Karramallāhu Ta'āla Wajhahul Karīm, Aameeen.
Please recite Fatihah for his blessed soul.

FROM PAGE: Hazrat Maulana Abdurahman JAMI - Rehmatullah Alahy

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