Sunday 12 July 2020

ACTION FILM SCENES - 12th July, 2020

ACTION FILM SCENES – From “Raiders of the lost Ark” (1981)

-      12th July, 2020

Some scenes from the 1981 American action-adventure film “Raiders of the lost Ark” set in 1936 which is often considered one of the greatest films ever made.

Steven Spielberg (film director, producer, screenwriter) teamed up with George Lucas (film director, producer, screenwriter) of ‘Star Wars’ to bring the magnificence of “Raiders of the lost Ark” to the silver screen.

It is pertinent to mention that “the lost Ark” (a chest) or the “Ark of Covenant” has historical significance in all three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In Holy Qur’an the Ark is mentioned as “Taboot-e-Sakina” and according to some Islamic scriptures pertaining to End times, “Taboot-e-Sakina” will be rediscovered (though Allah knows best) by the last savior of mankind, Imam Al-Mahdi.

Apart from mention of some historical references as per Judaism, the entire film is based on a purely fictional story. It is still worth seeing. The Nazis are heavily demonized in the film, maybe because Steven Spielberg is Jewish.

1- FIRST SCENE - The Army Intelligence
 -      7 Minutes

 This is one of the earlier scenes of the film but not the very first one. Archaeologist Indiana Jones who is also a College Professor is approached by some Army Intelligence officers about intercepting a message of the Germans (the talk between them starts at 2:30 min of this video). Jones arrives at the conclusion that the city outside Cairo where Nazis are actively engaged in an archaeological dig has the connection with the Ark of the Covenant. At the end an officer says “An Army that carries the Ark before it is invincible.”

The creepy music at 6:40 min when Jones shows a picture of the Ark to the officers tells the viewers what may lie ahead in the film.

 2-  SECOND SCENE - The truck chase

-      8 Minutes

The Nazi team accompanied by a French archaeologist (a rival of Jones) succeeds in locating the Ark and is carrying it away in a truck. Our hero is an Archaeologist and College Professor who not only shows his stunt as a horse rider but drives a truck as if he has been a truck-driver all his life. He does not back off after even a gun-shot wound in his arm, all humanly unbelievable feats. Good action for the viewers though in this scene which is towards the end of film.

3- Third Scene - Opening of Ark

-      5 Minutes
This is perhaps the second-last scene of the film. If you have a weak heart then it is suggested that you do not watch it. The ark (the chest) is being opened by the Nazis led by Belloq (the French Archaeologist) but a nasty surprise awaits them while Jones along with his friend is tied to a pole.

-      DESCRIPTION:  S Roman Ahsan (12th July, 2020)

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