Monday 20 February 2017

Doing nothing is also an action

Doing nothing is also an action

Doing nothing is also an action; not making a decision is making a decision. Bohdi Sanders

If you are just sitting on the couch, vegging out, that in and of itself, is an action. Doing nothing is also an action; not making a decision is making a decision. Everything you do is an action, even if that action is the decision to not act.

By deciding not to get a workout, but instead, to take the afternoon off and sitting in front of the television, you are still acting.

Watching television is an action. Taking a nap is an action.

Everything that you do is some type of action. Whenever you decide not to do one thing, you are deciding to do something else. This is true even if what you decide to do is nothing. Doing nothing is in fact doing something.

Think about it. If you are just sitting in a chair doing nothing, you are sitting in a chair. That is what you are doing. The same thing applies to making decisions. If you decide not to decide, then your decision is to be passive and let life make the decision for you.

What the warrior should always be concerned with is whether his actions are right or wrong. Always use your sense of honor to determine the correct course of action.

You can’t go back and change the past; all you can do is start living right, right now, this very moment. Starting now, strive to make your every action right, according to your own code of honor. Make sure that there is a good reason for everything that you do.

Bohdi Sanders ~ excerpt from the NEW BOOK, The Warrior Ethos

The Warrior Ethos is NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon at: or on my website at: Get Your Copy TODAY!!

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