Sunday 6 June 2021

Pakistan, Ghazwa-e-Hind, Sheikh Imran Hosein’s Lahore stay, Necessary items for house

Pakistan, Ghazwa-e-Hind, Sheikh Imran Hosein’s Lahore stay, Necessary items for house


I was planning to pen down some thoughts about my post on Sheikh Imran Hosein’s lecture at Lahore but couldn’t find time earlier. However, before that the post which I wrote about stocking essential consumer items for the house in relation to Ghazwa-e-Hind was spontaneous. Two days later on June 04 then I discovered the lecture PAKISTAN AND THE GREAT WAR by Sheikh Imran Hosein at Lahore on my YouTube home page and shared that also.


Is it gut feeling that I say about stocking essential consumer items for home or something else? It is something else about which I may not share the details but it is still my personal insight (not from worldly sources). I have bought rice, sugar and flour for the house (other necessary items I plan to buy soon in sha Allah) and believe that one-month supply is good enough. We need to keep stocking a month’s supply of necessary consumer items.


War is ugly but Ghazwa-e-Hind is what the believers are waiting for. It seems Allah took some good work from Imran Khan and his party for Pakistan also though there is much to desire for. But still he has been the best in this current electoral-political system at least though we should not support this political system. Nawaz Shareef, Zardari and Fazlur Rehman have been bad news for Pakistan. Imran Khan’s government took some anti-Islamic steps also during their tenure like building or renovating worship places of Non-Muslims from their government’s budget. But nobody among us is perfect and he took some other good steps for the country as well like strengthening the public institutions and his smart strategy on countering Corona pandemic which has been a huge threat to the world at large.


Almighty Allah’s plan works in stages. After the cleaning of country, the stage is now set in Pakistan for Caliphate (Khilafat) which is our destiny and many spiritual beings have stated that Khilafat in the Muslim world will be first institutionalized in Pakistan and then will spread to the whole world. Pakistan will be at the center of it and the Leader of Ummah in sha Allah. We in fact do not have to say “in sha Allah” for it even and Allah will raise a leader in Pakistan for that.


In Ghazwa-e-Hind many might die in Pakistan and India but Muslims do not fear death. The world needs a big surgery and it will be done through wars now and not through proposals, debates or peace talks. Secondly, these wars will be initiated by enemies of Islam and Pakistan. The concern of some groups in the world about the extent of damage to the world’s environment through Nuclear Wars is a bluff. But we don’t know for sure if it does not carry weight. For Muslim believers, there are good news in any case and they have to have strong faith in Allah that whatever happens will be good and they will emerge victorious and serene at the end.


When Muslims die in wars even when not directly taking part in fighting even then they are martyrs in the eyes of Allah. Hence, we need to have intention about martyrdom and leave it to Allah who will survive.


The current systems in the world do not really benefit the mankind at large. They are designed to make a tiny elite of people in the world fabulously wealthy. This tiny elite is also controlling the whole world after Almighty Allah of course. Next, Capitalism makes us work like dogs and we keep running after artificial lifestyles and products so that we can become a part of current social norms. All this has to go and a natural system which grants abundance to all has to arrive now with the world becoming a beautiful place where fruits of spirituality pour forth everywhere.


Till next time, Allah Hafiz – S Roman Ahsan – June 07, 2021.

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