Tuesday 19 August 2014

Thought(s) for Wednesday - Aug20, 2014

Thought(s) for Wednesday - Aug20, 2014


- Bhutto was also a highly educated person. But when he used to address the nation in open air, he used to get passionate and at times used to throw fists in the air. So please don't pass childish remarks by saying that Imran Khan should act like an educated person. I did not vote in the last year elections and don't support any single party just to clarify. But Imran Khan took a bold step also by blocking NATO supplies for many months on his own when the federal government (Nawaz's government) which is slave to US and imperial powers was opposed to it. Blocking of NATO supplies was challenged in the court by the government (Nawaz's government) and finally the supplies were reopened by PTI. So please don't forget all this.

- The protests by both processions are peaceful to-date. Nawaz Government lost merit by blocking public roads and routes in Punjab before August 14. This showed insecurity and guilt on the part of Nawaz government to suppress the truth. The protestors should not engage in violence though and avoid confrontation with any oppressive measures of government. Human lives are very precious and we don't want bloodshed of innocent people and thus more resulting revenge campaigns by those affected.

- And well, both male and female members of PTI should behave well in the protests. Shameless behavior by females like dancing while men are observing is condemnable. They should make it a sober protest and stay within the limits. This is not their drawing room or family wedding function. On the other hand, some saboteurs uploading fake pictures of dancing girls and labeling them as from PTI. Some other people countered that with posts clarifying that those were from Indian movie clips. What cheap maneuvers by opponents of the protests !!

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