Saturday 17 August 2019

17th August - General Zia-ul-Haque's Death Anniversary

17th August - General Zia-ul-Haque's Death Anniversary

Today is the death anniversary of late General Zia-ul-Haque. We have to think purely from the perspective of love for Pakistan and Islam to arrive at some truths here rather than subscribing to confused notions of democracy, military dictatorship or opinions of some so-called literary circles in Pakistan.

Genuine spiritual people in Pakistan have testified that General Zia (late) was a noble person. He was known as Mard-e-Momin before the media propaganda by haters of Islam which commenced right after the unfortunate and tragic plane crash that killed 30 persons on 17th August, 1988, most of whom were top Pakistani military personnel. Prominent Islamic Scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein opined that though General Zia succumbed to some bad steps also (as he was helpless during his reign and no one is perfect) but Al-hamdulillah he died as a Momin and Shaheed. 

Russia was planning to attack Pakistan next after Afghanistan and it was General Zia's policies which helped break the enemy before they could advance to Pakistan. The chaos and mayhem after 9/11 in Pakistan cannot be blamed upon General Zia but rather that has been due to General Musharraf's policies of totally aligning with US in its war on terror and also due to terrorist group TTP created by India, Israel and USA. Afghan Taliban were only carrying out a just war of freedom without harming innocent people while TTP in Pakistan used the name of 'Taliban' to defame Afghan Taliban.

General Zia aggressively helped Pakistan become a Nuclear Power in those tough times in spite of international pressure. In his times, TV had a censorship policy against indecency and shameless trends unlike today. After his death in 1988, no government has come in Pakistan to date which has worked for the glory and supremacy of Islam.

May his soul rest in peace - Aameen.

- by S Roman Ahsan.

1 comment:

  1. It is a very nice effort and the list of Gen Zia achievements are far mire than you have described its a pity that unislamic liberals rolled back the goodness of Zia .
    Regardless to any party support Zia doctorine is needed nowadays Hope the Top Brass would feel the same way minus US.JazakAllah khair
