Sunday 26 July 2020

"Films and Islam" - by S Roman Ahsan

FILMS AND ISLAM - 26th July, 2020

QUESTION: Is watching films allowed in Islam? Should a true believer watch films?

ANSWER: We are living in an imperfect world. Everyone is accountable to Allah according to his/her circumstances and environment as to how he/she strives as per Islamic teachings.

Watching films is not really allowed in Islam. We need to avoid watching  unnecessary films and restrict our viewing habits to useful content which serves Islam as best as we can apart from content related to modern day requirements of science/technology, healthcare, life matters, career etc. But on overall basis our environments, both at home and outdoors, are devoid of Islamic purity owing to different uncontrollable factors. We are unable to engage ourselves in healthy physical activities also on regular basis. Considering all this we need to strike a balance in today’s world though no compromise on our basic concepts of Islam and our basic worship acts.

If watching a relatively clean good classic film once in a while lifts one’s mood then it is better than sulking which can cause friction with your close ones also. But we have to keep a check on ourselves lest we get carried away in this game! Some films provide worthy lessons of life to us but most films today are nevertheless only to provide entertainment value to viewers without any moral barriers. Censorship has been totally lifted also. Today's films can be compared with fast food which offers lots of taste and spice but has little nourishment value!

In Pakistan, currently we are producing cheap films in line with the same trends as in Bollywood with item songs and dance numbers. Such kinds of films are destroying the moral fabric of nation. To top it the Pakistani films made on patriotic themes in the last 15 years or so have been doing disservice to both ideology of Pakistan and ideology of Islam (list includes 'Khuda Kay Liay', 'WAAR', 'Sher Dil', 'Azaadi' etc). Hence we may find it better to watch classic Hollywood films sometimes than the current cheap stuff produced by Pakistani cinema. The quality of Pakistani films needs to be greatly elevated but what can you do if the level of moral values of the Pakistani society at large has drastically gone down? The producers in Pakistan thus try to cater to their taste which is more in tune with Bollywood films and also Indian TV plays being shown continuously on cable TV in Pakistan in the last 20 years.

As for International films (or plays) made on Islamic heroes / history, we need to be honest with ourselves. Do we watch such films or plays to implement Islamic lessons in our lives or just for entertainment? The fact is that most Muslims today watch such films or plays only for fun just like any other entertaining film or play which has no relevance with Islam. Instead of such films it is better to listen to lectures or to read books by different Islamic scholars and draw commonalities with the purpose to implement Islamic lessons in life or to at least strive!

Lastly, we are living in the first phase of End times as per the signs mentioned or prophesized in Sahih Ahadith (sayings of our Prophet pbuh). The Anti-Christ (Dajjal) who will be the false Messiah and who will be the greatest fitnah (test) for mankind from the time of Prophet Adam (pbuh) till Judgement Day will be One-Eyed (just one eye functional and blind in the other eye). 

We note that the camera was invented just over a century and a half ago and it is one-eyed (though rectangular-shaped but still like one eye). The television (including today’s flat screens), the computer or laptop screens, the cell-phones etc., all these are shaped as one-eyed. This was pointed out by an Islamic scholar and he might be right as these technological devices are being used more for the spread of evil or immoral content than for the good thus serving the agenda of Anti-Christ (Dajjal) who will ultimately lead the greater part of humanity away from the One God’s message!

Hence, to conclude we all need to be careful in these times regarding our media viewing habits and with our other trends in life in general!

-      By S Roman Ahsan (26th July, 2020)

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