Sunday 4 November 2018



Sorry Imran Khan, there is definitely some good being done by your government (like austerity drive, trees, dam, funds etc.) and we prefer your leadership over elements from Jamaat-e-Islami but you should avoid being over-confident on matters of Islam.

The blasphemous cartoon contest in Holland was not called off primarily due to your efforts as claimed by you in your latest speech to the nation. The collective efforts of all do matter, however the offender cancelled the contest basically due to threats by Afghan Taliban who urged the Afghan soldiers in Afghanistan to attack Dutch troops that were serving under the NATO command. Secondly, a 26-year old Pakistani was also allegedly arrested in The Hague who had earlier threatened to kill Geert Wilders.

It was basically these threats or security concerns which took effect and scared the transgressor. Pakistan government's diplomatic efforts were not the main reason behind the success of cancellation of blasphemous contest though we should use all our resources and ways to protest in such matters.

Your vision of Madinah State is more inspired from Western States rather than the true model of Islam and it basically revolves around worldly goals (even if we need to learn positive trends of Western States).

In your very first speech to the nation after becoming Prime Minister of Pakistan, you stated that the rise of Muslims and consequently defeat of Roman and Persian Empires was due to strengthening of manpower and fulfilling rights of all (including minorities) in a just manner etc.

Manpower and just rights for all is a basic tenet of Islam (with a difference of few details) but we could be overlooking something about the main pillar of the first Madinah State. It is mentioned in Qur'an that Almighty Allah sent one thousand angels to help our dear Prophet (pbuh) and his companions when they were fighting the battle of Badr (Ghazwa-e-Badr) against the invaders from Makkah. How do you think that happened? The Prophet (pbuh) and his companions in Madinah had little manpower and certainly not material superiority. What they did have was total submission to Allah which we as a nation are lacking. The policies of present government of Pakistan are deficient in this regard though not totally disappointing thankfully.

Concerning the case of Asia Bibi, it is feared that we are always bowing before the pressures of imperial powers in the world. The protests by Khadim Hussain and his workers are very revolting, however it needs to be highlighted that whenever the matter of defending the honour of our dear Prophet (pbuh) is 'especially' concerned, we should take our own independent stand on the case and need not fear any reaction from the foreign countries for the only Superpower is Allah Almighty and we should submit to Him alone!

It is good decision by government to look into the case of Asia Bibi again. Supreme Court should scrutinize the case again and seek help from the genuine Islamic scholars of Islam also so that there is no ambiguity left in the case. The intervention of Islamic scholars in the process can impart credibility to it and can help calm down the extremists. It can convey an air of responsible attitude on part of government to the public and prevent anyone from taking law in their own hands. In the long run, the Pakistan government can win (not just PTI but it can function as a precedent for future governments also).

It is no doubt a highly sensitive case. When we have tried our best, then we can hope from the Almighty to absolve us.

May ALLAH guide us and protect us - Aameen.

- by S Roman Ahsan.

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